
Blood Red Royal

Even if we die a thousand times, we still belong together, no one can change that. If anyone dares to change their fate, that person will die!

Miranda_2108 · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: Saved by the mysterious girl

The leader of the bandits, after finding Marina, grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her out of the rock. But he only appeared alone, with his selfish and lustful nature he wanted to monopolize Marina as his own and did not want his juniors to enjoy it.

Faced with the ferocious leader, Marina is extremely scared, this is the most dangerous time she has ever encountered, and this is also the thing that scares her the most.

Marina was dragged into the bushes by the leader, dragged roughly, Marina struggled and shouted:

- Release me you bastard, you're a disgrace. Get your dirty hands off me! Get outttt!

But it seems that Marina's resistance and fear inadvertently made the leader of the bandit feel excited, he laughed and said in an infamous voice:

- Ha ha ha, keep screaming. No one can save you today.

The robber's words seemed to have a strong impact on Marina's psyche, she felt more scared and now she could not think anymore, she was completely overwhelmed by fear. Marina tried to protest in every way but all in vain.

- Pop!

A slap landed on Marina's face.

As the robber who beat her, Marina's resistance not only did not help her but also backfired, making the robber angry, so he beat her, he also cursed aggressively:

- Will you stop, you make me feel angry. Who do you think you are to go against me, bitch!

Then he used his force to tear Marina's shirt to start his infamous actions. At this moment, Marina seemed hopeless, she had the thought of giving up in her head and her tears began to flow. But suddenly:

- Shit!

A light flashed and:

- Ahhhhhh!

That was the scream of the robber, because, at this time, a very deep cut appeared on the robber's hand, bleeding a lot and causing him great pain. After screaming in pain, he shouted:

- Which bastard is it? Any bastard who dares to sneak up on me, if you have bravery, come out here. Growwwwwww!

When the robber had just finished his sentence, a woman's voice rang out, and she scornfully replied to the robber:

- Your vile bastard only knows how to bully weak women?

Looking in the direction the voice came from, behind a huge tree, a magpie spoke while walking out. She has a tall, muscular body, dark skin tone and neatly pulled platinum hair, delicate face, and sharp eyes.

Seeing her come out, the bandit leader was not afraid, on the contrary, he was happy, he sarcastically said:

- Ha ha ha, though who it was, turned out to be a beautiful woman. Did you come here to dedicate yourself to me? Thus, I have another woman to enjoy. Ha ha ha.

But the vile words poured out by the robber made the listeners feel uncomfortable and nauseous. But the mysterious silver-haired girl showed no fear or concern, in her eyes only a growing disdain for the bandit.

Ignoring the vile and dirty words from the bandit, the mysterious girl turned towards Marina and softly said:

- Excuse me, but can I kill this bastard in front of you?

The mysterious girl's question surprised both Marina and the robber. Marina couldn't believe what she heard, but the robber took that sentence as a joke, he laughed and said:

- Come on, kid, don't think that just now, when you sneaked and cut a sword on me, you thought you were very strong. It was just that I was too careless at that time, but now that I have prepared, don't dream of doing anything.

But the mysterious girl ignored the robber's sentence again, she continued to ask Marina the question just now:

- How? Would you be fine if you saw the murder scene?

Marina was a bit embarrassed at this time, but she saw the girl in front of her eyes full of confidence, so she also put her trust in her. In any case, now there is no other way, the girl in front of her is Marina's only hope, believing in the girl in front of her, Marina steadfastly said:

- If you can, please help me get rid of this bastard.

Receiving Marina's answer, the mysterious girl smiled lightly and patted Marina's head.

Seeing that his words were taken lightly, the bandit leader was extremely angry, he released his hand that was holding Marina tightly because he knew that Marina could not run away, moreover, this was his territory, he held her. Clearly, the topography of this place is in the palm of your hand. Then he frantically rushed towards the mysterious girl.

The bandit was leading because he despised the other girl so much that he did not take out his big knife but rushed at the girl empty-handed. But unlike what he thought, the mysterious girl turned around, took advantage of the inertia of the bandit's large body, and deployed a basic movement to gently knock the robber to the ground with a strong force.

- Boom!

The noise made by the robber's collision with the ground was very loud, which proved that the robber had suffered great damage. He lay on the ground and clutched his chest.

The mysterious girl, after defeating the robber, took a few steps back and sneered and said:

- You only get the big body.

Because the robber's body was large, his skin was thick and fatty, so he quickly got up, although his mind was still a bit dizzy, but he still stood up. He shook his head a few times to wake him up, must have spat a lot of salivae, and then exclaimed:

- Damn it!

In a blow where he was placed on the ground by a small girl, making him feel extremely embarrassed, no longer looking down on his opponent, he pulled out a large knife from his back. He was alert now, picked up his large knife, and once again charged toward the mysterious girl.

Realizing that the robber was alert, the mysterious girl also became serious and stopped playing with him. Her gaze was now sharper and more focused.

The bandit was frantically rushing towards her, waiting for the leader to come into attack, the girl gently dodged the bandit's blade and slipped behind him, and jumped on his back.

- Sprinkle!

The sound came from the robber's neck.

With another gentle movement of the mysterious girl, the bandit's neck was tilted to such a terrible angle that he lost consciousness instantly.

- Boom!

The bandit's large body collapsed to the ground before Marina's surprised eyes, making her unable to believe what was happening in front of her eyes.

After the robber lay on the ground, the mysterious girl pulled out a small knife from her body and gently cut the robber's neck, causing him to log out of the earth. (logout from earth means the bandit is dead).