
Blood Moon Hunter in the Vampire Apocalypse

What if you transformed into a vampire-tiger hybrid amid the apocalypse? A virus spread from bats in the sky. It turned normal people into like zombies called Blood Slaves. They could not be in the sun. Then something strange happened. A game from space called Aetheria came. It gave people levels, skills and statuses like in a video game. It rewarded humans just for answering questions. This decided their powers and starting equipment. Jin Tianyi was a 20-year-old student. He got a special reward - the blood of a tiger. At first he seemed normal. But then the class he chose made him a vampire with tiger powers in his veins. Join Jin on his journey. From becoming a vampire-tiger to discovering how strong he can become!

DragonKnov · Fantasy
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239 Chs

Chapter 7: The Battle for Survival

A few moments later, blood splashed and growling sounds could be heard everywhere.

By now, the corpses that had risen as Blood Slaves were surrounding Jin and Li Mei from all sides. 

Strangely, despite the danger, sunlight was logically the best cover since they had witnessed how the Blood Slaves were weak against sunlight. 

However, for some unknown reason, only Jin used this to his advantage, while Li Mei kept fighting in the shadows, making her more difficult to fight compared to him.

"To your left!" a voice shouted, just as a deafening shot rang out. 


The bullets tore through the air, splattering blood as they found their mark on the head of a pale-skinned creature, causing it to burst like a melon. 

At the same time, a gaming screen materialized before the attacker's eyes.

[You have successfully killed a Tier 0 - Level 0 Blood Slaves!]

[Your high Luck has begun…]

One was killed but their fleeting moment of bliss was abruptly shattered as numerous crimson orbs with pale faces, shredded digits, and mangled limbs emerged from the dark depths, one after another.


On the second level of the Luminous Sky Lounge nightclub, sparks of fire and faint grey smoke filled the air as gun barrels blazed. 

Li Mei's figure darted around the room, skillfully firing her gun and exterminating the ferocious blood-sucking creatures with a single shot. 

While the remaining Blood Slaves roamed about, attempting to evade the piercing beam of light that illuminated Jin, the ground was littered with numerous lifeless bodies. 

The corpses that were died under the sunlight were burning down, causing the Blood Slaves to hesitate advancing.


In the next moment, another trigger was pulled, causing another head to explode like a watermelon.

[You have successfully killed a Tier 0 - Level 0 Blood Slave!]

With the final shot fired, the relentless and exhausting battle finally came to an end.

Jin, now lying on the warm floor, felt his muscles twitching in pain, particularly in his palms that bore burn marks from gripping the overheated barrel. 

He was gasping for air. 

His eyes gazed at the ceiling as his breathing came ragged and sweat drenched his body.

He turned his head to the side, where the light could not reach. 

Inside the shadow, gracefully sitting with her legs crossed and revealing her long, shapely limbs, Li Mei seemed engrossed in sorting out her spoils. 

Jin had a hunch and his eyes grew wary slowly, but for now he shifted his focus back to the game screen in front of him.

[You have successfully killed a Tier 0 - Level 0 Blood Slaves!]

[You have successfully killed a Tier 0 - Level 0 Blood Slaves!]

[You have successfully killed a Tier 0 - Level 0 Blood Slaves!]

[Your high Luck has begu….]

A long list of notifications filled his vision as he immersed himself in his gains. 

He sat up and glanced at the surrounding darkness, where corpses resembling humans lay beyond the reach of sunlight. 

Unlike the Vampiric Bats, these Blood Slaves required two rounds from his shotgun to be finally killed. 

They were stronger and faster than the bats, and it had taken him and Li Mei over an hour to clear out the fifty Blood Slaves on the second floor. 

Due to their speed, some of his bullets had missed their vital organs, resulting in the battle consuming 100 shotgun shells. 

If he had used his old stock, he would have likely run out of ammo.

Another thing that needed to be noted which made him frown and furrow his eyebrows was that 

"These Blood Slaves were once humans whose blood was sucked dry by the Vampiric Bats," he muttered. 

This was not good news. 

These vampiric bats were numerous, and people were unaware of this infection - not to mention this is a great land of China, which has a million population. 

Dealing with the bats alone was already giving him headaches, but now the fact that dead humans could turn into Blood Slaves meant his chances of venturing outside had been reduced by almost 50%. 

Then glancing at Li Mei, who was diligently collecting the magic crystals, he thought, "I misjudged her." 

She was hardworking, and it seemed his previous impression of her taking advantage of her comrades was just a delusion. 

Moreover, her mana capacity was definitely higher than his own. 

But seeing how she was still in the dark despite the situation being clear...

Theoretically if she was a Blood Slave, she wouldn't have the intelligence to think or even converse with him. 

"Maybe it's related to her skill or so I hope," he mused, his gaze intense and focused.

Imagining if Li Mei was actually some kind of Blood Slave brought a chilling fact and sensation to him - not to mention her mana capacity. 

Just as he looked at her intensely, the woman herself turned around and flashed her usual teasing smile at him. 

"Hmm~? Have you finally realized how beautiful I am?" Li Mei, who was collecting magic crystals, chuckled. 

She couldn't help but tease him upon seeing his cute, dazed expression. 

This man clearly had never interacted with women! 

He seemed like the type who would work hard for money and end up dying alone in old age. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Li Mei thought, feeling a momentary pang of pity. 

She cast a look of condolence at him before continuing to collect the magic crystals.

"What do you think?" Instead of taking it seriously, Jin replied, shaking his head. Also, somehow her gaze irritated him. 

But suddenly, a pair of red eyes glowed behind her. 

He reached for his shotgun, only to realize it was still overheating. 

"Watch out!" Jin warned as he already advanced toward her. 

But in the next moment, something shocking happened. 

"Ahh," a soft and alluring scream resonated, coinciding with a gushing fountain of blood from Li Mei's delicate neck. 

Her complexion turned pallid as the surging blood on her body was slowly drained.

Visible wrinkles appeared on her once-fair skin, while her almond amber eyes suddenly emitted a crimson glow, signaling a transformation occurring within her body.

Jin, who saw this too late, was about to pull her but was forced to halt his track and immediately aimed his shotgun, retreating into the cover of sunlight. 

A thick bloodlust permeated the surrounding air, turning it into a viscous and pungent fluid, coming directly from Li Mei's body. 

A red glow coming from her eyes intensified as her fingernails grew into sharp claws. 

In the next moment, she unleashed her full power, driving her long nails into the Blood Slave behind her. 

With a spurt, another fountain of blood erupted, but this time, it came from the pierced holes in the Blood Slave's body.

Li Mei, with her nails impaled into the creature, pivoted and raised her other hand, wielding her sharp claws like a lethal weapon. 

With a resounding splash, the horrifying Blood Slave's body was torn apart, as if it had been mauled by a bear's claws. 

Its decaying organs scattered on the floor, while its twitching eyes were ruthlessly crushed under Li Mei's feet.

As soon as the notification screen appeared before her eyes, the thick bloodlust surrounding Li Mei suddenly receded into her body. 

The three-meter-long claws that had grown from her hands shrank back into beautiful-looking nails. 

Li Mei's red eyes emitted a teasing and curious glow as she looked at Jin with a complicated expression. 

"What are you?" His unsympathetic look made Li Mei sigh. 

He thought she had just been infected after being bitten, but how she had even gracefully and skillfully used her long nails denied that thought, not to mention how she could transform back, looking like the normal human or Li Mei he had first met.

"Don't you have to—" she tried to explain and avoid the topic, but Jin cut her off with a scowl. 

"Your appearance bears similarities to these creatures, not to mention the fangs you displayed just now." 

Jin stated, but he did not realize the irresistible hunger was slowly changing his vision.

"Do you want to kill me now?" 

On the other hand, Li Mei, who had a helpless and tired expression, frowned and looked at Jin with complicated eyes. 

Her thoughts were conflicted as she agape, badly wanting to try to explain to him. 

"Depend…" Jin responded, unaware that his sanity had been consumed. 

The next moment, his consciousness suddenly went black as his body lunged forward at a fast speed.


[The skill Feral Hunger (Passive) has been triggered!]

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