

The Human Race is faced with a dilemma after an unknown race attacks and abducts humans. With their intentions unknown, the humans fight dearly for their lives, even though they make little to no progress. While humanity struggles to survive, one particular characters gets chosen to become a walking weapon for the Alien Race, The Granians. Ace Underwood, who was one of the unlucky thousands that got abducted,wakes up to find himself inside a green tube. With no idea what's going on, he manages to escape only to learn of his new changed form. [Congratulations: Your DNA is a match with the Blood Mutant Gene.] [You must consume blood in order to survive.] Left to roam on the Earth, Ace must now survive from the Granians who wish to use him as biological weapon and learn to cope in a world of humans, and higher, intelligent life forms. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. ------------------

joshua_jt3 · Fantasy
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302 Chs


What seemed like an impossible job for Cherry became slightly easier once she devised a plan on how she'd easily and effectively complete her mission. The Blood Knight thought long and hard, planning and mentally acting out every move and scheme. She made sure to take as much time as she could with this, for it was highly important she attacked with a plan.

Sure, taking on two hundred Ethisians on her own wasn't difficult. In fact, if it weren't for the whole "using stealth issue", she would have already attacked and laid waste to everyone on sight, making sure to show no mercy and brutally murder all the Ethisians.