
Blood money

"Aditya Dior, the son of the renowned businessman Vijay Dior, was admired for his intelligence, cleverness, and a physique that seemed chiseled by the Greek gods. However, Aditya's life took an unexpected turn when his father suffered a sudden business setback, leaving their family in turmoil. In the midst of this crisis, Aditya crossed paths with Karen Singhanyia, the sole heir to the Singhanyia business empire and a titan in the world of commerce. Karen's reputation preceded him as the 'king of the business world,' and his empire was a testament to his astute strategies and relentless ambition

Mehak_Noor_5126 · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

chapter 1


The hospital lobby was a hive of activity. Reporters jostled for position, photographers snapped shots, and a curious crowd murmured in anticipation. Aditya Dior, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, stood at the podium. Beside him was his wife, Sonia, whose hand rested gently on his arm, offering silent support. The emblem of the newly inaugurated hospital gleamed on the podium, symbolizing a dream realized.

Aditya adjusted the microphone, his eyes sweeping over the sea of faces before him. His expression was a mix of determination and deep emotion. The room fell silent as he began to speak, the flashbulbs flickering like staccato applause.

"Hello, everyone," he began, his voice steady but laced with emotion. "Today, we stand here not just to open a hospital but to fulfill a dream—a dream that was held close to the heart of someone very special to us."

Aditya paused, taking a deep breath. "My elder brother, Rahul, may no longer be with us, but his vision, his compassion, and his unwavering dedication to making a difference live on."

The silence was palpable as the room hung on his every word. Aditya's eyes grew teary, and he fought to maintain his composure. "It was Rahul's dream to open a hospital that would provide healthcare to those in need, regardless of their circumstances. He believed that healthcare was a basic human right, and he worked tirelessly to make this dream a reality."

Reporters scribbled furiously, capturing the essence of his speech. The room seemed to breathe in unison, drawn into the poignant moment.

"Today, in his memory and with the blessings of our family, I am proud to inaugurate this hospital," Aditya continued, his voice filled with resolve. "A hospital where no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. A hospital that will provide top-quality care to all, just as Rahul would have wanted."

Sonia squeezed his arm gently, her silent support unwavering. Aditya pressed on, "This hospital is not just a brick-and-mortar structure; it is a testament to the enduring power of love, compassion, and the legacy left behind by a remarkable soul. We hope that, in some small way, we can carry forward Rahul's dream and make a positive impact on the lives of those who seek care here."

Thunderous applause erupted, reverberating through the lobby. Aditya and Sonia shared a moment of quiet reflection before turning to officially open the doors of the hospital. The building stood ready to honor Rahul's legacy and provide hope and healing to those in need.



In a lavish penthouse, a handsome man reclined on a plush leather couch, dressed in the latest designer fashion. Floor-to-ceiling windows revealed a stunning cityscape, but his attention was fixed on the massive flatscreen TV. The screen displayed Aditya Dior, speaking passionately at the hospital inauguration.

The man's expression was one of detached interest as the reporter narrated the heartfelt story of Rahul's dream. "A hospital where no one will be turned away due to lack of funds," the voiceover echoed.

A discreet knock interrupted his contemplation. He raised an eyebrow, irritation flickering across his features.

"Who is it?" he called, his tone edged with annoyance.

A servant in a crisp uniform entered, carrying a tray with a glass of juice. "Your juice, sir," the servant said softly.

The man barely glanced at him. "Put it on the table and leave," he ordered dismissively.

The servant complied, placing the glass down and exiting silently. The man's eyes returned to the TV, his expression unreadable but his thoughts clearly engaged.

"Hmm," he murmured to himself, contemplatively. "Hospital and all this... interesting."

He leaned back on the couch, the allure of the interview and its underlying message lingering in his mind, even if only for a fleeting moment.


Aditya Dior stepped out of the hospital, a mix of accomplishment and solemnity on his face. His suit was tailored to perfection, mirroring the significance of the day. Sonia, graceful and elegant, walked beside him.

They approached a sleek, black car waiting at the curb. The chauffeur stood ready, holding the door open. Aditya gestured for Sonia to enter first, then followed her into the vehicle.


The door closed with a soft thud, enveloping them in a cocoon of leather and luxury. Aditya settled into his seat, and Sonia, with a warm smile, squeezed his hand gently.

"Today, my love, your late brother's dream came true," Sonia said softly.

Aditya turned to her, his eyes reflecting a complex blend of emotions—pride, gratitude, and a hint of sadness. "Yes, you're right, Sonia. Today, we've taken a significant step toward honoring Rahul's memory and making the world a better place. This hospital will be a beacon of hope for so many."

Sonia nodded, her eyes filled with pride and admiration. "I'm proud of you, Aditya. I know how much this means to you and to Rahul's legacy."

Aditya smiled, his heart warmed by her support. "Thank you, Sonia. None of this would be possible without you by my side. Rahul's dream has become our shared vision, and together, we'll make it a reality."

As the car pulled away, Aditya and Sonia continued their journey, hand in hand. The road ahead was long, but with their love and determination, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Aditya returned home, the weight of the day's events still heavy on his mind. The mansion, usually a sanctuary of opulence and tranquility, was now a scene of chaos. Servants hurried about, their faces etched with worry. Some spoke in hushed tones, while others frantically searched various rooms.

"What's going on here?" Aditya demanded, confusion evident in his voice.

One of the servants, visibly shaken, approached him. "Sir, it's Mr. Vijay. He's missing. We've searched the entire house, but he's nowhere to be found."

Aditya's expression shifted to deep concern. "What? Missing? Where could he be?"

The servant trembled, the gravity of the situation apparent. Aditya's father, Vijay Dior, was a pillar of strength and wisdom.

"We don't know, sir," the servant replied, worried. "We've looked everywhere—his office, his room, the estate. He's not here."

Aditya's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. "I'll call the authorities. We need to find him, and we need to do it now."

As he reached for his phone, his heart pounded with worry. The once tranquil mansion was now a place of anxiety and uncertainty. The search for Vijay Dior began in earnest, a new chapter of urgency unfolding in the Dior family's saga.