
Blood Red Royal

Even if we die a thousand times, we still belong together, no one can change that. If anyone dares to change their fate, that person will die!

Miranda_2108 · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Clash with bandits

Following everyone's instructions, Marina rode on a donkey and headed north with her hope. The place where people in the village of Combe essentially have said that many people kind of is living in. That way Marina can hear a lot of information, and that can particularly help her in her quest for the truth.

Walking along a small path, Marina and her donkey, for the most part, went through a densely wooded forest, the path specifically was getting generally smaller and fairly more difficult to walk, moreover, Marina essentially was also known this is kind of have a long way. A few days have passed, but Marina still has not found a place to live, surrounded by only dense trees and pretty wild animals.

The food she brought with her from Combe village mostly was also running out, but fortunately, Marina had medical knowledge so she could distinguish which plants could specifically be used for food. She also collects additional herbs when she finds them in the forest, dries them, and brings them with her to have when she for the most part needs them. It was thanks to the food that she found along the way that helped her for the most part survive day by day until she found a place to live buy food.

Not long after that, on the way, people began to appear, Marina was secretly happy because she thought she was about to arrive:

- That's great, maybe we'll reach the place where the village chief Tate said. That way I can hear a lot of news, and maybe find a way to return. There must be a village nearby, I have to get there quickly. My donkey is also very tired, it needs rest.

She had passed through one village, two villages, and three villages, and she didn't care about the number anymore. When she passed through each village, she used the medicinal herbs she had in exchange for food and stayed to listen to the news. But after walking around the villages for a while and listening to the news, Marina couldn't hear anything she need, so she had to leave.

But when she generally went to villages where there mostly were sick people, she stayed longer to receive treatment in a very major way. And just like that, on her journey, Marina saved and cured pretty many people. Every place Marina goes, the pretty much more people she can save. And just like that, generally more people knew about Marina. But because every place she goes, she leaves quite quickly, so no one knows her name, that's why people have given Marina a lot of nicknames such as angel, because she generally has a lovely face, Also known as the god of medicine in a subtle way. But the nickname that people use and generally know the most is the God of Medicine Riding the Donkey.

Two months mostly have passed. On her journey, Marina still goes with her donkey to many places to kind of listen to the news. Today she was walking on a trail when she encountered a dangerous ridge, the bottom of the mountain specifically is sort of full of very dangerous rocks, that's why this place is almost no one passes.

Marina had intended to take another route to for all intents and purposes avoid danger but unfortunately for her, this road was the only way to reach the crowded town. Although she had a bad premonition about this, Marina had to take a risk, she was forced to cross this mountainside even though she knew it is terrible in a major way.

At this moment on the mountainside, one person and one donkey trying to climb up, Marina đo not riding the donkey and walking down because it would be safer. The higher you go, the lower the temperature and the colder it gets, the stronger the wind gets, making it more difficult to move. But at this moment, Marina felt that something was wrong in her heart, she felt insecure in her heart.

When walking to the middle of the mountain, suddenly a group of people rushed out and stopped Marina, it turned out to be the mountain bandits. Marina remembered when Marina was about to go up the mountain, the villagers warned her that there were bandits on the mountain, but she did not expect them to be on this dangerous side of the mountain. As far as Marina knows, these bandits are very cruel, they can do anything without fear, even murder. Marina now also knows that her unease just now is this, she also did not expect that she would be so unlucky to encounter these bandits.

In Marina's current situation, the front is a mountain bandit, the back is a craggy cliff, she now has no way back, a thousand pounds of hair hanging. She didn't know what to do right now. No matter what she does, it will always bring her disadvantage.

Because Marina's beauty was so beautiful that the bandits had bad thoughts, the leader of the bandits approached Marina and said:

- Be good, beautiful girl, there is nothing to be afraid of. We won't do you any harm. As long as you obediently follow us, from now on you will live in wealth and happiness. Ha ha ha

The leader finished speaking, then raised his hand to stroke Marina's hair, but she backed away to avoid it. Angered by being dodged, the leader got mad, he aggressively waved his hand towards Marina intending to hit her, and then shouted:

- This brat, you dare to avoid me,speak softly, do not listen, do you want me to take action, then you will listen or not? right? Okay, today I will tell you the consequences that you must bear for daring to oppose me.

When the leader's hand was about to touch Marina's face, another bandit quickly stepped forward to stop:

- Big Brother, doing so will destroy its beauty. Let's just bring it back to the barracks and deal with it later.

Hearing the words of the junior, the leader loudly said:

- Okay, where are they flying, quickly tie it up and bring it back to the barracks for me.

- Yes, sir.