
Chapter 10: Are you ok?

My body jerked forward violently as a scream tore through me. Nothing but pure fear and terror coursing through my veins. I was clueless as to how much time had passed by but the stinging of my cheek brought me back down to reality. My eyes began to focus and I was staring at my best friend, who was looking at me with wide, scared eyes.

"Rory..." Her voice was so low, a whisper even, that I barely caught it.

I just stared at her. She looked as scared as I felt. Her eyes searched mine, trying to figure out what the hell happened to me without actually speaking words. I moved towards her; my movements were so slow you'd barely be able to tell I was moving at all. She just watched me. I placed my head in the crook of her neck and wrapped my arms around her. She stayed completely still as I silently began to cry. The tears just flowed out of me in streams. I couldn't hold them back, no matter how hard I tried.

All the while Ivy just wrapped her arms around me as tightly as she could and allowed me to cry. I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that before darkness consumed me again.


Pulling up into the school's parking lot brought more dread onto me than usual. I was over this day already and the day hadn't even started yet. As Ivy drove through the lot to her parking spot, I just stared aimlessly out the window.

Last night took a toll on me, not just mentally and emotionally but physically too. I woke up this morning with a terrible headache and looked like shit. Even the morning call from my dad had done little to improve my mood. I didn't know how I was going to get through today.

"Are you sure you're, ok?" Ivy's voice broke me from my thoughts.

Sighing, I just looked around the parking lot at everyone else in their own bubbles, "not really but I don't have much of a choice. I just want to get the day over with." I took a deep breath and got out of the car. It was a bit on the chilly side today so I was glad I dressed comfy and warm. I heard Ivy open and close the door on her side before she came over to me.

We linked our arms and walked towards school together. Every step forward brings more dread than the last. Walking through the halls felt more than a little uncomfortable, it was as if everyone was watching me, staring at me. But as I snuck my glances towards the other students loitering around no one was paying any attention to us, to me. It was only when we reached my locker that I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"That wasn't too bad. Right?" Ivy offered me a smile.

"Right," I gave a small smile back, but I knew that she knew, I was lying through my teeth. Before she could say anything else the bell rang.

"See you at lunch?" She asked with concern written across her face.

"Maybe, I'll let you know. Later." My reply was lame at best but I just couldn't muster up any positive emotions right now. I sighed as I took the walk to my history class.


Me: not feeling it today, meet you at the car after school. I just need some quiet.

I made sure my text went through before turning off my phone and laying my head on the table. The cold surface and deadly quiet silence, doing wonders for my current state of mind.

The library was one of a few places you could go to for some peace at school. No big exams or papers were due so the population consisted of myself and the librarian who rarely ever stayed behind the counter. And I couldn't be happier. This was the peace I needed.

"Excuse me?"

'Of course...kill me. Please.' I took a deep breath before opening my eyes and turning towards the intruder of my peace.

"I'm sorry to bother you, could you help me?"

I stared wide-eyed at my intruder. 'You've got to be kidding me?!' I pinched my arm just to make sure I wasn't asleep.

"Um, are you ok?" She took a step back cautiously.

"Yes! Yes, sorry. I'm fine." She stared back at me skeptically. "I'm just tired, I didn't sleep well at all last night."

"Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you then." She turned to walk away.

"Wait, it's fine. You said you needed help, right?" I knew I could've just let her walk away but I didn't see the harm in helping her out if I could.

She stopped and turned back to me, "yeah, the librarian isn't here and I need a textbook for my environmental science class."

"Oh, no problem. Most of the books here are in alphabetical order by the names of the author but textbooks are on the back shelves on the other side of the librarians' desk in order by subjects."

"Thank you so much...uh, I don't know your name."

"Right, sorry about that. I never introduced myself. My name is Aurora, Aurora Hunter. Nice to meet you." I waved at her from my seat.

"Nice to meet you, Aurora, I'm Willow Sinclair." She waved back, "thanks for your help, and sorry again for disturbing your nap."

"Don't mention it. I was glad to help. See you around Willow."

She gave me a smile and walked back to the other side of the library allowing me to go back to my peace and quiet.


I closed my locker and swung my bag over my shoulder. I was so happy today was over. I'm exhausted and in need of a relaxing bath. Walking out of the building I head over to Ivy's car, hoping she's already there so we could head home as soon as possible.

To my surprise, she was there but she was not alone. For the second time today, I've had to pinch myself to make sure I was seeing exactly what I was seeing. Ivy was leaning against her car talking to Ryder Sinclair. I stared in shock for a few moments. 'They talk? Since when?!' Ivy never mentioned talking to him, and she tells me everything. I stare at the two for a bit longer before I shake my head. 'Too much for me to handle today,' I was entirely too tired to play detective.

Just as I continued forward something caught my eye, to my left I saw Allen Whitman and our gym teacher having a one-sided heated discussion. Mr. Croft was exclaiming wildly at Allen but Allen's expression couldn't be more disinterested if he tried. I must have been staring for some time because soon Allen's cool gaze met mine before I looked away. A tingling sensation went through me, weird.

Sighing for at least the millionth time today, I continued my walk to Ivy's car. As I got closer Ivy finally took notice of me.

"Rory, there you are. I've been waiting for you." She smiled and waved me over. "Rory this is Ryder, Ryder this is my best friend, Aurora or Rory for short."

"Hey," was Ryder's response with a smile as I finally reached them.

"Hi." My response was as dull as I felt, all of a sudden, and I didn't attempt to hide it. I looked at Ivy, "can we go?"

Ivy's smile was now a frown as she nodded silently and unlocked the car doors. I gave Ryder a single nod as I entered the car. She spoke some more to Ryder before he walked away and she got into the driver's seat. "Rory, what the hell was that?"

I shrugged, "I'm just not in the mood today."

"So that makes it ok to be rude?" Ivy was annoyed but I just didn't care.

"Not at all, that's just what it is." Staring out the window, I caught sight of Allen again, his face still full of disinterest as he walked away from the gym teacher. The rest of the car ride was silent after that. I knew it wasn't nice of me to act that way but I just don't have the energy to deal with any of it.