
Blood Lust: The Midnight Resort

Hiraya has always known that she had special skills that were quite strange. Imagine her surprise then when an infamous aristocrat chooses her from the many talents of the Midnight Resort’s Mediterranean Branch to be exclusively his due to these mysterious capabilities. Marion is not the typical multi-billionaire businessman. His family history is of regal stature and has a long history of power and prestige. However, he also holds a dark secret that needs a unique and special woman to solve. And he is intent on making her his by buying her from the Resort. Neither one of them wanted to fall in love. Yet they did… And that’s when they realize this might be the death of them. +++ Like it ? Add to library!Also, you can give feedback,stones or stars. :)

Myra_Agpalza_Butac · Fantasy
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79 Chs


Ok, I know that I'm freaky weird plus I could give the whole cast of Monster High a run for their money, and the whole resort knows that, even the other fucking international branches. But this kind of weird? At this rate, I might be packaged to service every weirdo, psycho, schizo, and even monsters in this part of the country. Or even the world…

Hiraya, for a moment, felt the same fear she had always felt whenever her "uniqueness", "talents" or "gifts" became the only real reason a sexual partner was interested in her. In the past, it was such a perk, a plus, and even a turn-on that someone would be attracted to her or make love to her for what others would consider "gross", "strange" or "unearthly" but, since, in most cases, they end up being weirder than she is…

Which is why she considered The Midnight Resort Mediterranean Complex as the perfect place to work.

It was practically a five-star hotel/resort with multiple other buildings and villas that had high-class drinks, food, and service. It's equipped to fulfil all its exclusive guests' wants and needs. Their customers are always assured of the best "talents" to fulfil their desires, even the secret ones including not-so-standard kinks…

And that applies to "unusual requests" and "unique tastes" too.

But even if that was the case, The Midnight Resort could easily create these special services, with the client's privacy as a priority. Exclusivity comes as a close second, servicing only top brass, company owners, personalities, politicians, and even royalty.

Practically anyone well-known, popular, powerful, and rich has visited The Midnight Resort at one time or another in their lives. Especially the Mediterranean branch's bordello, which was a large overhanging villa merged naturally into a cliff side, looking rather ancient and neglected on the outside.

But inside, it was all glitz, glamour, and class.

After all, it was necessary to keep these big wigs to remain anonymous and their reputations intact. The tourist part of the resort was located above and a bit of a distance away from this particular building to keep the masses away and unaware.

And now, Reuben Agpalza Castañeda, the new and legal owner of one of the most affluent and infamous pleasure houses is levelling up the Resort's services by adding, personalized packages for specific VVIPs. These included their stay's duration, a pre-screened talent, and advance payments with a detailed long-term contract.

Hopefully, he can make this a regular scheme work instead of the guests just coming over to party, orgy, or just remaining wasted and unruly for the rest of their stay. This is why, they are talking about her "package" and, unfortunately, Hiraya was not exactly thrilled about it.

She inhaled deeply trying to get a hold of her thoughts, as the past poked its unwanted head at her causing her to internally shiver. After a moment or two, she realized that Rube was now explaining who the chosen client was.

"Truth is, I already found a guy for you. He will be using the name Orion when he's here but he needs to smell your pussy while you're ovulating. And he wants you clean and untouched for two weeks before he fucks you."

What the hell…

"Untouched for two weeks? What if I touch myself? Will he get mad at me?"

"I think that's fine…"

"That was sarcasm, Rube!"

"Whatever Raya. Just pay attention, ok?"

"Fine, please continue," she said, forcing herself to shut up while waving one hand as if to order her boss to not mind her.

"He'll keep you with him until your menstruation arrives and you'll be servicing him the whole time that you're having your bloody period. And he'll pay double your usual rate too, for the whole damn bloody period of time, pun intended there."

Hiraya is now frozen in her seat and her mouth is wide open in astonishment.

She's been known to be open to clients fucking her even when she has her period. Blood play, they called it, which is considered a fetish. But she is explosively bloody, even thought of as having an abortion due to the pain and volume of her menstrual flow, so she tries to avoid taking in customers during the bloodiest days.

This is the first time someone wants to take me ONLY when I'm having a period. And including the peak days, too. Bloodlust during the whole bloody time… Literally! 

The high-class working girl takes a deep breath before replying.

"Why me, Rube? Just because I'm willing to be sexed up when I have a period? Is that it? Man, that dude sounds like a damn crazy maniac and you're gonna pair me up with him?"

"He is crazy, but not in that way."

"Whaaat?!" Raya almost stood up from her seat and walked out of the room. "What did I ever do to you to deserve this?! I know this is the main branch of the Midnight Resort Rube but come on!"

Rube saw her body's reaction and immediately was aware that his "offer" might be rejected. He immediately changes his tone and approach.

"Aw, shit... look, Hiraya, he's searching for someone that has more than the regular number of menstruation days and he wants a LOT of it. I'm talking about Friday the 13th meets Nightmare on Elm Street kind of gore. And no one can do better than you in those aspects, Hiraya. You're fucking famous for that!"

"Bloody hell."

"Yes, I agree," he snapped, him not being the most patient man in the resort.

"Not funny, Reuben!" she snapped back, her not being the warmest woman on the island.

"Look, do you want this damned gig or not? This man is one of our richest and most generous customers, alright? He's famous in our line of work for tips that include antique jewelry, prime property, and luxury cars, even private planes, for Christ's sake! Are you seriously going to pass up this big a chance, girly? Because if you are, you're not just weird anymore but certifiably insane!"

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