
Blood Kingdom

A Long time ago when the earth was a single gigantic supercontinent, (Pangea) there were four blood kingdoms, Onisia, Abalonia, Botswania and Adonisia. Abalonians possessed greatest magical powers that ran deep in their blood type AB. Botswania possessed blood type B and Adonis blood type A. Onisia possessed the toxic blood type O. It was extremely toxic that just a drop into the blood stream of any of the other blood types guaranteed death in about two minutes. This led to Onisia being isolated. Magic is everything in all the kingdoms. Kids are born into magic. They practice before they even learn how to walk. There is a saying in Abalon,‘Learn magic, then talking and walking will soon come naturally.’ There are seven ranks of magic called the spectra. The first and basic level is violet rank, followed by indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and the highest rank being red. In the old earth, before the world flood that destroyed the nephilims(half men, half demons) there were more powerful spectras beyond red. They were called intermediate spectra. Black spectra was the most evil and sinister magical power, that was possessed by the nephilims and white was the most powerful ever possessed by a human being. The earth enjoyed peace and prosperity for centuries until Onis, out of desperation and politics, waged war on Adonis. Abalon’s fall quickly followed at the hands of the invading Onisian empire. However two twin princes,(Daniel and Raphael) of Abalon fled the city as it was being engulfed like fire on a dry and thirsty grass. There was a prophecy made before the fall of Abalon that forty years after the invasion, they will take back their lands from the hands of the Onisians. Now forty years have passed and the descendants of the two twins, possess great mystical powers. They are called the seven swords of Yoshino. They are the only hope to fulfill the prophecy and restore their kingdom.

Regi_Nald · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Alan’s Ink magic

As Daniel was ruminating about this gloomy situation, 3 Onisian men appeared from the distant south, charging towards their position. They were clearly not Abalonians and it only meant one thing. They were out for blood.

The three warriors rampaged their way towards Daniel and Raphael's position. It was quite obvious they were attracted by the heavy loads the group was carrying. They rapidly closed in from the junction of the 58th street and the 48th street. At this moment Haruki and his company were just 3 streets away and the heavy load was dragging them down. The load was detrimental for their survival at the mountains but now their survival relied heavily upon their speed. One of the allied warriors jumped on top of the roofs to get an aerial view. After pinpointing their location, he alerted his comrades to corner them.

They raced on one side of the street, tracking them down. And just when they thought they had cornered them, to their surprise there was just a perplexed cat trying its best to mind its own business. They scoured the street but there was no sign of them. It seemed like they had vanished into thin air.

'Where could they have disappeared to." One said while cursing by his gods. They knew they were around there somewhere and it was exasperating because they fancied their changes against the poor kids. They saw that they were just young kids so they couldn't put up much of a fight. They were hoping to swiftly kill them and plunder the provisions for themselves without sharing with the rest of the allied warriors.

After a while of cursing they gave up and continued with their rampage. The group had dissapeared like a magic trick. Well it was indeed magic. Haruki had earlier anticipated that they would corner them when he caught the sight of them. So with his magic he cast an invisibility spell on all them as they hid in a house. The men retreated just in time before he could run out of strength to hold the spell. Soon as he released the spell, he panted so heavily that Daniel feared the three men would hear him and come back to finish the job. The spell took a heavy toll on him because he cast it over many people.

As they continued with their precarious journey through the war torn city, they encountered two warriors dragging two children. It seemed like they were claiming the girls as their spoils of war.

"Do something Haruki, do something." Daniel whimpered. He was touched by the loud howls of the poor children. Their clothes were torn and they were covered in dust, sweat and blood. You just couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

"There's nothing I can do, Dan." Haruki replied.

"My priority is to safely evacuate you out of the city.

As if to defy him, the two twins dropped their bags and charged towards the unsuspecting men. They wielded their daggers out of the scabbards and plunged them into their backs. They were so absorbed by the little girls that they did not see or sense the boys coming.

The men squealed in pain as the blade cut through their flesh, leaping away from the girls in pain. For a second they wondered if the little girls possessed some kind of special magical powers. But they soon learned that it was an attack by boys who looked a lot smaller than the girls.

"How pathetic." One of the men said as he was focusing his magic on the wound. They were not deep so they healed right away. Haruki instructed the others to hide and he charged towards Daniel and Raphael.

Palesa's eyes glowed yellow and she steamed behind him to offer backup. She uttered words as she was pelting a dark smoke was released from her right hand. The smoke began to form a shape of a sword and it immediately solidified. It had a charcoal black tilt and a smooth dark silver blade. One of the men who had a missing teeth wielded his sword at Raphael but Palesa came in the nick of time to block the attack. The impact shattered his sword to pieces like it was made of glass. Who would have thought smoke could be tougher than steel? It was like finding an oasis in the desert.

Toothless no longer had a weapon so he relied heavily upon his magic. He conjured flames and attempted to burn her alive. Palesa saw the flames and deftly dodged. More flames rained on her and she eventually got annoyed of the futile attacks. She paused and stood still, motionless like a statue as a fire ball closed in. It struck her face but what happened next was totally out of the ordinary. The man expected Palesa to show some kind of reaction to the attack like maybe screaming or being pushed back by the force but she just stood there like the flame was a cold breeze. And surprisingly she was not burning instead the flames were sucked in her nostrils.

She inhaled the last of the flame and as she breathed out, a dark smoke billowed from her mouth. The smoke then swiftly covered the man and as he screamed in anguish, he fell dead to the ground next to his partner in crime who had fallen to Haruki's sword. When the smoke disappeared, toothless had 3rd degree burns all over his body. They joined with the others and continued their journey to the east gate.

At the west gate, that was earlier demolished by the meteor. Alan rose from the ruble after he was blown into wooden houses by the shock wave. What he despised more was that he was dirty. His dark groomed hair and beard were brown with earth.

Covered in a mud of blood and dust, he pushed the wooden logs away and dusted himself as he made his way into the streets. He leapt up and landed on top of a roof and glanced towards where the gate was. The whole gate and the wall, together with many buildings within 200m radius of the gate were swept away in an instant.

As he was watching the army surging into the city, another meteor hit the South Gate at a devastating impact. A massive hole was formed and houses collapsed. After the shock wave had passed the troops poured in the streets like a flood. The Abalonians had spent the last few days repairing the walls and in an instant, their four days of work was destroyed. But that was the least of his worries. His life could be destroyed if he doesn't get out of harm's way.

Immediately as he was pondering on what to do next, Karuo, his junior appeared next to him.

"Sensei, what should I do." Karuo asked. He was an 18 year old teenager who had just graduated from the magic school.

"Evacuate the civilians towards the north and eastern wall and get them out the city." Alan replied.

"I will delay them to buy you time.

It seems he had decided to stand in harm's way for the sake of others.

"Sensei you can't hold them off alone." Said Karuo in fear and trepidation.

"That's a suicide mission."

"Desperate times calls for desperate measures." Alan responded.

"Now go, I command you."

Karuo left hesitantly and evacuated everyone he could find. As he left, King Akimitsu and the rest of the 12 guardians appeared in the roofs near Alan. Behind them marched an army of 30 000 strong, all pumped up to protect their city.

King Akimitsu shouted with a loud voice.

"We will defend our city, our enemies will not have their way."

"We will fight till the end."

The speech was welcomed by deafening war cries and they charged to meet the invading army. Fierce battles raged across the streets and as Alan was jumping from roof to roof observing the battle ground, he stumbled upon a small child. He landed near the frightened little boy and led him to a shop. Underneath the shop was another tunnel leading to the citadel. He instructed the little boy to head north once he was at the citadel.

He got out of the shop and leapt up the roofs. Immediately as he landed, he felt a sensation. His long hair floated in the air and instantly, lightning struck the roof as he swiftly leapt into another house, destroying it to the ground.

'Another close call.' He thought to himself while observing the surroundings. He charged up his spectra and his eyes turned orange.

First it was the meteor that nearly crushed him and now lightning. The universe is raining down disasters on him from the sky.

'Whoever is behind the lightning attack doesn't want to be seen. Probably a long range fighter.'

'So I will have to flush him out.' He thought to himself and he immediately saw three allied warriors on the street. They had not yet seen him so he took out a bottle of ink and opened it. A portion of ink flowed out. It suspended in the air and followed him as he landed in front of the 3 men.

The startled men hesitated when they saw him but charged forward anyway. He shot the ink at the one of the men. He sensed it and dodged but didn't anticipate it to be guided. It boomeranged back at him and struck the back of his neck. The ink made a tattoo of a man's head being blown to pieces and immediately his blood and brain splattered all over the street as he man was blown to pieces.

Alan jumped back to avoid being stained. He is a very fastidious man, a stickler for neatness and cleanliness for someone with such a magical power. In the chaos he shot more ink towards one of the flabbergasted man. It struck one of them on his wrist and as he looked at it, it formed a tattoo of a man with missing hands and legs. Immediately his hands were sliced off his shoulders and his legs were cut clean off by an invisible sword.

He instantly felt the same sensation of an electric field as before. His hair floated in the air and he swiftly leapt to the side as bright lightning struck the ground. In the mayhem, the ink that killed the two men accumulated back together and climbed on the last man's leg. It drew a tattoo of a him being thrusted by a sword in his rib cage and immediately a hollow wound gushed open as he fell dead to the ground.

Ahuiliz came out from the shadows strutting intimidatingly. Perhaps what was more intimidating was his tattooed face and earrings of bones. He was annoyed by Alan's ability to sense electrical fields and also because he was slaying his men so he decided to show up.

"You have killed 3 of my men in less than a minute, pretty impressive." Ahuiliz said.

"How many have you killed so far?

"I have lost count." Alan responded coldly.

"I never thought ink could be a weapon of choice." Ahuiliz admitted.

"I'm going to mercilessly kill you and tattoo my body with your ink, as a tribute to the men you have killed."

"I will give you a tattoo since you want it so bad." Alan replied.

Immediately the words reached Ahuiliz, his eyes turned orange and an intense lightning flashed all around him. The lightning grew more intense and so did his muscles. His veins popped out and his muscles grew exponentially, tearing his clothes. Wooden structures in close vicinity were demolished by the power he was exerting out of him. The ground beneath his feet crumbled and made way as he stepped forward towards Alan.

He lunged forward at lightning speed and in a flash he was already in Alan's personal space. Alan didn't have a chance to dodge. He thought Ahuiliz was a long distance fighter but he was learning the hard way not to make mistakes in a battle. He yanked his head back as Ahuiliz landed a shot, catapulting him into houses.

As he was cannoned through the houses, he reminisced of the earlier meteor shock wave that also sent him crashing through houses at the very same power.

He rose from the ruble and before he could even think of a plan, Ahuiliz was already charging towards him. His ink was not fast enough to match Ahuiliz's speed so he tried to manipulate his tattooed face.

He raised his right arm toward him and he moved his fingers. Ahuiliz was closing in fast at a terrifying speed. The tattoo ink on Ahuiliz's face began to move and they formed a sloth. Out of nowhere, his speed gradually slowed. Another tattoo of a turtle also formed, and his speed became even more slower.

You could tell by the intense muscles on his body and on his face that he was putting great effort to run faster but he was running in slow motion. The effort didn't match his speed, not even in the slightest and he knew he was outwitted by someone of a lower rank than him. Despite the fact that they are both orange ranked, there is still a huge difference between lower orange and upper orange.

As life flashed before him he thought of his family and his best friend Yahto. The reminiscing was cut short as Alan shot his ink and gave him a tattoo he asked for earlier. Except that this one was him being beheaded. Immediately blood splattered everywhere as his head was severed off his body and he fell dead to the ground.

Yahto was too far to help his long time buddy and brother in law. He was fighting against Ren and Hiro, two of the royal guardians.