
Blood Moons & Blue Roses

    "Do you take me for a fool Alpha Winters?" Alpha Lou snarled, eyes flashing amber in her anger. "Do you think I'm weak? I'd be too happy to prove you wrong."     The indomitable she-wolf loomed over the neatly groomed gentlemen across the table from her. In a room of pack leaders, she was the only female. Naturally she was forced to work twice as hard for half the acknowledgement, but that wasn't new. Wether or not the fossils before her acknowledged her or not, she knew she was a badass. How many wolves could successfully take over a pack at the tender age of sixteen? For that matter, how many wolves could literally pull their pack out of the gutter and not only take them out of the red, but raise them to be the strongest in the region in a little over three years?     "I'll remind you, young lady," Alpha Winters, better known as 'Icy Abram,' growled, "We are conducting negotiations to end a conflict that has existed between our packs for generations. Threatening me is hardly conducive to that goal."     "What you are asking for is unreasonable," Lou snapped. "I would sooner die than take one of your sons as my mate, let alone allowing to them to take over my pack! IF I take a mate, he will fill the role of luna."     "That is the condition, young lady," Abram replied cooly. "You may feel free to refuse, but if you do I assure you we will continue to press the boundaries of your dwindling territory."     "How dare you-"     Lou was cut off as the door to the meeting room opened unexpectedly. All eyes turned to the new comer, a young man more brilliant and dainty than any other male Lou had ever seen before in her life. His frame was so slim and his movements so elegant, he reminded her of a princess from a fairtale, though he was wearing a suit.      "Forgive my interruption, alphas," He bowed his head and took a submissive posture as he extended an envelope. "Alpha Winters, the luna requested I deliver this."      An idea took hold in Lou's mind as she stared at that delightfully submissive and delicate male. The icy blue eyes and platinum hair was unmistakeable, as was his scent of pine and peppermint, this was a son of Alpha Abram Winters, one that he'd conveniently neglected to introduce her to upon her arrival.      "It couldn't wait?" Abram hissed, eyes flitting nervously to Lou.      "Him," Lou, announced with a smirk. "I choose him."

DMontag · Fantasy
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20 Chs

10 A Woman's Scorn

<p>"Oh thank goodness I caught you in time!"<br/> Marisa came hurrying into view just as Alaric started to dial a taxi service. Startled, he pocketed his phone and turned to address her. Azreal and Draven watched the proceedings with curiosity.<br/> "Mother? Did you need something?" Alaric questioned as soon as Marisa was nearer.<br/> "Forgive me, I didn't think you would leave without letting me know," Marisa gasped. "I'm glad I caught you- where's Lou?"<br/> "She left." Alaric replied. He tried not to sound bitter, but it still stung that she seemed to be avoiding him.<br/> "Without you?" Marisa questioned with some worry. Azreal and Draven exchanged looks. Unexpectedly, Draven let out another burst of hysterical laughter. Azreal shook his head.<br/> "Forgive him," Azreal sighed. "I fear he may be part hyena. And please do excuse Lou's absence. She was anxious to return to the pack."<br/> "Did she take a separate taxi?" Marisa's worry was still evident. No doubt she was reliving her own marital experience, and it hadn't been a positive one. Alaric put a hand on her shoulder and offered her an encouraging smile.<br/> "Don't worry, Lou is not like your husband," He stated. "Right now, I think she's just feeling a little embarassed... but I'm sure we'll work it out."<br/> "On that note," Azreal cleared his throat. "I apologize Luna Marisa, however you may or may not have a person sized indent in the wall of one of your hallways..."<br/> "I see." Marisa collected herself and let out a breath. "Don't worry Mr. Montecuccoli, those hallways have endured far worse abuse and they will likely continue to be abused in the future. In anycase, it is a shame that Lou is not here, because I had hoped to give the two of you a wedding present."<br/> "Wedding present?" Alaric frowned. His confusion only increased as his mother snapped her fingers dramatically and a silver-blue lamborghini gallardo rolled into view.<br/> "Îți dau inima mea..." Draven gasped as his eyes traveled the sleek exterior. Alaric couldn't be sure, but it looked like a tear had escaped the vampire's eye and was rolling down his cheek.<br/> "What did he say?" Alaric wondered.<br/> "You don't want to know." Azreal rolled his eyes. "Lets just leave it at the fact he has a deeply disturbing love of motor vehicles."<br/> "What do you think?" Marisa questioned after letting them gaze in awe for a few moments.<br/> "I think this is a rediculously expensive gift," Alaric state plainly. "I mean... It's gorgeous but... Mom, this car... when did you even get it? How long have you been planning this wedding?! There's no way you aquired this thing in a single day, especially not this model!"<br/> "You can thank your father," Marisa replied, eyes flashing in the setting sunlight. "It's all thanks to him that you and your new mate can enjoy such a marvelous gift."<br/> Alaric looked at her skeptically. His father hadn't given him a gift in the better part of twenty years. For that matter, not even Abram's favorite son, Basil, had recieved such an expensive gift.<br/> "Oh, I'm not trying to say he gave it willingly," Marisa explained with a chuckle upon seeing Alaric's incredulous look. "The fool tried to purchase it behind my back with funds embezzled from my accounts, the primary source being the account established soley for your schooling. Admittedly, he was crafty enough that I didn't catch onto his little scheme soon enough to prevent the purchase all together, however a few phone calls and a massive lawsuit against your father later and I had a brand new lamborghini. To this day, your dad believes it was stolen during shipping, and I guess there's some truth to that view. I did snatch the car bought with my money that had been meant for my son and my business projects right out from under your father's nose during the shipping process, however I did so quite legally. Now, the poor thing has been wasting away in storage, unappreciated and alone, for over a decade. I figured it was about time to give it to someone who deserved and could appreciate it."<br/> "Thank you," Alaric wasn't sure what else to say. He'd known his parents had been on terrible terms most of their marriage, but it still came as a shock. On top of that, he wasn't entirely sure whether his mom had given him the car out of genuine love and respect, or just to spite his father. As amazing a gift as it was, looking at the car made his throat dry.<br/> "Please..." Draven turned teary eyes on Alaric. "Will you allow me to drive it?"<br/> "Sure," Alaric replied with a weak smile. "It's not like I really know where we're going, so it would be for the best."<br/> He didn't want to admit out loud in front of his mother that he didn't feel like driving it at that moment anyway. Instead, he threw his arms around his mother's shoulders and gave her a tight hug, sorting through his thoughts and impressions. He let a few tears spill out. However he felt about the origins of the car, he was deeply grateful for his mother and all that she did for him.<br/> Likely, she could have sold the car to recover some of her lost currency. For that matter, if it she just wanted to be spiteful she could've had the vehicle destroyed right infront of his father. Instead, she chose to keep it, to make the most out of the shitty hand she was dealt. Given time, he was sure he'd come to love it, just as he was sure he would come to love Lou.<br/> "Take care my darling," She whispered. He could tell from the dampness on top of his head that she was crying a little herself.<br/> "I won't be far," he replied as he pulled away. "It will be easier to visit each other." <br/> "See you soon, then," Marisa nodded, then released him. "I best get back, they'll be missing me." <br/> She and the attendant that had brought the car around turned and headed back to the house. Alaric turned to his companions and the car they had been left with. Draven was immediately in the driver's seat, carressing the stearing wheel as he might the face of a lover. <br/> "Listen to her purr..." He shuddered. "Tu ești sufletul meu pereche!" <br/> Unfortunately, the gallardo only seated two people. Not wanting to for Azreal to walk back alone, Alaric and the elf shared the seat to the best of their abilities. Draven, still enamored with the vehicle and speaking sweet nothings to it in a foreign language, was oblivious to their plight. When they finally came to a stop Alaric was all too grateful to extract himself from the seat. <br/> "What is this?" Alaric turned from the luxury car to find a scene straight out of a post apacolyptic film. Shocked, he looked over a sea of dirt covered faces and broken buildings. He couldn't believe this was part of the same city. <br/> "This is home," Azreal replied simply as he stretched. <br/> Eyes turned and whispers started. Immediately, Alaric felt self concious, confused, and furious. The cocktail of negative emotions only grew more potent when Lou stepped into the headlights of the vehicle wearing nothing but a suspicious frown. <br/> "I thought you were getting a taxi," She stated with a growl. She didn't seem the least bit troubled by the fact she was standing in front of a large group of people completely naked. <br/> "My mother had other plans," Alaric admitted coldly. She didn't seem to notice or care, but Alaric was painfully aware of a few lustful leers coming from the crowd behind her, and an unpleasant sensation welled inside his chest. "In fact, this was her gift to the two of us. She was quite disappointed you left before she could offer it to you in person." <br/> "That's nice," Lou snapped. A sort of standoff started between the two as they glared at each other. <br/> "Boss..." Draven tossed the clothes Lou had left with him to her, which she caught without looking. Her eyes never left Alaric's eyes as she slipped into them, though she left the front of her shirt completely open. He felt himself relax once she was slightly more modest. He had half worried she'd refuse to dress just to spite him. <br/> "Is that all you have to say?" Alaric demanded. <br/> "What do you want me to say?" Lou replied. <br/> "Alpha," Azreal interjected nervously. "Perhaps you should introduce him to the rest of our pack? Preferably before you make too much more of a spectacle?" <br/> Seeming to remember herself, Lou jerked away from Alaric to address the rest of the pack. Everyone watched with apprehension as she moved to his side, though she refused to look at him. <br/> "Everyone, I want to introduce your new Luna," Her voice boomed and echoed through the battered walls of the tattered streets. For a moment, the announcement was met with silence. Alaric took that opportunity to address them. <br/> "Good evening, my name is Alaric Gatlin. As our Alpha so eloquently stated," he was hard pressed not to let sarcasm creep into his tone as he spoke, "I have agreed to become her mate and Luna. Contrary to appearances, I look forward for the opportunity to get to know you better as we work together."<br/> He finished with a bow and tried not to flinch as soft murmurs errupted throughout the crowds. They probably weren't sure what to think of this new development, and he couldn't blame them. He was an outsider in every sense of the word, from the way he talked to the way he dressed. It would take a lot more than a polite greeting to establish respect. <br/> "You will obey any order he gives you," Lou continued. The words took Alaric by surprise. "As my luna, and more importantly my mate, Alaric's word is my word, and Alaric's pain is my pain. If you disrespect him, you disrespect me." <br/> The compound fell to silence once again. This time, when the people found their voices again, they seemed a lot more receptive. A few even tossed out some cheers. Alaric glanced at Lou in astonishment. She refused to look back at him, but he could tell she felt his gaze by the blush grazing her cheeks. Not for the first time, he wondered what on earth could be going through her head. One moment, she's picking a fight with him, the next she was declaring her devotion to him to a large audience. <br/> "Tomorrow night we will hold a celebration to welcome Alaric to the pack," Lou continued. "Additionally, we will cancel tomorrow morning's training session and give you all a day off. For now, please go back to your fun and festivities." <br/> She sighed as the attention finally left them as people returned to whatever they had been doing prior. It was then Alaric noticed many of them playing different types of card games. Someone had set up a shadow puppet booth, and sparklers were being passed around. These people hadn't been invited to the ball, but they were still celebrating the harvest moon right alongside the rest of the city in their own unique way. <br/> "I'm going to take a look around," Alaric announced. "Draven, would you be so kind as to find a safe place for the gallardo?" <br/> "You're going to let me drive her again?" Draven asked with excitement. Alaric tried not to think too hard about the fact the vampire had assigned the car a gender. <br/> "Just don't scratch the paint," Alaric confirmed with a nod. Draven didn't need to be told twice. He vanished into the cab, and before long the lamborghini was whisked out of sight. The absence of the guady vehicle in the impoverished square seemed to ease the tension. <br/> "Do you want me to go with you?" Lou questioned. She still wasn't looking at him, and Alaric wasn't quite sure if she was asking permission to stay with him, or if she was only putting up appearances. Her body language was giving him mixed signals. <br/> "It is your territory," He pointed out. "Who better to show me around?" Spending more time with her could only be a good thing at this stage. She seemed to perk up a bit at his response, which he took as a good sign. <br/> "Where would you like to start?" She asked.</p>