
Blood Moon: The Great Thief

Its is about a young woman fresh out of High School that has a very high IQ and a very low EQ. She is very good at self defense. And carries a dagger on her thigh at all times unless she is at home. She ended up being the Top Scorer in the county for the end of the year tests and earned a chance to play the new and upcoming game, Creed of the Fallen. The game company, Dogma Gaming, sent her a free VR gaming cabin and the privalage to play their game early while livestreaming it. This is when her gaming legend begins.

purrplex · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

1.2 End of Semester Party

After thirty minutes, I arrived at my school. There are students flooding in and crowding around the entrance. I somehow make it through the mob and trudge my way through to class. After I arrive to my class, I see a gift box on my desk.

"Happy Birthday Top Student. We thought that since this is the last day we'll see each other regularly, we would all pitch in and buy you a gift." I was speechless. I didn't think anyone would care about my birthday except my father. I never really had people do this for me before since I am usually a lone wolf.

"Well... don't just stand there. Open you gift box and see what's inside."

Still in a daze, I was pushed towards my desk and tore the gift wrap off of my present. After I tore the wrapping paper off, it revealed an exquisite phone. This phone was the latest model of the Holo X.

"Since we all will go our separate ways when we leave today, we got you a phone and put all of our contacts in it. With this, it will be easier to host get togethers. We also put you in our group chat. Also, will you be playing Creed of the Fallen tomorrow?"

While opening my present, I feel my emotions stir but I try not to show it. Unknowingly, a faint smile cracks through my icy facade.

"You... can actually smile?" This caused an uproar in the classroom. There were people who even thought that I had facial paralysis and was never fated to smile. The class rep was even more dumbfounded. Her face turned away as she thought to herself. 'That face can't be human. Only devils can looks so good. Gods can't even compare.'

"What do you guys mean? I thought I showed you guys a smile before." I was genuinely confused. I have never been in a situation like this before.

"That was smile from the 18th layer of hell. It made heart beat irregularly. It felt like you placed that dagger on my throat instead of that guy." The person who is talking is the class rep's friend Maya. She is referring to the time where she, the class rep and 2 more people were walking home from the department store and ran into thugs and ended up being cornered in an alleyway. I happeded to be going to the store nearby to buy ingredients for dinner and to get ice cream and stumbled across this scene. When I saw that my classmates need some assistance, I decided to use this chance to hone my dagger skills.

On my 8th birthday, my dad decided that it was finally time to learn how to use melee weapons like knifes, swords, and daggers. It was also then that I was taught how to cook. He said "It's good to know that while a person with a knife can kill, the same knife can also be used to cut meat and vegetables and prepare a very delicious meal." It was also then that he gave me his old military dagger. He said that I could only use it to protect myself or others and that if protecting myself or others came at the cost of killing, then he would step in and take care of it.

Using my phone, I call the police and asked them, "My classmates are being cornered in an alleyway by a small group of thugs. Do I have permission to-."

Before I can finish, I an anxious voice over the mic yelling "Don't kill them. Don't stab them. Don't even cut them. Last time, you caused trouble for even the higher ups when that person tried to molest you on the train. You cut that mans arm off. I was the one that had to pay the hospital fee." Afters saying this the man on the phone sighs deeply and says "At least, make sure no one is around if you do this. It was hell trying to cover that up. I'll be over soon so don't do anything that can frighten people."

"Ok, I'm at the alleyway in between the ice cream shop and the clothing store" I say while I prepare myself mentally to face this rag tag group of ruffians.

After this, I hang up my phone and take the dagger off my thigh then approach quickly and quietly. After getting 15 steps in, I burst into action and use the back of the dagger to knock out the first assailant. The thugs only noticed when the leader fell onto the ground.

"Fuck, someone's trying to play hero." Thug number 2 had a very husky voice and looked alot stronger that the thug leader. But when he saw her face, he froze and his eyes opened wide. This lucky person happened to be on of the be one of the witnesses of this young lady's ferocity as the man who had his arm cut off was the person standing beside him. When he saw this, he almost shit his pants right then and there. He couldn't sleep with out having night terrors. This lead to not getting much sleep for months. He doesn't know if he is lucky or unlucky that its this woman instead of another person. If it was the latter and they just ferocious as the woman in front of him, he would even know how he died.

"Oh, its another young lady." Thug 3 on the other hand wasn't lucky enough to have witnessed my prestige so he doesn't know that he has walked into hell and stumbled upon the the Demon Queen. He licked his lips and was about to say something when he had his teeth knocked down his throat. What came was a loud gulp quickly followed by a heartwrenching scream that could even scare ghouls.


Thug 2 looked at his unlucky friend and shuddered while thanking his lucky stars that he didn't try to do anything untoward to this demon from hell. While he was considering becoming a Buddhist and repenting for any sins that he had committed, a cold voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Do you also plan to resist I really don't feel like hitting anymore. I might end up letting my blade bite into your flesh so it can drink your blood. It's been awhile." While saying this, a cold smile freezing the spring dew in the air appeared on my face. This made everyone in alleyway shudder and think that this smile was practically dripping with blood. My classmates were even more shocked. They couldn't believe that they were sitting with a demon in there class and believed that if they ever got on her bad side, they would die without a complete corpse. Thinking this, all 4 of them, shivered even harder as they thanked god that they never said anything bad about her.

"Nope, if I wanted to resist, this little life of mine would end without me knowing."

"Good Answer." I sheathed my dagger and ask Thug 2 to be on lookout for the Police Commissioner since he was on his way with with some other people. He could certainly try to run away but he would then have to risk angering the Queen of Hell so he decided to just give up and walked to the feont of the alleyway. I then look towards my classmates and say, "Are you girls alright?"

While I was talking to them, the Thug leader woke up and decided to make a move. He picked up a rusty iron rod off the ground and swung it at my head. It was too bad that I was was prepared and turned around and caught it just in time.

"You woke up earlier than I expected. You have 2 choices, give up and live normally in a prison cell or... I can cut your arm off and you can be disabled and imprisoned. You have 2 seconds to choose. 1..."

At this point the police commissioner starting running down alleyway with thug 2 and other police officers. I had no choice but to abruptly disable him.

After the police commissioner saw thug 3, he came over and looked at me. "What? The way spoke disgusted me so I knocked as many teeth down his throat that I could. Uncle Larry, I did do as you said and didn't cut, stab, or kill anyone."

Everyone, including Thug 3 who fainted from pain looked at me speechlessly. After talking to them for awhile, I realized that my phone was in the hand that I caught that iron rod with so when I looked at the screen, It was completely smashed through. The class rep, Maya and the other 2 want a way to contact me but when I showed them the phone in my hand, they quickly gave up and said that they would make it up to me in the future.

After thinking that this was their way of making it up to me, I was touched and thanked everyone for it and class began shortly after. After some words the classes in the school gathered in the assembly hall and the Principle gave a speech about deciding our futures and that we were to make our country proud.

It was 2:30pm when the assembly ended and our class headed to the restaurant across from the school. It had been rented out for our gathering and the main topic of the of the afternoon was the Creed of the Fallen.

"Hey Scarlett, are you gonna play the new game coming out tomorrow?" After someone said this, everyone looked at me for confirmation.

"No." When I said this, the whole party deflated like a balloon. "I'll be playing it today." But when I said this, the whole party went silent.

The first one to wake up from thier daze was Dom. Dom is Maya's girlfriend. "Are you one of the early release player candidates. I thought only pro players and celebrities could only get that opportunity."

After he said that Lisa stepped up and said, "Was this the special reward the school was talking about for being the top student in the county?"

I nodded and said "Apparently every country is doing the same for students there as motivation to do better. I didn't even know about this until I got a message from them this morning. I'll be livestreaming my play sessions for the week as per the agreement i had with the company."

After saying the first part, everyone was jealous but after saying the second part, everyone thought that if she became a famous streamer, they could brag and say that they used to be in her class in high school.

"What time can you start playing?"

"It should be 5:30 so I would have to be home before then."

"Whats your twitch.tv ID?" Dom asks.

(I couldn't think of a good name for another livestreaming service so now they are stuck using twitch.tv 500 years into the future)

"I don't have one yet." I say truthfully.

"Then how are you gonna livestream? Quick, take out your phone and go to the website."

I do as instructed and take phone out then I go to the website and make my account.