

The Human Race is faced with a dilemma after an unknown race attacks and abducts humans. With their intentions unknown, the humans fight dearly for their lives, even though they make little to no progress. While humanity struggles to survive, one particular characters gets chosen to become a walking weapon for the Alien Race, The Granians. Ace Underwood, who was one of the unlucky thousands that got abducted,wakes up to find himself inside a green tube. With no idea what's going on, he manages to escape only to learn of his new changed form. [Congratulations: Your DNA is a match with the Blood Mutant Gene.] [You must consume blood in order to survive.] Left to roam on the Earth, Ace must now survive from the Granians who wish to use him as biological weapon and learn to cope in a world of humans, and higher, intelligent life forms. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. ------------------

joshua_jt3 · Fantasy
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356 Chs


The Gifted students and General Luke took their respective seats in the back while General Luke sat in the cockpit. The flightcraft's design was inspired by the X-wing fighter from Star Wars, giving it a distinct shape for speed and functionality at the same time. Its wings were equipped with booster engines at the back and rapid firearms on the ends of all four wings.

Unlike the Star Wars X-wing, the military's had enough backspace to fit 20 people alone and successfully fly them to battle. It also had a slick, dark blue color with a golden line going across its front, sides, and back.

"Buckle up, boys and girls." Luke said as the ship was pulled to an indoor runway. There wasn't a hatch for them to get out from, nor was there a large hole at the top for them to safely exit the base from.

"Err..Sir. Hate to be a downer but, how exactly do you plan on getting this thing out?" Michelle, who wasn't very compatible with flying, asked nervously as she dug her palms deep into her seat.

"We're getting out like this." Luke set the thrusters to full speed, making the ship speed through the runway and slowly elevate a few feet into the air. Michelle, who couldn't take this suspense, sealed her eyes shut and gripped for dear life on the chair as Luke nearly got the plain wall in front of them.

"Pull up, Sir." Zain, who was also growing anxious said to Luke, but he wasn't complying. "PULL UP, SIR. PULL UP!!!"

Zain, Jason, Hurt, and Lilly screamed for dear life as they thought that their General was going to intentionally slam them into the wall. Having had enough time of teasing the students, Luke pressed a red button on the cockpit which ignited the ship's cloaking mechanism.

Now that the ship could pass through physical matter, he quickly sped through the earth and headed out into the open sky. Michelle and the others eventually stopped screaming after they learned about the ships special mechanism. In fact, Michelle screamed with excitement as she started barging Luke with lots of questions.

Luke, who happily answered all the questions, went through the basics of how the ship was basically designed from alien scrap. The cloaking mechanism was developed after some military personnel took down one of the larger, lessor ships. Once it was down, a team of scavengers moved in and took out every valuable part that could be reused or taken down, studied and remodeled.

"The difficult part about achieving this was translating from the alien to human language. Took a long time but we finally did it." Luke bragged. "Enough talk. We'll be arriving very soon, so all of you get prepared. When we get there, I'm destroying this ship."

"Why so?" Michelle asked.

"If the aliens get a hold of it, they will find a way to turn them against us." Hurt replied.

"Exactly. So get ready ladies and gentlemen. We're landing in the next five minutes."


[The Blood Moon Has Risen.]

[Quest Available]

[Avenge your honor and your damsel. Take back what's yours and make these people wish they never did this to you.]

[Rewards: Triple Level Up and one additional skill.]

Ace's sat in his cell waiting patiently and calmly for his moment to strike. At the moment, he could feel his heart beat pacing while his senses doubled. His hearing became so good that he could hear Sky still breathing, something he was grateful for.

The blood in his veins coursed with rage as her heard Sky wheezing for air. Her sides seemed to be swollen and ached seriously. Thankfully, she recovered her consciousness a few hours ago but she was too weak to keep her eyes open. Ace, with his also heightened sense of vison, was able to scout out some food for Sky. He didn't have to worry about himself, for tonight…he was going to fist.

[The Moon doesn't stay up for ever. Take Action now and seek vengeance.]

'I've heard you, system.' He said to himself with his eyes as red as the moon above him. The rest of the people were all inside as they feared what the blood moon could do to them. Thanks to his haring, Ace was able to learn that the blood moon made everything that was infected by the gas go wild. This included beasts and the unfortunate humans that did not survive the effects of the said gas.

Also, during the blood moon, or lunar eclipse, all the beasts went out on a hunting spree and killed everything in their path. Whether it was a predator hunting prey, predator hunting predator, or prey hunting prey, the rules applied to all and this made those who didn't settle in Military bases fear these eclipses.

To make things worse for them, the base had beasts of its own and they had just hunted a couple of more earlier, making this place extremely dangerous for them. However, even though there was a high chance of death in the area, the loud man refused to take his greedy eyes off of Ace and Sky. With the long, green sword and the orange gauntlets, he sat in the middle of the base with a cup of coffee to keep him awake for when his buyers came over.

"So, orange kid." He shouted while spitting a lot. "You don't talk that much, do you, spy."

Ace didn't bother looking or replying, but instead kept quiet and remained still with his eyes shut. "I'm talking to you, a-hole." The loud man grew frustrated towards Ace and stomped carelessly to his cage. He then started probing him with his sword as he said, "You talk back to me when I'm speaking to you. Didn't your lousy parents teach you any manners? Well, DID THEY??"

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to go probing strangers around." Ace starred deep into the man's soul with his blood red eyes. Fear paralyzed the loud man as he failed to get his gaze off of Ace. "D-demon b-boy…" He stuttered. "YOU'RE A DEMON CHILD."

Suddenly, all the fear he had in him was replaced with careless bravery as he held the sword recklessly. "I'LL SLICE ALL THOSE UNCLEAN SPIRITS FROM YOU, BOY."

"You have no idea what you're dealing with."

[Transformation Began.]