
Blood of youth

After being maltreated and then dumped by his family, jian ling's life took a turn for the better as his supposed disastrous fate turned into a lucky one in the forest of death as it was there he finally found out about the truth about his origins and then met his to be companion. His endless ascension journey officially begun here.

chyboy_chiboy · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Awakening

He kept walking foward for quite a while but found no river.He cursed under his breath about where all his luck went to.

Why murmuring, His eyes caught sight of a tree,and on this tree,there was only one fruit,this fruit was whitish in colour and hard powdered substance all over it.

When he saw it,his first reaction was to rush over and devour the fruit but soon his brain got the better of him and he finally started thinking straight,he knew that there was something strange about this tree as there was no other species of it in the surrounding.

And the weirdest of it all was that it had only one fruit on it.This made jian ling think twice about eating this fruit as it might be harmful or even kill him.

But soon he threw all caution to the wind as he knew that if he didn't eat this fruit he will probably die of hunger sooner or later.

He immediately stretched out his hands towards the tree and pluck the fruit,The tree wasn't all that high and was about his height so it was quite easy for him to pluck the fruit.

As he plucked the fruit,He first studied it round for a short amount of time before taking a little bite out of it.

The fruit was tasteless and had no water in it,it wasn't something he will be willing to eat if he had an option two,but at this point,he had no other option so he had to settle for the fruit.

He closed his eyes and slowly started devouring the fruit bit by bit fill not even the branch attached to the fruit remained.

The moment he finished eating the food,He started feeling dizzy,He started staggering as he couldn't stand or walk well any more,soon he fell flat on the ground.

At this point many things started flashing through his mind,from the moment he was born to the moment of his awakening which was when his problem started,The awakening was what human beings did to enable them to be able to cultivate magical energy and begin thier cultivation,it was a memorable day for every family as that was the day they get to identify the talent of their family and give them extra attention and nurturing so as to turn them into expert of the clan in the future.

Jian ling was the best on that day and was suppose to receive utmost care,concern,attention and nuturing, but that wasn't the case for him,instead it was the day all his previous troubles were amplified.

He had always looked forward to that day as he though if he could perform well on that day,it will change his parent opinion about him.

But alas,Things didn't go as planned.He proceeded to think about his sister who was taking a year after his awakening year which was when he was six years old.it had become a tradition for humans to undergo thiier awakening during six years old.