

"I'm better off doing this than thinking about what had just happened. Besides, it's too weird to be true and it's not fair that I think of Marion in that way. It's just not right," she mutters as she starts to open her small but full ice box to bring out her recently prepared 'Dinuguan' dish to transfer it into a smaller ceramic cooking pot so she can begin to reheat it for her client. "It's just not right to do that to him..."

Speaking of what's not right to do...

Right beside her suite, a mysterious but handsome shadowy figure is lying down on his comfortable bed with an expensive memory mattress in the dark and is thinking deeply but sorrowfully about his agonizing decision to keep his beloved woman in the dark about his true feelings for her. After all, even if it was excruciatingly painful for him to do so, it is the only option and sole hurtful choice for him to keep her safe and alive…

