
Blood of the travelers

Nate_Inman · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Light of Day

"so who is first?" no none said anything at first. Athenia had tears in her eyes, grandpa and Danny bot just sat there, stoic, but not quite sorrowful, not yet. J.R just sits there giddy as school kid. Athenia got up and walked over to me, tears running down her cheeks, she is shaking visibly, she stands right in front of me, her hands are right at her sides, then she does something that catches me off guard, she slaps me, the clap form the skin on skin contact echos off the walls, there is now a red mark on cheek. I turn my head, and the she hugs me, sobbing into my shirt.

"glad someone did that."


"I thought that they killed you." She says looking up at me with a half smile. I wipe away her tears, with a smile

"sadly they tried but failed yet again man I think that I'm starting to get a immortality complex." She laughs and nuzzles her face into my chest.

"I have a question, what happened?" Danny says and grandpa just nods.

"well I suppose that is the right question with a complex answer, first grandpa send out an message and get everyone of our family under ground, including my parents, it is to dangerous for them to know that I'm alive..."

"why? What good would that do?"

" Stephan turned Samantha, into one of his luckiest, I'm so sorry that I brought this mess onto your plate grandpa. I feel absolutely responsible for causing this to happen." Grandpa said nothing, just sat there, in silence. For a long time he said nothing, his face was the only indication of emotion, he was a mix of crushed, devastated, and sad. A few tears started to well up n his eyes, Danny's as well. Neither one of them said anything for a very long time.

"how do you know this?" grandpa finally said, while choking back the grief.

"because she, was there, she..." this part is going to be particularly painful for me to say. And I know that I'm going to get hit for saying it but I feel it must be said. "she tired to have sex with me, then she fed off me, after Stephan tickled my liver with his finger." Athenia took a step back away from me, the tears were replaced by anger, at what I don't know. She also kept clenching and unclenching her hands into fists. Danny's about hits the floor, J.R gives me a disgusted look, grandpa looks like he about ready to explode, I brace for the batting I'm about to receive.

"did she use her saliva?" Athenia asks breaking the silence. I look at her and turn my head in shame. I feel like I betrayed her. She did after all save my life, more than once.

"it's no excuse if she did or not, we will discuss that later, Xavier I'm disaponted that you let her do that to." I turn to face grandpa and open my mouth to say something, then think it better if just shut it. And wait till grandpa and I have a moment. I feel used and repulsed at my self for letting her do that to me.

"she did however save my life, no matter how you look at it. She made it seem like I was dead, in order for J.R here to take control of my body and allow me to escape.

"and the bow?" grandpa asks with his eyebrows raised.

"it is how I got this." I say lifting up my shirt to revel the massive scar the Nemiryiruss gave me. "grandpa, I think you know what lies with n the bow don't you. That's why you had it up in the attic. It used to belong to J.R here and he gave it to you for safekeeping. I have a hunch that you also know abut whom resides within the bow as well."

"I do, however I had no idea that you would be the one to wield it, frankly I'm quite surprised that you beat him." I can see that he has a smile starting to creep into the corner of his mouth.

"okay what are you guys talking about? Who Nemiryiruss, why do you have that nasty scar. What is so important about this bow?" Danny asks

"Nemiryiruss is the lord of the dragons, all dragons. And he is well the first dragon ever and-"

"I think that I should explain this one Xavier." J.R interrupts, "it's not that I think that you will get it wrong it's just that it's a complex explanation, that I think should be told by the person who witnessed it first hand." I nod in agreement.

"okay so after the creation of the universe the one person who created it, who's name is only know by the high elder god's, decided that it is to much work to watch the cosmos by himself, so created two other gods to help him they are know as: Qemdros, god the day, and Yranra, goddesse of night. Then they fell in love, and had a baby who's name is Ixbus: god of life and death. As Ixbus was growing up he felt lonely so he asked the god of creation for help, and the god of creation gave him Coztia: goddess of destiny. They both had three children who's names are: Wsion, god of earth, Magi, god of nature, and Rausoi, goddesse of nature. However all three grew lonely on earth and wished to be with their parents watching the cosmos with their parents, the the three came up with an idea, to trick Ixbus into creating someone who cold watch over all of earth, he agreed and created Ycion: god of destruction, and mountains. This did not sit well with Qemdros or Yranra, so they went to Ixbus and asked why he created someone like Ycion. However Ixbus did not answer his parents which made them angry so they in turn created Ehena: goddess of torture, to torture her new brother to give up who asked that Ycion be created, she did as instructed for many years never resting, which made Ixbus's wife Coztia angry, so she created Etheia: goddesses of medicine. Who made a sleep potion and gave it to Extend we fell asleep and allowed Ixbus to escape. The god of creation saw this and did not approve so he created Exdall: god of order and duty, to remind all the others god's of the roles in the universe. He straightened everything out and conclude that the violation that had been committed had to be made right, so he went to the god of creation and asked for help, and wisdom on how to correct the situation. The god of creation called all of his children to him, and basically smacked some sense into them. And said that if they mess up again like this then we will make them all mortal and exile them to earth to live out the rest of their days. Well needles to say they did and the god of creation stripped them of their immortality and bashed them all to earth. Where they lived on the rest of their day, and created humans, however Etheia became very sick, and without a cure she did not die, not yet any way, she was suspended in eternal torment. The god of creation came down and did all he could to save his daughter however, but failed. Filled with grief that his daughter could not move on or get better, he created Vuta: goddess of the afterlife, to take his daughter and usher into the next life. She asked what he would like her do with his daughters soul. He said make her immortal and bring her to me once you are finished. She did as her father commanded and brought Etheia to her father, he said my daughter I'm sorry for what has befallen you and your siblings, I have reinstated your immortality and goddess hood. She thanked him and asked if that once all of her siblings die that my to join her in immortality and godhood. He agreed to her terms. Once all the gods and goddesses died they joined their sister and father in god hood. But the humans who were left behind started o grow angry and hateful towards each other so upon seeing this Xdall went to his father and asked him create one more god to watch the sky's of either and keep order in war, preserve life and death, make sure the waters and river kept flowing, that the crops kept growing, that life would basically keep on going. He created Adhoini: god of fire, water, wind, earth, war and peace, life and death. The god of creation told Adhoini to listen to his brother Xdall and fallow his example. Adhoini agreed and thanked his father for creating him, once on earth he saw what the humans were doing and filled with rage that they killing eachother, so he asked Qemdros and Yraura to plunge the world into darkness, to teach the humans a lesson. They asked the god of creation if that was okay and he agreed that the humans needed to be taught a lesson, and he praised Adhoini for his wit. And so the world was plunged into darkness, for many years the wars stopped and there was peace. But eventually they start again, so Adhoini went to the god of creation and asked for help, he said father they no longer frea the night do I have your permission to create something that they will fear, to stop killing each other. Again the god of creation praised Adhoini for his love and compassion for the humans and he agreed. And so Adhoini created a dragon that was a black as the night, sucking the light from the world, with sapphire eyes, and blood-red wing tips and called him Nemiryiruss: lord of the dragons. The humans feared and cowered down to the beast, for a short time. However unknown to the gods other monsters crept up from the darkness. Once the day and night were brought back Adhoini realized what all the wars were about, as well the god of creation. He took Adhoini aside and son we were both fools to think that something like this would not happen and I'm sorry for my misjudgment, Adhoini said father it was my idea and take full responsibility for it, punish me as you see fit. With a sad lol in his eye the god of creation agreed and told Adhoini to go to earth to and wipe out this evil. He agreed and came down to earth, killing all the evil he could find. He came to my town in search of volunteers for the upcoming war, I of course did and was refused by him, and sent on my way. I went down to the river to think about why he refused my services when herd what sounded like screaming coming from down the river. I didn't think I just ran, and kept running till I found what causing the screaming. I came to clearing and found Nemiryiruss under heavy chains being stabbed by trolls. The nay weapon I had on me was my bladed bow that used for hunting, I fought off the tools at great cost I was gravely injured during the battle, as I fell I felt someone catch me and it was Adhoini he said I can save you but it means that I will have to bind your soul to Nemiryiruss and his soul. I agreed if it was to save the lord of the dragons, then I was fine with it. He said that I might not make it and that my fate was now n the hands of the gods. It worked and Nemiryiruss was bond to me and my soul. He was physically apart of my every being. Adhoini had no choice but to take into his army. We went on many adventure together. Until we got in over our heads we were ambushed and Adhoini fell, I avenged him by killing the demon who killed him, then I fell as well. I remember that in my last moments of life that there was bright flash of emerald light, then it started to rain. I awoke in the cosmos surrounded by the gods, they praised my courage and bravery. The god of creation told me that was to be a servant of Adhoini for all eternity and he let me keep the wings I have today. And Nemiryiruss was made whole again. Until Adhoini met a woman and felt in love. However it was not meant to be, for Nemiryiruss also met a dragon and they fell in love and had many hatchlings, however this woman that Adhoini loved so much was stealing eggs and killing Nemiryiruss's hatchlings, in order to gain immortality. So the lord of the dragons ate her. Adhoini was furious and banished the old of the dragons to space between spaces, he banished him to my bow. Then we were called to art once again to clean up another mess and we slew thousands. Each soul that my bow took was placed with Nemiryiruss. Then I lost it for the centuries, anyone who picked the bow up had to fight Nemiryiruss in order to wield it, no one has been able to do so until Xavier did not more than a hour ago."

"well now if that won't go to my head he I don't know what will. This going to be a long night does any one want any coffee?" I say with a laugh. They all nod in agreement. I walk into the kitchen and starts to make coffee, I put the water into it, and walk back out into the living room.

"so where is Sam now?" grandpa asks while looking down at the ground.

"I believe that she is with the council right now."

"can we see if there if there is any way to contact Ember and see if she has any contacts on the inside? Plus it would be really wonderful to see her again."

"wait how does she know about about Ember?"

"simple she the child of prophecy, she can walk in the daylight and is the only one who can wear the daylight crown." My mouth drops to the floor.

"how is that possible?"

"I think I can answer that one." J.R says. He takes a deep breath like he is reluctant to say what he knows. " I knew her mother and father from my time with Adhoini, she wanted to hide the existence of vampire kind and stick to the shadows, because she told me that she like me has every right to live, like another creature, and Adhoini took pity on her and agreed with her. He allowed her to gather like minded individuals and created the very first council of vampire's upon which their duty was to keep order amongst themselves. However her mother met her father who the exact oppiset of her. And I'm sure that you can figure out the rest." I turn to Athenian who looks on in shocked silence. I can see tears start to reform in her eyes. She has her hands clenched into fists.

"okay we will rest here for however long, it's early and none of have gotten any sleep. I'll send out the word to our family and let them to go to ground, James You can have the couch. My dear the problem lies with you, where would you like to sleep?"

"she can sleep with me Gradpa, I have got the extra cot in my room." I say, she looks at me with a quzical look on her face.

"I have so many more questions though."

"ugh okay fine, I did say that I'd answer all of your questions didn't I, you are going to make an honest man out of aren't you."


"okay who wants coffee." I walk into the kitchen and grab five cups, now I like foo-foo coffee lots of sugar and cream, for the taste of black coffee tastes like the time I threw up my own blood.

"hey Athenia how do you like your coffee?" I yell as I poor the coffee

"lots of sugar and cream please." I turn around there she is and I almost drop the cups.

"shit make some noise next time scare the shit outta me why don't you."

"sorry I remember that next time." She says with a smile. She leans up and try to kiss my neck and I pull away, with the memories of Sam still fresh in my mind I don't feel like being all touchy feel, right now.

"is that where she fed on you? If it is I complete understand." She grab my face and pulls it down to look at her eyes. "I'm just glad that you are okay and that you made it here, I don't know what I would I have done if they actually killed you." I look at her with a blank expression, and dead eyes. I don't mean to do this. I mean she is really, really cute, and her personality is flawless even if she is vampire, she is the kind of person that I could go out with, take her on dates to the movies and stuff like that.

"I'm glad that I made it out to, there is just that has happened, and I need time to grieve for my friends, and lost loved ones first. I just need space to think Athenia I really like you but I haven't had time to unwind and process all that's happened in the past year and half, you know?" a single tear runs down her face, I know that she is crushed, however a slight smile works it's way to her lips,

"come on everyone still has way more questions, so grab the coffee and come on." She grabs her cup and two more and walks away, I watch as her hips sway back and forth making her butt bounce, she looks back and gives me a playful smile, and I can feel my face start to turn red, at the fact that she caught me looking at her. I grab my coffee and walk out into the living room, Danny and grandpa both have there coffee, and Athenia tentatively sips her cup. I hand J.R his cup and go back to where I was leaning before.

"so what happened to you while were in captivity?" Danny asks while sipping his coffee.

"honestly man it was really hard. They would come get me from my cell, ask me the same goddamned question over and over again, where is the flash drive, where is the flash drive. When I didn't tell them where I hid it they would beat me, so to fuck with them I took out guard after guard. But they in turn would whip me, beat me, burn me, basically you get the jist of what I'm trying to say. We were caught in a perpetual loop of insanity neither side gaining any ground."

"Where was Athenia during this whole process?"

"Me, where was I?"

"yes you."

"I'd like to know as well."

"I was watching, what they were doing to you in shock and horror, it was terrible, but I couldn't say a word that my father would hear. Until he wanted to hear it. I couldn't make myself known to you because they kept me under lock and key as well, only difference was that it was mental torture. Though when you were in medical sometimes recovering from your injures they would let me come see you, I felt like shit because there was nothing that I cold to stop it until I was put into that cell..." she takes a moment to compose herself

"I don't believe you." Danny says with pricing and prodding eyes.


"well because we have no proof about what your saying. How do we know if it's true or not?" The room is quite, no says a word. Athenia searches from face to face lotion for anyone to believe her.

"fine if you don't beilve me then how about I show you, is there a computer anywhere in this dump?" the anger in her voice I clear, and I feel bad after all that she has done for and I don't believe her, she has every right to be angry with me, yet with day and grandpa she has yet to prove herself to them. I understand why as well when the council sends out a small army and estrous your house looking for one or two people it's only natural to wary of any and all newcomers.

"kid we what to believe you it's just after recent events it's kinda hard to swallow the whole I just watched and play the sweet and naïve card with us, now don't get me wrong we are really grateful that you helped Xavier here escape, and I'm sure that he is as well, it is just that Danny and I don't trust you fully just yet. Now it's nothing personal it's how we live out lives not really truly trusting anyone not even ourselves in certain situations, and this is one of those situations right now. We want to trust in what your saying its just that if we were put n the position that you were put in we would have done something sooner is all. Plus if you have proof of what went on in wherever you two were holed up it help us bring down the council that is now twisted and corrupt and we all it is that is why so many people are leaving it right now."

"do you all feel the same way?" with heads hug low we all nod in agreement.

"okay fine" she let's out a sigh, "I understand I wouldn't believe me either so if there is a computer some where I can just show you what I mean."

"how so?" I ask, she just smiles, and grandpa, turns on the t.v and pulls out one of those flexible plastic key boards. The screen is open to google.

"don't worry about being hacked anyone who dares gets a virus sent to them that watches their every moment and copies it so that once the virus in the later stages will just open to this windows that are most frequently used aasit slowly eaten there hard drive and motherboard from the inside out and effectively destroyes everything no mater if it's backed up onto a zip drive. It will infect the computer so completeily that it gives us time to move, which is done automaticly via a secret web page that's run off Linux, and if anyone ever finds they can't hack because it's in a consistent state of motion that can not be tracked."

"wow you guys really don't trust anyone do you?"

"nope." Grandpa says with a smile.

"okay, now this may take some time." She opens up the command center and start typing, it takes me a minute but I figure out that she is hacking something. Her fingers fly on the keyboard ticking and tacking away alerts for fire walls kept popping and going away with green access accepted boxes as fast as they pop up. It's fricking awesome I'm really impressed actually, I didn't now that she had this is in her. She keep at it blowing past firewall and finding back doors. Then another window pops up that says "WARRING: HACKER ATTACK IMMINENT"

"that's cute, I hope that they like getting destroyed." Athenia says as her fingers countiune to fly, the screen lit up with multiple warning boxes anywhere from virus detected, to hard-drive wiped.

"hey what's with these warning boxes?" I ask

"oh it's just some amiture hacker who thinks that they can play wit the big dogs, little do they know that I was there when the first virus took hold on someone's hard drive. They will go away in second."

"wait you were there when the first hack like the very first hack ever took place?"

"yea sure you could say that I was there, others would disagree with you however."

"hold on were the first hacker ever?" a smile is all I got in response to that question. The warning boxes sped up there pace.

"so what's that mean?"

"that they are panicked, I'm sending them viruses that haven't been seen in the computer world since the computer was first invented, I speak such a dead language of code the modern computers no longer have any protection against them. And bingo his motherboard is probably melting down by now."

And with that all messages stopped, she entered one more command into the computer and it shut down and restarted, then a thumbs up boxed popped up that said your system is all clean. She smiled and counting with what she was doing in the first place. A window came up with video feeds of the cave system that I was in and they were live. Bodies still lying there blood staining the rock, we watched and a cleaning crew showed up. She clicked on save videos and created a new folder she titled it "proof" then it started transferring the files, then she exited out of the site and sent one more virus that would completely wipe everything and not leave a trace that she was there in the first place.

"anyone want to go make some popcorn before we watch any of these security videos?"

"wait your father was recording the past year and half?"

"no, I was recording it and he had no idea." Grandpa got up and hugged her with a smile on his face he then laughed with was rare if he wasn't watching an old Charlie Chaplin film which made everyone laugh, everytime with out fail.

"little girl you brought us a gold mine of Intel that I'm sure will prove useful."

We all sat down and watched tape after tape, clip after clip, she showed me parts of the caves the I didn't know existed, lavish room, a bathing pool that I most certainly would have loved to use on more than one occasion. And she had a mountain of evidence to back up herself up as well, including arguments between them about how it was wrong to treat in such a horrific way. She even got all my interrigation tapes, including the last few, she also captured our escape.

"hey how did you get a camera into my cell?"

"well that was super easy I hid I'm one of the screws in you door." We kept watching everything that happened to me, some of the stuff even I forgot about, I watched as grandpa, Danny, and J.R had horrified, sad, disgusted, and anger filling their faces. After her little home movies got done and over with no one spoke, they all had sad oops on their faces and I know that they are beating themselves up for not being there to come to my rescue.

"hey look guys that in the past okay? I'm here now safe and sound."

"yea sure man, I think that I can speak for all of us when I say I'm sorry for not looking harder, make we would have found you. The shit that they did to you none of us would have been able to take for as long as you did without breaking."

"I didn't break because of guys, the though of them doing any of this stuff to any of you is what kept me going to waddle all these things because no matter what I care to much for allot of people and I had broken then I would have let everyone of them down." Their demands didn't change.

"I'll be right back." I walk into the bathroom and grab the bags of bud I grabbed before I left the house.

"hey guys this will lift your spirits?' I say holding up the bags. They all look up and laughed my and joke.

"dude only you would think to grab the bud after making it out of the house alive."

"hold on I think I left my pipe here let me go check my room really quick." I leave and go get pipe it's a simple pipe nothing special about it has a carb, and on the stem it splits and makes the infinity sing and reconnects at the mouth piece, I call her soulfirea. Because one time I said it a jamcian accent, when I really got baked out of mind and it sounded like soulfire. I walk out into the living room and pack a bowl, it's so tight that there is no airflow so I poke it down through the hole at the bottom of the bowl, it works like a charm.

"who wants greens?"

"I think that deserve the first hit man, seeing as though you brough the shit back from the house." Everyone nods their heads in agreement. I take the first hit, and inhale deep til; l I feel like my lungs are about to explode. I pass it to my left which is Athenina, she takes it and coughs really hard and for a long time. They pass it all the way around the circle till it gates back to me, I finally exhale with a thin wisp of smoke coming out. I look at the bowl and notice that they are still greens in it on the edge of the bowl. I stamp the weed down to compact it. We sit and pass it around two more times til the bowl is gone, I load another one and keep on passing it around. A fine fog has settled in the room.

"hey guys you know what weird?" I ask

"no what?"

"that we have all of these different religions and none of them tell anyone to kill eachother over with one they think is right."

"well what do they preach about?"

"love man love, now think about that what is love, it's all these different complex emotions that our brains tell us to feel."

"Holly shit man your fucking high right now."

"no listen, I have a theory." I take moment to compose my thoughts. "okay so there are these pasifst moans walking down a trial, and they happen to believe that if anyone is in trouble that they can help themselves out right. So they are walking down this trial and they see a woman trapped in a ragging river one them just keeps walking, the other one jumps in and saves this poor woman, he catches up with the first monk who just kept walking right. They walk for miles and miles till the first one turns to the second and ask him why he saved that woman from dieing in the River. The second one turns to him and asks him why he is still carrying that, all this way when he let it go at he river. So think about this guy's you know how every thing is energy and that is broken up into sub catigoeris, and how everything is just protons and neutrons well they are both circular right? Well life is circle right, so therefore why can't emotions be circular as well. Like love and hate they go hand in hand right? You can't have one without the other. So let's think about all other little emotions go into love, and hate both. There is compassion for love, and jealousy for hate, and they are all connected, like religion preaches about love it's just people take it far an spill over into hate, which cause wars. And bam that is a circle right there, so if one of these circles is broken it's like our own suit of arm and that one link has the ability to let in all sorts of stuff like depression and anxiety. Well if we broke the circle and everything is infinite then we can fix the things that broken. Now my question is do we chose not to fix them or do we allow those things to control us? For example say that we are in a war and our commander suddenly breaks his leg and can no longer counting to fight, do we fix it, or do we surrender and the opposing forces take our land, like Awe shit game over we are done for, you win we surrender. Hell no we fix it we sometimes don't know how to fix some stuff but some how we always do, is that human will or just us being stubborn?" no said anything for a long time, so I just smoked another bowl, and another, and another while they thought about what I just said. Soon eight bowls down grandpa finnalily speaks up and his face lites up.

"dude you need to write that down and make sure someone other than us hears about it. Because it makes sence we all have the power to love and hate, but some don't love themselves they only focus on the bad, instead of the good, and the thing with pacifist makes sence as well why carry something for that long and not just let it go?"

" because we liked hold grudges against the people or thing that have done us harm, the to far into hate that they can no longer see love. They are in hole and can't get out and other people are either stuck in the same hhole, or just to stuck up to help."

"you guys are making my brain hurt." Athenia says with a giggle.

"Holly shit man your eyes are like demon eyes right no." J.R says. I stumble over to a mirror, peel my eyes open because they are almost all the way shut and look my eye are so blood shot that you can a yellow ring around my iris.

"guys I'm going to bed don't smoke the rest without me okay?" Danny slowly gets up off the couch and goes to his room. Grandpa fallows him and J.R is drooling all over a pillow.

"come on Athenia let's go to bed."

"oh you want to go to bed with me do you?' so say with one eye brow raised.

"not like that you weirdo." She gets up and skips to my room, I grab my bow and quiver and fallow her, I walk in to a particular undressed Athenia, I can feel my face start to get hot, her bra, and pants are he floor. She looks over her shoulder at me.

"oh don't be embarrassed you act like this the fish girl that you have had in your Bedroom." My face gets even hotter.

"no way." She starts to laugh, "Xavier will I be your first?" she does and over exagitered gasping motion and leans over as she does it. I can feel a bulge in my pants start to take form. I brush aside Al thoughts of anything like sex, an no it's not because of what Sam did to me. It's because, well I'm just not there yet.

"oh haha your funny you can take the bed if you like."

"wow shy and gentlemanly and some say that shivery is dead." She flops down onto the bed spread eagle. I can feel her energy coming off her in waves, the lust, the want, the need to explore my flesh. It takes ever once of will power I have to walk over and unfold the cot I grab a blanket and a pillow from the closet outside my room. I come back and she is looking at the various things I have on my shelves. She has a medal that I own from a pinewood derby that got from when I was in the book scouts.

"what's this medal from?"

"that from I took second place in a pinewood derby from when I young"

"and this?" she grabs a broken skateboard

"that is first bored I broke doing an acid drop into the bow out in sunvalley."

"and this?" she grabs my only stuffed animal, it's a Dalmatian with hearts for spots.

"oh that is SHENIA she has been with me forever, all my life, I could never get rid of her."

"Awe the so cute." she says with a smile and puts it on the bed with her. She crawls under the covers and curls her body into SHENIA. I sit there looking around the room, I can finally start to relax after these crazy couple of days. It feels good to be somewhere safe, even if it is just for the time being, no one trying to capture me, no-one hurting me or my family. I can finally take a break from all the blood and gore, no more fighting at least for the moment. I get up and quietly reach the room for my iPod, I finally find it. I turn it on and it is fully charged, I scrol through the music and find that everything is there, I smile to myself this thing is probibly out dated by now. Still I love it's sixty-four gigabyte storage capacity. I understand wrap the head phones, and walk as quietly as I can past Athenia who is snoring softy on the bed, it's kind of cute when she snores, it's not loud or mainly, it's kind of sweet like a pile snorting but softer. She has SHENIA wrapped up in her arms she nuzzles her and sighs, I wonder what she is dreaming about. I open the door and exit the room, I make my way past J.R and down one of the hallways, to the workout room, it's noting fancy just a pull up bar, and bench press, with couple of free weights here and there, some medicine balls, aand couple of jump ropes, and finally a rowing machine . I walk over to the bench press and put on one hundred pounds to start. I lay down and get the bar under me, I feel the bar bend a little bit under the weight. I start to lift, I pump out fifteen reps, I put the bar back on its resting place. I pull out my headphones and scrol down to workout music, "killin it" by Krewella starts to play through my head phones. I add on an extra five pounds to each side. I slide under the bar and adjust myself to what feels comfortable, I pump out another fifteen reps and set the bar back down, my muscles are barely starting burn, so I add another five pounds, I bust it out no problem. I keep on adding five pounds till I reach onehundered and ninety pounds. I struggle to do ten reps of that weights, but I did it I set the bar on the rests again it feels weird to have the bar bending and feeling like it break in half. I walk over and grab one of the medicine balls, it weighs about twenty or so pounds. I lay down start to do some sit-ups with "Feeling good" by Nia Simone playing. I keep doing them to the beat and a couple of songs past it I go until my stomach is tight with tension form the muscles having a nice hard long work out, next is the rowing machine. I put on forty five pounds to start, I'm the zone when feel a hand touch my shoulder, I grab and roll backwards on instinct, using whoever weight against them because they have bend down to touch my shoulder their weight is forward on their toes almost. I toss them into the weight machine. They hit with grunt, and I see it's just grandpa. He turns himself around into a sitting position.

"glad to see your readers haven't dulled over the past year." He says rubbing his head.

"sorry about that." I say offering him a hand up he takes it, gets to his feet and puts his foot right under my knee and pushes on chest. He falls with me flatting his hand into a spear shape and his middle finger is poking my Adams apple. He has a smile on his face. I laugh out loud because ex should are know better to see that coming. He is also smiling 'just like old times, god it's great to be back Here's think to myself

"well now that we have a moment should discuss Sam?" I walk over to the pull bar jump up so my feet are barely off the ground. I spread my hands to get a deeper muscle workout.

"you knew that she wasn't part of the family didn't you?" I say as I pull myself up.

"yes I did Xavier, but you understand don't you why no-one could know about why right?"

"yea sure I do grandpa, but why keep it secret from Danny and me? I mean why was she adopted if the first place?" he gets sad look in his eyes, as though rendering a sad event.

"well there was this job that was doing in washington, had go figure out what was kidnapping a bunch of little girls, turns out it was changing, they started killing the parents by the time I go there. Sam was one of the first to be taken, and her parents were the first to die, and she didn't have another relieves so I took her with me, and gave her to the Forten's to try and keep her safe from the life."

"its not your fault that it happened to her you know that right."

"it is though because I had Ember watching her place to make sure that she was okay."

""wait Ember had people watching her place and yet this happened Embers people don't usually fail at a job like this." I say as I jump down.

"you don't think that something happened to her do you?"

"no of course not, but just to be safe let's send her a message." Grandpa says as he starts to leave. I fallow him and shut off he light on my way out, we walk down the hall to living room. Grandpa grabs that key board, and he starts typing away, soon a backdoor chat room is opened up, he types out a couple of messages with no response. We wait acoupleof minutes and he shakes J.R awake.

"go get Danny up and tell him to grab a go bag we are leaving." Rubbing tthesleep from his eyes J.R nods and walks off.

"go get your gear boy and get the girl up and ready to go.' I check the time on my iPod and see that it only has been a couple of hours since she fell asleep, I hope she is a morning person. I go to my room and grab my olive green army bag that can hold a couple weeks worth of clothes. I grab my iPod and stuff it my pockets, I turn on the light to get a better view of everything. Athenia pokes her head up with her hair tussled into a mess.

"what's going on?" she says rubbing sleep from her eyes, still holding SHENIA.

"get dressed we are leaving right now."

"new have to go check up on Ember make sure that she is all right."

SShe is wide awake now "why?"

"well the people who were watching Sam's place didn't do a very good job, and she isn't answering her phone."

She jumps OT of bed and throws on her pants, she tosses shiena at me and throw her in the bag along with all my cholthes, I tie the bag and go to my closet and grab my old hoodie I kept it nice however, it has a denim chest with inside pockets, chestpockets, and two hand pockets, I throw a pullover hoodie at Athenia and she gabs t mid air and smiles at me. I o over to an old ammo chest that my great grandfather brought back from World War Two, I open and there sits my nine millimeter glock, two extra clips, and a box of ammo, I gas it and put it into my inside pocket, along with the two extra clips. I sling the quiver over my shoulder, and grab my bow, I can feel the energy start to surge up my arm, I sing one of the shoulder straps to my duffel bag over my other shoulder, I grab my all leather Chuck all-stars and hope that they still fit. We exit the room and their stands Danny with the same color duffel bag as mine.

"Xavier can you drive?" grandpa asks me,

"yea of course I can." He tosses a thin plastic card at me. It's a driver licence with my picture and everything on it. Athenia goes over to the wall and picks out a subnose desert eagle and put is behind her back, in her pants.

"where we heading grandpa?"

"only place where Ember is at of course, deep in the woods of Louisiana." He grabs his go bag and starts off down a hall way. We all fallow him he walk into the trade room and moves a rack full of food to revel a trap door, he opens and descends down a ladder. We fallow him down into the darkness. We climb for seems like another fifty to one-hundred feet. We hit the bottom and it is a dimly lit condor. We take it for seems like miles and miles, I don't even know what time it is.

"grandpa where are you taking us?" I ask

"you will see, had this little passage dug for an mercy escape we can also use it to get back into the bunker when we get back." With that we keep on walking towards what only grandpa knows, we finally come to a fork in the road he takes the right, another fork splits in front of us he takes a left. After walking for what seems like forever we come to another ladder. He climbs up without hesitation, we having no other choice fallow. When we reach the top, he opens up another hatch and climbs up and through. We are standing are standing in pick black nothingness. Then suddenly we are all blinded by this bright as the sun florescent light. It takes minute for our eyes to adjust, then we what the long ass walk was for, there sitting in front of us are three Nissan skyline GTR R34's. They are absolutely beautiful cars and not to mention can beat a Bugatti Veron in a Drag Race, they aren't stock either. The first one is a dark blue with a dragon ghosted into it, a sick spoiler sticks off the back, and it has black carbon fiber rims. The second is blood red, with a black hood, and spoiler, the rims match the paint job as well, the third is jet black all the way around. I can't take my eye off the red one, then look at the walls more guns, swords, daggers, knifes, and short swords.

"holy fucking Christ grandpa."

He just smiles like these are his babies, they probibly are to, "you like? These babes come fully stocked with overhauled engines, and a hunters wet dream in the trunk. Which one you want?"

"the red one." I say and he tosses me the keys, tosses Danny another set and takes one for himself.

"who's ridding with who?' Danny asks.

"I drive alone.' Grandpa says.

"I'm with Xavier." Athenia says.

"well that settles that." I say and open up the trunk, it's shallower than it is supposed to be, so feel along the edges and lift. It was like discovering the holly grail, there was everything for a hunter, including a manual that by first glance has everything that you will ever need to know on how to kill whatever you come across in the field, I close the lid on this treasure trove, and put my bag, bow and quiver in. After I shut it I walk over to the passenger side and open the door for Athenia she just smiles and blushes a little bit, and gets in. I walk over to the drivers side and open it up and get in, I put the key in the ignition and start it up. It sounds and feels like it was wet to have your foot all the way down, mine was automatic which was kinda disappointing but it's practical you don't need to shift as much, and it helps when you need a fast getaway. . The doors opens, to reveal a straight away that's Pretty long, it was long enough to hit top speed and still have time to slow down. Grand pulls out, then Danny and finally I get to let this car loose, she shifts perfectly and the turbo is on the spot with that whistle. We head into the light, and come out onto single track road. We fallow it till we reach the highway, we merge onto the highway and fallow it down to bonners ferry, the drive was really nice and sunny, I roll down the window and feel the summers wind tussle my hair around. We watched as maple, pine, and other kinds of tress pace us by, we fallow the river till we cross the bridge that leads in to the sleepy little town. It only has one stop light and various stop signs. Everyone seems happy, it would be a perfect place to raise a kid. We stop at the local grocery store and Gas Station, we get snacks and water, grandpa has a map with him so I step over and see what he is doing.

"we need to stay off the main highways as best we can, they have more poll cams and more cops, this is going to take awhile to get to where we need to go. A day at most it's over two-thousand miles."

"okay so let's go grandpa." I start to walk over to my car and notice three guys are standing around it and Athenia I to chuckle to myself because judging by the look on her face she wasn't happy with them, or what they are saying.

"hey guys leave the lady alone and step back from my ride." They aren't scrubs or skaters they just looked like meatheads who like nice cars and women that at out of their league. They look at me and laugh one of them starts to say something but I just ignore him till he put his hand on my shoulder.

"listen bud I don't like being touched by other guys I'm sorry I don't swing that way, furthermore IIdont now if you gents took notice of the cop over there but he is now watching to see what I will do, and I don't want to hurt you guys to bad because I don't like cops, so now I'm telling step away and keep walking I won't tell you guys again."

"do you know who we are? You little fuck!" the one who had on my shoulder swings at me, it feels like my title sister just smoked me, it's enough to have my head turn but that's it. I look back at him and smile, the cop is causally strolling over here but by the time is going to reach us it's going to be to late, he takes another swing, same spot same effect nothing.

"you don't have much time bud I'd stop while your behind." I glance at Athenia she has a puzzled look on her face, I hold my first finger as if to tell her to give me a second, she nods her ear in response. He laughs and try to swing at me again I catch the punch mid swing and throw him or the hood of my car and onto the pavement on the other side. Someone gets cocky and punches me in the back of my head and I lose my balance for a moment that when I start to see red, I laugh as I get punched in the face again, this time it split my lip, I spit out blood onto the payment and drop to my knees and use my elbow on of the guys to break his knee then as he is falling forward I uppercut him and he eats the full force of my punch, his head snaps back and he falls to the ground with a thud, his nose is busted from the fall and he is now bleeding on the pavement, the third guy now has a pipe in his hands and swings it at me I catch it with my body and clap my hands over his ears. Hes stunned for a few seconds but that is all I need to hit him in the jaw and drop him. By now the cops is right in front of me with his teaser drawn and pointed at me, he tells me o get on the ground and put my hands behind my head.

"I did nothing but defend myself officer I have done nothing wrong but stood my ground, you won't be taking me to jail."

"you have three seconds to do as I say, three"

"that's a bad idea."


"you just don't want to listen do you?" I can hear the hum from his teaser

"one." His finger twitches and I turn sideways, and step back and they completely miss so I close the gap between us with a Superman punch, with lands on the tip of his nose. I feel it crack and break as my full weight and force knocks him back. His hands fly to his face, so I elbow him in the gut, he dabbles over in pain and catch him with a second elbow right where the bottom of his jaw meets his throat, he drops like a sack of potatoes. I head back toward my car.

"that wasn't necessary."

"so what it's done and over with let's just go." We all get in to our cars and take off, I fallow grandpa and Danny out of town. We reach the highway when I see red and blue lights in my rear view.

"Driver pull over to the side of the road and step out of your car right now."

"you should what he asks." Athenina says.

"why would I do that? This thing can out run every car ever made for the most part."

"this is not the kind of attention that we need to keep a low profile though." I see her point and pull over to the side of the road, the cop car pulls in behind me and I see a door open and a leg step out of the car. I still have it in drive, so I punch the gas pedal down to the floor. Tires screech and smoke billows from the rubber being burnt off by the payment. I merge into traffic cutting off a semi in the process and making him slam on his break and jackknife his load. He corrects himself and slides off the road a little bit but is know blocking all other lanes of traffic. I shoot down the road weaving my way in and out of lanes, I see the speedometer hit one hundred and twenty miles per hour and it is straining against the stopper till it breaks and with some quick math I figure the real speed is more like two-hundred.

"slow the fuck down right now, you passed grandpa and Danny bot a couple of miles back. I think that you lost the cops." Just as she says this I see the cops in my rear view.

"I stand corrected, but just know that if you get me killed I'm going to personally kick you ass when we get to other side."

"fine by me but you might want to hang onto something." The cops are trying to keep up but are losing this battle, as my car shifts into the sixth and final gear they really lose me. I see one cop a head of me on the far right of the road, then I see the slight shimmer of a spike strip, there is just enough room on the shoulder for me to fit through, I aim right for it and make it just barely the cop dives over the barrier for protection but at these speeds I know that I blow right through the cement barriers. I carry on and notice that the highway is strangely clear, this isn't a good sign. I pass an off ramp and see that they have blocked the on ramp.

"shit they have blocked all the on and off ramps onto the high way."

"well you did knock out one of their own and are now leading them on a high speed chase, so yea that's seems like the smart thing to do."

"hang on I have an idea." I slow way down until the cops catch up there is ten to twelve squad cars.

"it's a little late to pull over don't you think?" I just smile, and pull the e brake and flip around, then gun it. We take off in the direction, and doge the cops who are now trying to ram me. We soon lose them and take an off ramp that is now no longer barricaded off. We take a right and fallow it down till it forks again then we take left, we are now right up against a river on one side and the steep slope of a mountain, we come take another left onto a less traveled road by the look of it, I take it and fallow it, I take it slow only going about thirty five miles per hour, I glance over and see that Athenina is just starring out the window, looking out at the setting sun throughing out all manner of pinks, purples, and amazing Sade's of orange. It is amazing to see he light bounce off the evergreen trees, I see sign that says that there is food and lodging up ahead in about five-miles.

"so, look I'm sorry for what I did, I know that it wasn't right by any means-"

"I'm not pissed at the fact that you ran, I'm mad at the fact that you lost Danny and grandpa, now we are in the middle of nowhere without a phone so we can't call them or anything like that, to let them know where we are. Why do you have to be so thick headed?"

"look we will stop at this rest area and get our brearings, call them to let them know where we are, and change the plates on this thing, as well as get some food." She crosses her arms around her chest and pouts til we reach the pull off to the rest stop. It's called The Drifters Rock, the place is kind of faded, from years of sun, and snow, but other than that it appears to be in really good condition. They have gas pumps, and a sign advertising that there is a spa and natural hot springs. I kill the engine and open up the glove box and hope that there is at least a little cash in, to my surprise there is wallet stuffed to the point where it's looks like might explode with cash, there is also a phone, it is an ZTE Warp seven I turn it on and luckily I have a single. I Check the contacts and find only two number, they are both Danny and grandpa. I hit the call button and and the add can button.


"Xander what the fuck where you thinking running from the cops? When I get to you I will give such and ass kicking."

"look let's save the warm fuzzy dick measuring contest for latter, we are at a place called "The Drifters Rock.' You now the place? "

"yea give us an hour to get to you, luckily it's far enough off the beaten path that most cops won't look there, it's right in the middle of two county boundary lines."

"ok sounds good see you guys soon. "