
Blood is Life - A Warhammer Vampire Fiction

In the grim-dark warhammer universe Old World. It starts off with a reincarnation of a man from earth into a vampire body just going through the transition. Taking his situation in stride, with the help of his AI chip, Atlas (the MC) is forced into various situations that threaten his life starting with the first great vampire wars, as he tries to adapt and grow ever stronger. Using many facts from Warhammer the tabletop and the Total War game. Some changes to mechanisms of how power to include some small elements of cultivation. This has been on my mind as I have read some of the books and decided to create it with my own AI chip - ChatGPT - Enjoy!

Didiodo · Video Games
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Chapter 34

Several days later.

The air on the city wall hung heavy with anticipation as Atlas and Strickler, the mage to who he had sent the necromantic book, stood face to face, the flickering torchlight casting dancing shadows across their features. Before Atlas could utter a word, Strickler's voice cut through the silence like a blade.

"I know what you are," Strickler declared, his tone laced with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "A vampire."

Atlas's facade remained stoic, though inwardly he bristled at the mage's revelation. His talisman, crafted to conceal his vampiric nature, had failed to elude Strickler's keen senses.

With a measured calmness, Strickler continued, his eyes narrowing in scrutiny. "I've sensed the change in the city lord's daughter," he stated, his voice carrying an undercurrent of warning. "If you don't explain yourself, I'll have no qualms about ending your undead existence."

Atlas met Strickler's gaze, his mind racing as he weighed his options. With a resigned sigh, he chose his words carefully, knowing the delicate balance of power that hung between them.

"You're right," Atlas conceded, his voice carrying a note of resignation. "I am a vampire. But I mean you no harm." Clearly, his talisman, while capable of fooling mere mortals, mages had keener sight and closer inspection revealed his true nature.

As the weight of his admission settled between them, Atlas watched as Strickler's expression softened slightly, a glimmer of curiosity flickering in his eyes. With a steadiness born of necessity, Atlas began to explain his true purpose in seeking out the mage, laying bare his intentions and the fragile alliance that hung in the balance.

Mages were rare existences in the world, uniquely gifted by being able to wield the winds of magic, unlike Atlas who needed the transformation to vampire to grant him such a gift. When Atlas first set out to Nuln, he never expected to find such a rarity as a mage that he could slowly corrupt and turn to do his bidding. Now it was only a matter of time, taking it step by step, until Strickler would vow eternal loyalty to him.

Atlas, his voice steady yet earnest, explained his true intentions to Strickler as they stood atop the city wall, the torchlight casting elongated shadows around them. "I've come to Nuln seeking refuge from the cruelty of Sylvania," he began, his gaze meeting Strickler's with unwavering resolve. "All I desire is to build a life free from the shackles of my past, to find a companion who shares my interest in the arcane arts."

As he spoke, Atlas reached into the folds of his cloak, retrieving a weathered leather-bound tome. Its cover, worn with age yet exuding an aura of ancient wisdom, bore intricate etchings and faded symbols that hinted at the wealth of knowledge contained within.

"This book," Atlas continued, holding the tome aloft for Strickler to see, "holds secrets that I am willing to share, if you are willing to join me in our pursuit of knowledge."

Strickler regarded the book with a mixture of curiosity and caution, his expression betraying a flicker of interest at the prospect of unlocking its mysteries. After a brief negotiation, during which Atlas gave his word that he would not pose a threat to Strickler or his research, they reached an accord.

With a nod of agreement, Strickler extended his hand to seal their pact, the weight of their shared ambitions hanging in the air between them. At that moment, Atlas felt a glimmer of hope for the future, knowing that Stickler had the potential to become a valuable asset or ally in the coming wars.


Three weeks later.

As Atlas sat across from Stevan in his study, poring over the latest financial reports detailing the success of their soap and alcohol ventures, he couldn't shake the feeling of detachment that had settled over him. Though the profits flowed in steadily, filling his coffers with gold, Atlas found himself increasingly disinterested in the intricacies of business. He had been meeting regularly with the mage Strickler to exchange thoughts and their research which had given him many ideas to ponder; business in comparison was dull.

"Stevan," Atlas began, his tone tinged with a hint of weariness, "you know as well as I do that my interest in this enterprise lies not in the pursuit of wealth, but in its utility as a means to fund my research and future endeavours."

Stevan nodded understandingly, his expression mirroring Atlas's sentiment. "Of course, my lord," he replied, flipping through the reports with practised ease. "But I must say, there have been inquiries from several merchants interested in distributing our goods in other cities. It seems there is a demand for our products beyond the walls of Nuln."

Atlas raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "And what do you propose we do about it?"

Stevan leaned forward, a spark of enthusiasm igniting in his eyes. "I suggest we capitalise on this opportunity by expanding our operations and catering to a more upscale clientele. We could introduce a range of new scents and flavours, appealing to the tastes of the rich and noble. With a higher price point, we could significantly increase our profits and establish ourselves as a premier supplier in the market."

Atlas considered Stevan's proposal, weighing the potential benefits against his own disinterest in the business side of things. Yet, even as he contemplated the idea, a glimmer of excitement stirred within him. Perhaps there was merit in Stevan's suggestion after all, a way to transform their humble enterprise into something greater than the sum of its parts.

There was only one issue – he had no desire to pursue a new direction when expansion was just more work. Looking at Stevan with questioning eyes, he saw a new possibility.

Atlas regarded Stevan with newfound respect, his questioning gaze softened by a sense of admiration for the capable man seated before him. "Stevan," he began, "I've often wondered why someone of your intellect and ambition hasn't been snapped up by a prestigious merchant company or risen to prominence as the head of your own enterprise."

Stevan's expression shifted, a shadow passing over his features before he spoke. "My lord, I appreciate your kind words, but there are certain... circumstances that have hindered my prospects," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Intrigued by Stevan's cryptic response, Atlas leaned forward, prompting him to continue. "What circumstances might those be?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Stevan hesitated for a moment before steeling himself to speak. "My mother was a famous... woman of the night, known to many of the nobles in the city," he confessed, his gaze dropping momentarily. "I've never known who my father is, and my lineage has always been a stain upon my reputation."

Atlas nodded understandingly, sympathy evident in his eyes as he processed Stevan's revelation. "I see," he murmured, a flicker of empathy flickering across his features. "Well, Stevan, let me assure you that your parentage matters little to me. What does matter is your intellect, your dedication, and your vision for the future of our business."

With a decisive nod, Atlas made his decision. "From this day forth, I entrust you with full control of our enterprise," he declared, his voice firm with conviction. "You shall oversee its expansion and growth, and in return, you shall continue to receive your rightful compensation as its new owner, minus the portion that would be mine as the founder."

Stevan's breath caught in his throat as Atlas's words sank in, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief at the unexpected turn of events. For so long, he had toiled in the shadows of anonymity, resigned to the notion that his past would forever overshadow his potential for greatness. Yet here, in this pivotal moment, his lord had entrusted him with a responsibility he never dared to dream of.

"My lord," he stammered, his voice trembling with emotion as he struggled to find the words to express his gratitude. "I... I don't know what to say. This... this is more than I could have ever hoped for."

Atlas regarded him with a reassuring smile, his gaze warm with encouragement. "You have earned this, Stevan," he replied, his tone filled with unwavering confidence. "Your dedication, your intelligence, your unwavering commitment to myself —they have not gone unnoticed. You are more than capable of leading our enterprise to new heights."

Feeling a surge of determination coursing through him, Stevan straightened his posture, his expression resolute as he accepted the weight of his newfound responsibility. "I will not let you down, my lord," he vowed, his voice ringing with conviction. "I will devote myself entirely to the success of our business, and together, we shall achieve greatness."

With a sense of purpose burning bright within him, Stevan met Atlas's gaze with newfound resolve, their shared vision for the future igniting a fire of determination within his heart. From this day forth, he would seize this opportunity with both hands, determined to prove himself worthy of the trust placed in him by his lord.

Atlas offered him a reassuring smile, a sense of mutual understanding passing between them. "I have every confidence in you, Stevan," he replied, his tone filled with genuine belief. "And perhaps one day, you may see a reward greater than Gold or Silver for your service."

Despite his best efforts, he knew his disguise was not perfect. There was every chance that Stevan had discovered several clues to his indemnity that could cause him great difficulties. Instead, he has stayed loyal – something that if proven over decades could earn the highest honour, the gift of immortality.