
Blood Moon Dark Shadows

Two people seeking revenge. Two people seeking love. Their destiny bound together. A fate already decided by the gods. A past of pain, a desire for revenge. Can you love someone who is the reason behind all your sufferings? Can the flame of love be able to kill the fire of revenge? Who will win- Love or Revenge? A darkness is blooming in the forest of Egar, from centuries, waiting for an age old war. Secrets buried in the past. Truths lost in time. And a small hope of love in between the evil. Four Protagonists, and their life of revenge, pain, forgiveness, and love.

staymysterious123 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Love & Lights

4:00 A.M

The lights from the buildings in the city were still not able to remove the darkness of the night. The world is still dark. Dark like death. Wrapping its blanket around the world saying You are my slaves. All the demons, monsters, ghosts, and spirits are always night creatures, haunting only in the depth of night. But when a faint light of nature emerges, they vanish to those depths of darkness. Quite interesting right?

That's what my mother used to say, whenever I had nightmares. The monsters of my dream scared me to death but everything vanished when my mother was there. She was my protector, my hero.

Once again I am suffering from a sleepless night, the nightmares never leave, but I know to deal with them. That's what I do every single time when I get shaken up by my nightmares. I hold my mother's locket close to my heart and remember her words," No matter how dark it is, what the monsters are trying to do, everything will end. There is light after darkness. The morning after night. Angels after monsters. Love after hate. No one is powerful enough. Everyone is born with weaknesses, and they protect them at all costs. Because they know, when you will know their weakness, you will defeat them. Nothing is permanent son, but one needs another to survive. If there is darkness there will be light, if there is evil, there is good, if there is hate, there will be love. Remember that."

A teardrop started to fall from my eyes.

I still miss her.

How always the person with good intent never lives.

She is no longer to hold me and console me. How I wish I could hear her one last time, a voice that comforted me in my storms.

Why Mom, why do you have to go?

Wiping my tears I looked at the sky. The colors are changing. There was a hint of blue arising from the dark. Light. A new morning, a new beginning. Like always, another day ended, and another day began.

Nothing is permanent, one just gives way to another. One depends on the other, one stays with the other. They need each other to survive.

My phone started to beep, I was trying to snooze it thinking its the alarm clock. But stopped when I saw my best friend calling.

" What the heck, don't tell me he knows I woke up earlier than intended. I haven't posted anything. That's not possible. Maybe he has gained telepathy."

I picked up his call.

" He..y.., it's early, why are you calling me?" I tried to sound sleepy, with my deep, tired and hoarse voice hoping that I fool him properly, but,

" Do I look like an idiot to you, Luc?"

"No, why would you look like an idiot when you are actually an idiot."

"Funny, care to explain to me why you woke up early again? You know very well today is an important day for us. The Kazas takeover is a great deal for us. This is our first appearance in the Rufolian market, we have to be our best. Not a sleep-deprived zombie."

" What woke you up Xen?"

" Nothing woke me up, I woke up at my regular time."

"Yeah Yeah, did you fight with your brother again?"

" .... Yes"

" Wanna go for a run?"

" Yeah, I would love to."

" Meet me at Central Park within 10 minutes."

" See ya."

He hung up the phone. I looked at the light of dawn once again, then got up to be ready for the run.

I reached the park, when I saw my best friend, Xander, waiting for me on the park bench.

He looks like shit. He never slept. Those bags under his eyes state that he tried to ease the pain by drinking. But he can't. Two is his limit. I smiled and walked up to him.

" Hey charmer, how many hearts you broke on the way."

" I know I look like shit, thanks."

" Hahaha, don't worry, I know how to erase that dullness. Choco banana muffins after 20 laps." I smirked.

" Thanks but I would never let the competition down."

He will never eat sugar, damn he is much more health-conscious than me. And I can't resist my urge to eat muffins. They are just stress relievers. But thanks to this health-conscious guy, I have to sneak on those sweets. He is my personal dietician who self-hired himself.

"Hurry up, bro, or else, You will be missed in headlines."

We laughed and started running.

After 30 mins, we are at the lakeside pathway of the park. We always come here to see the sunrise. That's a different kind of calmness. The light gentle breeze flowing through your hair and touching the body is a balm to our troubled minds. We are not talking. We don't have to. The silence is enough to make us understand each other. It's our way of saying we are here for each other.

The sun rose vibrantly distributing his golden yellow light all over nature erasing that little bit of darkness still there. Light after darkness.

I was on my way to my business, the flourishing business of my grandfather, the building exceeding the other business, looming all over like a ruler. I saw many holdings of our companies being displayed. The economic news states our ruling charts over the stock markets. When I inherited the business from my grandfather, it was at its highest peak. What more can I do, I have to try my best, to make it a legacy, and after 7 years I can proudly say that.

" Sir, congratulations on being nominated as the business icon of the year once again."

I heard my driver say.

"Thanks, Uncle Robert, but they should be presenting it to grandpa, after all this is his effort."

"But you took it to the next level, You just have to see it through the eyes of your employees and the people."

Uncle Robert, the man never fails to surprise me. He always praises me like I am some kind of angel. He doesn't talk much. But whenever he does, it's all about wise words and praising me. He is like a family to me. But he never stopped calling me Sir, no matter how many times I tried.

I reached my office, Barnet Incl. The 20-storeyed glass tower, takes the largest part of the city. The huge surge of employees stopped to give my car the way, which I never understood, why such strict respect. The security team arrived to open the door. Nathan Dane, my head of security, opened the door.

" Good Morning, Sir. Congratulations on being awarded the Business Icon of the year once again."

"Thanks, Nathan. But please tell the people to get inside the office, they shouldn't have to wait for me to go inside."

" Actually sir, your grandfather is here. He wishes to announce it to the employees."

Ahhh... I understood.

My grandfather was a man who loves to display everything he achieved, awards, recognitions, to his family. It's much like a headache, but I have to smile because it makes him happy.

The respect being shown here is towards him. I don't like this kind of respect. I love to mingle among them. But right now I can't do that.

I hurried to where my grandfather should be along with my Uncle Gerald and my best friend, CFO of our company, Xander Cage. Thanks to him, I can survive such scenarios. Nathan followed after me.

The ground floor conference hall was packed. It was made for large meetings. The moment I entered the room all eyes were on me. Now that's what my grandpa loves being the center of attention. The room was filled with the board of directors, department chiefs, managers, associates, stakeholders, and service providers. All are looking at me in admiration. Men wanting to be like me, women charmed by me, it's the latter that I don't like attention.

" Ladies and gentlemen, I feel privileged and proud to announce that my grandson, your CEO, LUCAS DAVE BARNETT has been announced once again as the business icon for the 5th consecutive year," the whole hall was filled with loud claps, and wows," now making him eligible to be the youngest nominee for Grand Business Magnate for Rufolia. Didn't I say, my grandson will bring more honor to this company " The claps are continuing, not meant to stop. The admiration is at its brim. My grandpa is smiling and that makes me happy, even if I don't like it.

But what scared me was the look given by Uncle Gerald. No matter what I can never make him convinced of my abilities. He wished to inherit the business for Leo, my younger brother, who bears the same name as my grandfather. But honestly speaking, I don't have any issue if Leo suddenly wants to be the CEO. But it is my grandfather's wish and I can't go against it. I am still trying to convince him. But he is adamant about it.

"Congratulations Son," I turned around to see Uncle Mikhael Cage, one of the board of directors, and Xander's Uncle." Thanks Uncle Mike," yes that's what we call him, "But it's more than enough, I don't think this much decorum was required."

" You know your grandfather, he will show the smallest of the recognition you bring to the company. It's the same as your childhood. No matter what his image is, he loves you three a lot. For him, you, Xander, and Leo are everything. Let him be happy."

"I know that's why I can't deny him."

He patted me smilingly and went to talk with Uncle Gerald. Damn, he knows how to handle a fire, and right now he knows who needs to be calm.

Uncle Garry has texted me congratulations. I miss him. He is the star of the party.

But still, I can't say I am happy, as there is one person who is not here. He is never here. The man I wish to make proud of is my father, Graham Dave Barnett.

"He may not be here, but he still loves you and is proud of you," said my grandpa, who might have noticed my frown. "Yes, you don't need to be down, because we have to go to the Kazas tower in two hours for our deal, and cheer up man, we are going to have our biggest deal signed off under our finger by today." said my best friend, Xander.

" Yes yes, you guys may go to discuss with the team. I have to visit my wife at her show." Then my grandpa hugged me and patted my head and walked away.

"I love grandpa, but I can't fathom his wife. Seriously, man, she is waiting for the moment to inherit his property. She is just 20."

"She is 24, a well-known fashion model, Alina."

"And she lusts over you."

"I don't care. She is the wife of my grandfather and that's it. I have my boundaries. Anyone who crosses that is set to see my wrath."

"Don't worry we can book a big harassment case on her, and your fans will be ready to charge."

"Oh god, I don't have fans, like yours. Man, boys and girls, tell me a name who is not a fan of yours."

"Talking about fans, I didn't know we had attended and clubbed with too many girls and had a rough night."

"What! Where did you get that news from?"

"The one and only, E tainment news."

"Ignore the rubbish, let's head on to our final discussion."

We walked towards our floor.

2:00 PM

We are headed towards the Kazas Towers, finally. It was a long stretch of discussions and congratulations texts. I feel dull and less charged, but I need to show my best. We arrived at a place crowded with reporters and women, girls, and boys. That's when I noticed it. The name is unique and different.

"Cassandra's Den, is that a bar on the ground floor of Kazas?" I asked curiously.

" I think old Kazas is an upgraded man. Old knows what to entertain his employees," Xander commented.

"..umm Sirs' that's not a bar. It's a cafe and a bakery, very famous for its muffins and coffee." After Uncle Robert said that, We both stared at it again.

"Den, seriously, the owner has some kind of kinky thoughts I guess. Who is the owner?" Xen asked.

"Cassandra Claire."

"Sounds hot. We would like to meet her one day."

" She is 80 years old."

"Then we are definitely meeting her. She may share knowledgeable stories." Xander smirked.

" Sir, are you going to keep the cafe working there," asked Uncle Robert, some confusion drawing on his face.

"I don't think it can be a problem, it's their business center, and many people will be depending on it. Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean we should never imagine it. We can't steal someone's happiness. I think it will be more flourishing for what we are planning here."

Uncle Robert smiled a genuine smile, and so did Xen.

I am a businessman, that's true, but above all, I am a human, and I should never forget that. That's what my mother's last words were.

The deal was a success, Irvus Kazas was not a convinced man, but now I can see the glint of a smile on his face, which means I had broken a big wall. In the end, he was pleased with our proposition and congratulated me and Xen. The deal was a success and the man himself said that now he can retire properly. But it is his contribution too. So I made him agree with a 25% share from the venture, to which he agreed reluctantly but was happy about it. Still, I felt it was not enough. I looked at my best friend who understood and went on to make it happen.

The hall was full of the smells of delicious coffees and bakeries, and I had to resist my urge as someone had controlled my sweet intake. That's when I smelt it. A very cozy homey fragrance reminds me of my home, and my mother. I looked in the direction to find a box of muffins. I couldn't resist. It smelled like banana chocolate. I grabbed one and took one bite when Xen entered the hall again. Everything in me screamed for my mom, the taste, it is very much familiar to my mom. It's the way she used to make it. I teared up, Xen looked at me, surprised.

It is my mom's recipe, but how on earth does someone know about it? She has been dead for 25 years, and she had made this only for my 5th and last birthday she celebrated with me.