
Blood Prince

None of this was what the two males had hoped for. 1 male, was thrown away from his own kingdom and turned into a bait for another kingdom. The other male, was just a mysterious, dangerous, cold,deadly Prince living his life, until one special male came by. Too bad, the two just had to fall in love. But unfortunately, looks like the world has different plans for them...

0XIJIN · Others
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Chapter 1: What are they hiding?

"Prince Taehyung, your parents want to talk to you", a tall, broad guard stood at the door of the Prince's room. "Alright, I'm coming".

This prince, Know as Prince Kim Taehyung, was the prince of the Silla Kingdom. A lively kingdom, full of many people.

The King, Kim Seojun, and the Queen, Kim Taeyeon, where known not for being royalty, but for their Lovely, sweet, relationship with each other, and let's not forget their cheerful, bubbly, loud personalities, which explains from where the Prince got his sweet, innocent, kind, bubbly, cheeky personality from.

Taehyung stands up, straightens out his robe and makes sure he look presentable. "Let's go", he says, the guard nods and follows the prince out his room. The walk from Taehyung's room to his parent's room was pretty long.

I mean, look at it this way. His room, was beside the main lake of the castle, very far away from the main castle rooms, meaning he had to walk through long corridors and go through many rooms, to get to his parent's room.

As he exited his room, he was met with a harsh gust of wind.

The wind blew through his long brown, making sway gently, yet somehow pretty memorizing how the brown locks swayed in the air.

It was a few minutes walk until the prince and his guard finally reached his parents room. He walked up to the door and knocked. A soft 'come in' was heard from inside.

Taehyung gently opens the door and walks inside. He immediately bows and smiles.

"Lee, leave please", Taeyeon demands softly to the guard, known as Lee. 'Lee' nods and exits the room, closing the door behind him.

"Mother, father, is there something you need to tell me?", Taehyung asks, tilting his head to the right, making his parents internally coo at their son's cute gestures and actions, "Ah, sweetheart, come closer, sit here", Taeyeon says patting the soft mattress between her and Seojun.

Taehyung obeys and walks to them, he then softly sits on the matress.

His mother smiles and tucks one of his hairs that were on his face behind his ears.

Taehyung grows suspicious of this kind gesture, what was wrong with his parents?

They were acting really weird. But Taehyung decided to let it slide.

"Sweetheart, is alright is you stay with your noona Miyeon for the rest of the day?", his mother asks softly.

"Uhm..sure, I guess? Did something happen?", Taehyung replies. His mother shakes her head, "We just need to prepare the castle for something special, a surprise! But what's a surprise when you already know about it?".

Taehyung nods, "Sure I'll stay with Miyeon", his mother smiles, but her smile seemed to hide something, and let's not forget the glints of concern, sadness, and anger in her eyes, it's just so many emotions in her eyes that the prince cannot decipher.

"Good boy, you are dismissed now, enjoy your time!", his mother says, Taehyung nods and stands up. He bows and walks to the door, exiting the room.

"Enjoy it while he can...", his father whispers.


The loud sound echos throughout the room. A red hand mark remains on the king's face, for the Queen has just slapped the King.

"Watch your words Seojun. I do not know what happened to you and why you decided to throw your own son away! Be grateful the Moon Goddess didn't curse you with anything till now! And he's not leaving yet. I want to spend time with my son before he leaves, or shall I say, get thrown away by his own father?", the Queens spat, venom lacing her harsh voice.

"I hope you sleep thinking about your son and how much pain you are going to cause him. I cannot believe you, I don't even want to believe that my own husband, a supposedly proud father with a handsome, kind,loving,sweet son is throwing away someone dear on him out of the kingdom! AND THAT PERSON IS HIS OWN SON!", Taeyeon continues yelling.

The King remains silent, gritting his teeth.

The Queen spits at his face and takes off their mirage ring from his finger, "I hope you live in agony and sorrow you fucking asshole", she then throws her ring at the King's face, "Good luck finding a new wife and son. I had decided that I am going to leave. I am going to protect Taehyung no matter what. Even if it costs me my life".

The King though, he remains silent, anger and fury burning in his eyes.

He suddenly throws the ring at the wall and yells in frustration, "FUCK YOU TAEYEON! FUCK YOU! I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL! YOU AND YOUR STUPID SON! I DID THIS FOR A REASON! YOUR SON IS GAY! HE LIKES THE SAME GENDER! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THIS WILL RUIN OUR REPUTATION AS ROYALTY?!", once the king finishes his mini tantrum, the queen chuckles darkly.

She steps closer to the king until their faces are a few inches away.

She places to fingers and leans by his ear, "Well then, if my son is gay, I support him. And guess what? I am lesbian. Even before we got married. I have always hated you. You were the reason I couldn't marry the love of my life. Fucking burn in hell you devil".

She then backs away and slaps the king once more.

"Good bye bitch", she laughs again and walks out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

The king grits his teeth again and yells once more, punching the walls, and destroying everything in his room.

"Just wait Taeyeon...just wait you and your faggot of a son".

The queen meanwhile, had asked a few maids to pack her and Taehyung's stuff.

The queen might have thought this was a great idea. But she is yet to think about it again, because it seems like Taehyung and her future is holding so many things for them. Including 2 certain people...

Hello! Author-nim right here. I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter! I promise the next chapters will even be better. Just a heads up, this book has two books to it. Book 2 will be published once book 1(this book) is done! Again, I hope you enjoyed the book!

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