
Blood Magic

Forty years ago the city of Anastasia know for the high value slaves, top lead in genetics, and magical technology fell to ruin after the uprising. With so much of information left after the chaos, the Government of Magic sent expeditions to gather what information it could. With the last expedition ending in failure, the Government withdrawn all advancements. Areto a former breeder to the slave network, set free by a unknown beast. When his former masters' family is killed, he is brought up as a adopted child to an renowned Magical Inventor. With the opportunity to get away from his former masters, and aquire power to protect the one he loves. He will no longer be a slave. Going to a elite Magic school he will learn what it means to be free. But when the past comes back his nightmares are reignited.

SleepyHollow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 1


"You ok"

Turning his head Areto glanced over to see his friend and classmate, Elias sitting at his desk reading. *Advance Magic. Elemental Defense* Giving a small smile Areto sat up, running his hand through his hair. "Yea I'm fine." He said taking a deep breath. "They're becoming more frequent." Elias turned in his chair. "Did you even go to the counselor. You can trust them." Areto looked up. His head in his hand, hair blocking his eye sight. Elias's gold hair, pale skin, and amethyst colored eyes made him look like a porcelain doll. At 17, Elais is at the top of the class. He study's constantly. "I'm dealing with them."

"Writing in your journal and playing piano aren't working anymore. You need someone to talk to." Elias got up and walked over bringing the candle. "If you don't talk to them, talk to me." Taking a deep breath, Areto ran his hands over his face and hair. Looking out the window, moon high above cool breeze coming on through the open window. Turning to Elias he look at the those beautiful eyes of his. "I'm not ready to talk about what happened." Elias saw the trembling, the twitching of the eyes the tears that wanted to fall down. Areto rested his head on his friends shoulder. "Go to the counselor."

"I don't trust them," bringing is head up "I'm going back to bed. Night."

"Night." Elias got up and went back to studying. He knew him since his father brought him to the estate. Deep asleep tattered clothes to big for him. Shoulder length rose-colored hair dirty. Klaus, and him getting ready for Alfonse graduation. Entering the palor their father carrying him in. *Boys, this is Areto. His going to be staying with us for a while. Treat him like family* Later that day he told them what happened while they all slept.


Stifling a yawn Areto and Elias walking towards class. "Didn't get any sleep?" Luca another classmate came up to them. "Prince keep you up all night." he asked. "Don't call me 'prince'." Luca seeing his jab get to Elias put his arm around Areto's shoulders.

"Need to get your hair cut, it's nearly dragging behind you." Luca said. "My Ma-" Before he could finish Elias interrupted. "Did you clean the dinning hall?" Luca standing casually rubbing the back of his neck making his earring catch the morning light."Oops." Luca took off running. "If you wanted the dinning hall cleaned Master I would have gladly done it." Elias releasing a sigh, they continued walking to class. "Areto we've been through this before, your not a slave to me your like a brother. Call me by my name." They walked the rest of the way in silence. Entering the class room some of the other students were already there. Guy another classmate came over. "Your brother is teaching us today." Without hesitation Elias crossed his arms."Why is he teaching?" Guy made a face of confusion, his eyes that reflected like fire caught the light making them turn orange. "There was a beast sighting in town. The headmaster and some teachers went to investigate." All the students heads turned to them. "Do they know what kind of best?" Areto voice cracked. Guy fixed his uniform, moving is cloak to his more to his shoulder. "Rumors that it's the beast that attacked the Sacyah family estate 3 years ago." Areto's face turned pale. *If it's here, he can't be far behind* he thought. Elias put a hand on his friends shoulder. "It's ok Areto it can't get on the school grounds. Even if it does it won't hurt you." He took a deep breath at his friends reassurance, nodding his head he took his seat getting ready for class. Elias nodded to Guy. Areto felt like he was going to vomit, his breeder mark on his shoulder felt like it was burning through his uniform. Awhile later the morning bell rang and Klaus walked in. He saw Areto and gave a little nod in greeting. "All right everyone in their seats." Everyone quickly sat down at his stern voice. Klaus took a quick look around, glanced at Elias and he shrugged his shoulders. Releasing a sigh, Klaus took off his cloak addressing the room. "Professor Muriel is away, so I'll be teaching today's class. He told me to continue the lesson on potions. Does anyone here know of Silver Kiss." No one raised their hands. Shaking his head he took out his wand "Aperio" Each student got a silver bottle no bigger then a pen. It shimmered, the intricate rasied carvings reflecting the light that landed on it making look like a rainbow. The room filled with Ohhs and Ahhs as each student looked at it in aww. "This potion was created by a master in alchemy, the ingredients for it are unknown so please be careful with it. It can't be re-made." Klaus put his wand away. "Who is the Master Alchemist that created it?" All heads looked at Klaus for the answer. Without hesitation he answered "The creator was killed 40 years ago. With their passing the recipe for it was lost as well." He said. "Sliver Kiss is used for as what?"

"It's used as an anitdote for Grim Breath."

"What are the symptoms for it."

"Black spider webbing around the injection site, intense pain, pale grey skin, sukken in eyes and cheeks, and cold sweats."

*Of course Elias had the answers* The rest of class pass by quickly. Klaus dismissed them and left. Standing up Areto streach, half the room was already empty. Looking around Areto walked over to Elias. "Ma- Elias I'm heading to the dorm." Looking up Elias nodded his head. "Want me to bring you something to eat." Uncertain of how to respond Areto just shook his head. "We got a new student today. It's a girl." Wrapping both arms around Areto, Luca gave him a hug from behind. Areto immediately went stiff. "What does she look like?" He asked "Don't know she got pick up by the Emperor, before I got to say hi. She has a familiar tho." Elias's eyes went wide at that. Luca let go of Areto leaning on him he gave a little smirk. "I've never seen her type of familiar tho. It's some kind of bird."

"Another student with a familiar. She must be powerful. Where did she come from?" Elias asked. "Don't know where. Klaus is showing them to the girls dorm."

"Did you ever clean the dinning hall?" Elias asked crossing his arms. "Come on man losen up. Your not going to get a girl like that." Giving him a stern look like a parent to a child. "I'll help you Luca." To his surprise Luca grabbed Areto and took off. "Thanks man. Why do you hang around Elias so much anyway?" Areto thought for awhile before answering. "His family adopted me after my previous Master got hurt." They reached the dinning hall and got started. "Master' you say that as if you're a slave." Luca got up on a table. Areto felt his mark again. "Do you want to wipe down the tables or should I?" Putting his knee up he smiled. "I'll do what I can."

"In other words I'll do everything and you take credit" Giving him a bashful smile Luca laid on his stomach. Areto reached for his wand, pointed to the wash cloth it started wiping the tables by itself. He then moved on to the salad bar and started covering up the left overs. "Why don't you have a familiar yet. Your prowerful enough." Placing the last cover on, Areto used his wand to have the mop and bucket clean the floors. "I haven't found one yet." In all honesty he didn't know if his master would allow him one. "Come on dude. Cerim, Randy, Klaus, even Yukiya have one."

"A squirrel, magic stuffed animal, owl, and a wolf aren't really my thing."

"What is your ideal familiar then?" Areto never really thought about it much. It didn't really crossed mind for that matter. Familiar's can be obtained by ethier buying it from a store, making it, or by random. Areto just always thought it be random. "I don't really know I just thought I'd find one when I found one. That's all." Not looking convinced Luca hopped of the table. Entering the kitchen Areto started to clean the dishes. Using his wand he had a towel dry them, then they stacked themselves. "You have a cloth wipping tables, mop and bucket cleaning the floor and the dishes drying and stacking themselves. If anyone deserves a familiar it's you." Luca pointed to everything that was happening. Grabbing the towel Luca started to dry the clean dishes. "Maybe you should just look into see about getting one. It wouldn't hurt."


By the time him and Luca got done the sun was setting. Luca went to the library to catch up on reading before going to bed. Walking back Areto felt like someone was watching him. He turned all the way around and didn't see anyone. Turning the corner the boys dorm came into veiw. "I thought I lost you." Vomit rose up in his throat. Areto continued walking ignoring the man following him. The man grabbed his arm and forced him out of site. "Don't think you can just walk away from me"

"Master Onyx I no longer be long to your family." Onyx's brown eyes become rage filled. Reaching down he grabbed between Areto's legs. "You still belong to me I hold your pedigree certificate and you collar key." Covering his mouth Onyx began rubbing Areto through his pants. "Do I have to remind you who you belong to too?" As Onyx went to undo Areto's belt footsteps sounded coming down the path. Taking the advance Areto pushed Onyx away running towards the boys dorm Areto prepared his wand to unlock the door. "Aperio Porta" he shouted. The door opened wide, he ran through it going all the way up to his room. Reaching the door nearly knocking it down, closing it behind him he rested his head on. Covering his mouth to prevent from crying tears slid down his face. *Why his he here? He shouldn't be able to get on the grounds.* Those thoughts kept going through his head on his way up to his room. Wiping the tears away he started to get ready for bed. Looking in the mirror he stared at his reflection. Pearl colored eyes stared back. He was well built, porcelain skin as white as snow. Nearly everyone thought he was a girl when they first met. Rose-colored hair down to his waist. *Luca is right it's is getting long.* Putting on clothes he took one final look in the mirror. *You where breed to be perfect.* Blocking out the memory he got into bed. *I hope I don't get a nightmare tonight*


'You are perfect. Made perfect. You already been breed. The results are astronomical. The child is beautiful. I pick well.' Areto can't see, he can't move. The mask his master put on him obstructed his vision. The bonds that where on his arms and legs where stuck to his skin. He can't remember the last time he saw Vega. 'Onyx is next' The bed moved. 'He pick a wonderful breeder for the next session. He can't wait.' He can feel the hot breath of his Master close to his ear. 'But I don't know if I want to be done quite yet.' His felt hands start to roam across his skin, his nipples the collar around his neck. They went lower, 'Look at this your training has gone well this past year' That hand started to play with is member. He tried to move but it made the bonds dig into his skin more. A laugh sounded in his ear. 'Your so wet' His Master started to pump him. Moans came out of his mouth but where muffled by the mask. The hand stopped it's movement, going down his length to his entrance. 'Your still wet here too' His Master put a finger in.

Jumping awake he looked around. Elias asleep, the moon above, the lit candle on his desk. Rubbing his face to get rid of the feeling of a mask. He hung his head fighting back tears. *Thought they were over, guess not* Getting up he walked to the balcony starring at the endless night he calmed down. He closed his eyes and let the rest of the tears fall. Wiping them away he opened them as he heard a distant howl. *They're aren't any wolfs here just Yukiya's familiar.* It came closer then he heard a scream. Worried about it he closed and locked the door and wrote a magic not to the prefect. He grabbed his wand kept an eye on Elias. *Sound asleep* His lips gave a slight smile *I won't let him end up like Vega." Awhile later he was still awake still waiting. A soft snarl sounded outside. Areto rushed to Elias, yanked out of bed a rushed to the changing screen. Drowsy from sleep Elias is startled "Areto,what's going on?" Areto put a finger to his lips. "Areto this isn't funny" The snarl sounded closer. A shadowed figure came over the railing. By the moons silhouette it gave the figure a shape. *It's the one from last time* A sound came making Elias get worried. "I wrote to the prefect." Areto singed. Nodding his head that made Elias realax a little. More sounds came and the balcony doors opened. Areto grabbed Elias and tucked his head in the crock of his neck so he doesn't see it. Coming in was a beast from 3 years ago. Dripping sounds could be heard, the smell of iron filled the room. On all fours it made it's way around the room moving from the desks to their trunks, knocking over everything with it's antlers it sniffed everything. It came to a stop when it reached Elias's bed, sniffing it then moving on to Areto's. Rising to it hind legs it bumped the chandelier with it's antlers. Being startled it growled, giving it a little sniff. Moving to the door with heavy footsteps it extends it hand trying to open it. It's claws made ringing sounds as they made contact. Moving away from the door it stopped in front of the screen. It's mouth had sharp fangs with normal teeth behind them, the front of it had four long canines, with eyes off soild black. It releases a loud growl sounded frustrated. *Is is looking for someone* Areto thought. As soon as that thought ended the best locked eyes with him.