
Blood Magus: Reincarnation of a Fallen Magus

Lucius Nightshade, one of the brilliant mind of the empire finds himself entangled in a sinister web of ancient rituals and forbidden magic because of his desire to exact revenge and regain his former glory. A shadow to his former self, as he tries to reclaim what's rightfully his, once again he had to confront the very person who had stripped him of his glory and made half of his life miserable. Finally as the situation gets dire, he takes a gamble. But for this gamble of his, a price had to be paid; a heavy one at that. That gamble leads him to his death. And just when he thinks that everything is over, a glimmer of hope presents itself in front of him as he awakens in a different body. However even this moment proves to be dreadful as he awakens in a body that had been torn apart and in dying state Even that pathetic state of his fails to terrify him and instead with a frown he mutters, "Great, I survived death only to die again..." Just then he hears a strange voice ringing in his ears [Blood Pact System activating......]

Bloom07 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Familiar foe

Unlike previous times, this time the hooded individual neither dodged nor retreated. Instead, as if he was throwing his life away, he recklessly charged forward without any care— allowing Magnus to pierce his sword right through the body of this individual.

Why didn't he dodge?

While the fresh blood of this individual whom he had pierced slowly tainted his sword, Magnus with a stupefied look on his face kept on staring at this individual. Although his anger hadn't subsided and he still wanted to tear this person apart, still he was somewhat taken aback by the action of this hooded individual whose life was at his mercy right now.

"Urgh… So, just killing me once isn't enough… urgh… for you huh, Magnus?" While putting a weak smile on his face, he spoke with great difficulty.

What is he saying?

Magnus who had skewed his sword right through the body of this individual couldn't bring himself to understand the meaning behind the dying words of this individual. But upon hearing the voice of this individual, he felt somewhat unsettling. It was as if he had heard this voice before.

Upon closer inspection, he found those crimson eyes and that dying face which was dyed with blood somewhat familiar.

"Lucius??" Sounding somewhat doubtful, Magnus murmured.

Upon hearing his name which even he hadn't heard for a long time, he slightly lifted the corner of his mouths, revealing a weak smirk on his grotesque face, "Haha…."

He couldn't help but feel amused upon hearing this name which he hadn't heard for so long. Hearing this same name which tormented him in the past, at this moment he felt like he was truly alive.

This confirmed Magnus's doubt. But instead of feeling happy, he felt a little horrified upon learning the truth. The same person whom he had framed and killed was standing alive in front of him right now.

But then again, he immediately dispelled those feelings as an intense feeling of joy overcame his horror, "Hahahaha…., So you've returned back from the dead only to get killed by me again huh? Hahahaha…."

As he laughed aloud, his maniacal laughter resonated through this seemingly silent forest. Upon hearing Magnus's laughter those bunch who were right now rushing towards the altar immediately came to a halt as they couldn't help but feel surprised upon hearing this maniacal laughter.

How great of a joy would he be feeling that he totally forgot about the death of his daughter?

But Lucius who right now was dying wasn't surprised by Magnus's maniacal laughter. He knew how much of a scum Magnus was.

His daughter died, so what? Although the death of his daughter made his heart ache but as long as it wasn't his son Ellias who possessed the only known divine artifact, "Phoenix blood bead" a one-time consumable bead like item which could enhance the magical prowess and aptitude of any person who consumes it, he could still bear the loss.

"Oh… poor Lucius Nightshade, has it been 20 years or 30 years since I last incinerated you?"

As he said those words, not even a spec of guilt or sadness could be heard in his voice. Instead, his voice was full of mockery.

Although Magnus wanted to say more but there were people around him, so he couldn't say everything freely. Well, he could still kill those bunch if he wished for but that would be too bothersome for him. Thus, he intentionally only spoke what was already known.

It was well known within the empire that Magnus had eradicated Lucius because it was believed that Lucius had colluded with devil.

Upon hearing Magnus's mocking remark, Lucius couldn't help but remember his past where he had been falsely accused of colluding with devil. Those flames which burned him in the past flashed past his eyes which made him extremely agitated.

 Or so he made it look like. Sure, those memory upset and angered him but it wasn't the right time for him give in to his emotions.

In the pretence of getting enraged by the upsetting memory of the past, Lucius let out an enraged roar as he directed intense killing intent towards Magnus, "Ahh…. Die Magnus"

Furiously shouting such, he mustered every remaining bit of energy he had left into one final strike which targeted Magnus's open head. Immediately sensing threat Magnus ducked his head while at the same time he channelled his aura towards his sword which in turn caused his sword to generate piping hot flames that could burn any living entity alive.


Feeling the heat of the flames burning his flesh, Lucius let out an agonising scream. Once again, just like before he was getting burnt alive.

At that time, he was fortunate enough to survive the tragedy because of the effect of the divine artifact, "Phoenix Feather Amulet" which actually came in pair with the other divine artifact, "Phoenix blood bead".

Actually, Phoenix blood bead was a bead that was embedded in the Phoenix feather amulet to allow the holder of the artifact to fully utilise its potential. While consuming the bead would significantly increase the magical prowess and aptitude of the host permanently but instead of consuming it, in actuality it would have been more beneficial to wear the amulet.

Since it would constantly increase the strength of the user as long as the user comes into contact with it. One could say that the bead was like an energy core while the amulet was the transmitter which transmitted the energy generated from the bead.

But even without the energy core, the amulet in itself wasn't useless either as it still had one omnipotent effect, an effect that could revive the holder once at the cost of its destruction.

And that's how Lucius survived first incineration but right now, he didn't possess the amulet. Yet instead of despairing, right now there was a creepy smile on his face.

Since the hairs on his body had already burnt, right now he had no eyebrows, no eyelashes, no hair and even his skin was severely burnt, yet he had a smile on his face.

If it was the smell of roasted chicken or any other livestock, those bunches who had arrived with Magnus would be drooling. But since it was the smell of a person burnt alive, they felt extremely irritated which caused many of them to cover their nose.

However, Magnus who was standing the closest to the source of this foul smell seemed like he wasn't bothered by the smell.

But right now, he was bothered by something else. This seemingly bone chilling scene of Lucius's charred face revealing a creepy smile on his face was sending shiver down his spine.