

The Human Race is faced with a dilemma after an unknown race attacks and abducts humans. With their intentions unknown, the humans fight dearly for their lives, even though they make little to no progress. While humanity struggles to survive, one particular characters gets chosen to become a walking weapon for the Alien Race, The Granians. Ace Underwood, who was one of the unlucky thousands that got abducted,wakes up to find himself inside a green tube. With no idea what's going on, he manages to escape only to learn of his new changed form. [Congratulations: Your DNA is a match with the Blood Mutant Gene.] [You must consume blood in order to survive.] Left to roam on the Earth, Ace must now survive from the Granians who wish to use him as biological weapon and learn to cope in a world of humans, and higher, intelligent life forms. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. ------------------

joshua_jt3 · Fantasy
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302 Chs



"So many creepy-looking things," Cherry, Skyler, and Huntress made their way through the northern side toward the planet's main Headquarters. At the moment, the three of them walked through a marketplace, similar to the ones back on Earth.


The stalls varied in size, structure, shape, and had all sorts of merchants selling weird antiquities. Some of them looked similar to the materialistic items back on Earth, while the rest were completely new and bizarre. To keep themselves concealed, Huntress and Cherry covered themselves in large brown cloaks. Skyler, who was partially transformed, was able to blend in with the life forms they were moving past.


"Whatever you do, do not speak with these beings," Huntress addressed the two humans following her. "Your chips can only translate the Granian language and allow you to communicate with us. They will not be able to help you speak with these beings, so do not bother trying."