
Blood Moon, Black Night

Prologue : After his newborn daughter is taken, and his wife mysteriously disappears, with the police not taking her disappearance seriously, William must risk everything, including being seen in werewolf form, to hunt down his wife and find out where his daughter has been taken, and fight to get her back, The only piece left of his missing wife. Chapters: Following William's daughter as she grows up, discovering she is a werewolf, and tries to reclaim her culture, along the way she meets other humans with animal forms, and might even fall in love.

Alex_Brothers · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Prologue 6

William got back into his car and drove back to Regina, as it would take much longer to run through the cover of woods and farmland in wolf form, than to drive there in human form. Plus there's a chance of getting spotted by a farmer while crossing the fields. As he drove he kept a lookout for any sign of Lucene, he hoped she was just stranded somewhere and he would run into her trying to get home. But as he drove past field upon field with patches of trees, and remnants of homesteads that had long been forgotten, he could see no sign of his wife, he even kept the window open in hopes he would catch her scent. By the time he got to Regina, he could not pick up her scent on the road, but as he drove into the city, he picked something up. He swerved into the first parking lot he could find, and got out to seek the source on foot. He took a deep sniff of the air and followed the scent once he pinpointed it, there were so many other scents it was tough to concentrate on just one. He followed the scent across the parking lot which led him to a Costco gas station. So she had been here, what was she doing? Walking home? He followed the scent trail deeper into the city where it lead back, to see if maybe she might have stayed in the city to wait on him. About an hour and a half of walking and he was back at the hospital, where the scent stopped. It seems she had gone from the hospital and went straight down Victoria Ave. towards the highway.

William decided to stop at the police station to file a missing persons report before heading back towards the highway again. He walked inside and went up to the officer sitting at the desk. "Hi, I would like to file a missing person report", he told the officer. "okay, I just need to ask a few questions to file into the system", said the officer. "Age?"


"His or her name?"

"Lucene Weaseltail"



"Last Seen?"

"Saturday, leaving the hospital"

"Description, and clothes last seen wearing?"

"Aboriginal woman, braids on either side, shoulder length, black hair, blue eyes, red rose tattoo on right shoulder, last seen in a green tank top and blue Jean shorts."

"Okay, I will put her into the system and we will keep an eye out for her and call you if we find anything."

William walked back the hour and a half to the Costco gas station. He decided to inquire inside if anyone had seen his wife.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the young man at the desk asked William.

"Where you working on Saturday?" asked William.

"Yes, any particular reason?"

"Did you by chance notice a woman here?" William asked and described her to the clerk.

"Actually I did see her Saturday morning, sat over there with a sign wanting a ride to Fort Qu'Appelle, " the clerk pointed to where he saw her.

"Did you see who she might have gone with?"

"kind of, young fella, white Toyota car, couldn't tell you his name though."

"Do you have the security footage?" William asked.

"Unfortunately it gets taped over every day, only inspected during suspected theft or police request, sorry I can't help more", said the clerk sheepishly.

"Well, thanks anyways for your information," William said as he walked out.

The afternoon sun beat down on William as he walked to his car, feeling very hopeless.