
Blood is Life - A Warhammer Vampire Fiction

In the grim-dark warhammer universe Old World. It starts off with a reincarnation of a man from earth into a vampire body just going through the transition. Taking his situation in stride, with the help of his AI chip, Atlas (the MC) is forced into various situations that threaten his life starting with the first great vampire wars, as he tries to adapt and grow ever stronger. Using many facts from Warhammer the tabletop and the Total War game. Some changes to mechanisms of how power to include some small elements of cultivation. This has been on my mind as I have read some of the books and decided to create it with my own AI chip - ChatGPT - Enjoy!

Didiodo · Video Games
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Chapter 31

"What do you mean it's too complicated?" Atlas exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration as he stared at the dwarven blacksmith before him. The blacksmith, a stout figure with a grizzled beard and piercing eyes, looked up from the plans for the distillation still that Atlas had handed him.

"It's no simple task, laddie," the blacksmith replied gruffly, his tone laced with scepticism. "Ye're askin' for a piece of machinery that requires precision craftsmanship and intricate knowledge o' metallurgy. 'Tis no job for the faint-hearted."

Atlas leaned forward, his gaze unwavering as he met the blacksmith's eyes. "But you're the best in the business, aren't you?" he said, his words dripping with flattery. "I've heard tales of the dwarven skill with metalwork, of the masterpieces forged in your halls. Surely a distillation still is child's play for a craftsman of your calibre."

The blacksmith grunted, his expression softening slightly at the praise. "Aye, we dwarfs do pride ourselves on our craftsmanship," he conceded, a hint of pride creeping into his voice. "Very well, I'll give it a shot. But mark my words, if it proves too difficult, I won't hesitate to give up."

Atlas nodded eagerly, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thank you, my friend," he said, relief flooding through him. "I have every faith in your abilities. With your skill and expertise, I have no doubt that we'll create something truly remarkable."

Slipping across the payment, the dwarf's eyes seemed to reflect the gold of the coins falling into a trance as he admired the beauty of their favourite metal.

As the blacksmith set to work on the distillation still, Atlas couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. If all went according to plan, his venture into the world of vodka production would be a resounding success, paving the way for even greater fortunes to come.

Atlas strolled through the bustling main square of the city, his steps measured and confident. Gone was the feeling of being an outsider; now, he moved with the ease of someone who belonged. His time spent among mortals had taught him their ways, and he no longer drew the same curious stares as before.

Dressed in finery of rich silks and vibrant colours, Atlas cut a striking figure against the backdrop of the city's hustle and bustle. Gone were the dark, sombre hues of his former attire, replaced now by garments that spoke of wealth and sophistication. As he walked, the fabric rustled softly with each step, a testament to his newfound status.

Passersby glanced his way, some nodding in acknowledgement while others continued on their way, oblivious to his presence. Atlas relished in the anonymity, enjoying the freedom to move about without attracting undue attention. He had become a master of blending in, a skill honed through keen observation and adaptation.

With a contented smile, Atlas continued on his way, weaving through the throngs of people with practised ease. The city was alive with energy, its streets alive with the sounds of commerce and conversation despite it approaching the city's curfew. And as Atlas disappeared into the crowd, he knew he had an appointment to keep.

Atlas stood before the imposing wooden door of the College of Engineering, the hub of innovation and ingenuity in the city. With a firm knock, he waited patiently until a scruffy engineer appeared to greet him.

"State your business," the engineer grumbled, eyeing Atlas with suspicion.

"I seek entry to peruse your collection of texts," Atlas replied, offering a sack of gold coins as an incentive. "As we have previously agreed." A threatening tone laced his voice letting the barest sensation of his magic act through his voice.

The engineer hesitated, eyeing the offered coins with obvious greed. "Follow me," he finally relented, leading Atlas into the dimly lit interior of the college. It was night time and most of the staff worked during the day leaving the night to be Atlas's playground.

Handing over the sack of gold coins, equivalent to a week's profit from his soap business, Atlas negotiated his entry into the prestigious institution. Despite the initial scepticism from the engineer, the promise of such wealth proved irresistible, and he was granted access to the college's vast collection of books and manuscripts.

As he stepped inside, Atlas was surrounded by the scent of parchment and ink, the hallways lined with shelves upon shelves of ancient tomes and scrolls. Making his way to the section on manufacturing techniques, he eagerly pored over texts detailing the production of firearms, weaponry, and siege engines.


The AI chip continued to record and optimise. Even from the cursory inspection combined with some knowledge from his previous life, he knew several ways to improve the quality and quantity of weapons produced. While that would give him the status he desired, it would also have the effect of increasing his enemies' war potential – he liked an Empire where only the Captains and Generals could threaten his life.

From intricate diagrams of muskets and cannons to blueprints for towering catapults and rudimentary steam tanks, the wealth of knowledge contained within the College of Engineering was staggering. Atlas marvelled at the meticulous craftsmanship and innovation of centuries past, each page offering insights into the art of war and the evolution of technology. Atlas found himself immersed in a treasure trove of information, eager to glean whatever knowledge he could to further his own ambitions. With each turn of the page, he felt a growing sense of purpose.

In this chaotic world, there were many who excelled at destruction. Just thinking about his kin in Sylvania, they were parasites that drained life from an entire province. Atlas had no desire to become like them.

He wanted to become something greater. To build something that would last and have an impact on the world.

He just hadn't figured out what that was yet.



As Atlas reclined in the heated pool within the confines of his home, his loyal servants bustled around him, ensuring that everything was in perfect order. The warm waters enveloped him, easing the tension from his muscles as he sank into a state of blissful relaxation. With a glass of ruby-red blood in hand, he allowed himself a moment of respite, seeking solace from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The scent of the city still lingered in his senses, despite his best efforts to cleanse himself of it. The cacophony of noise, the stench of sweat and grime—it clung to him like a persistent shadow. But here, within the sanctuary of his home, he could momentarily escape the chaos and find solace in the tranquillity of his surroundings.

The soothing warmth of the water eased the fatigue from his body, and he closed his eyes, letting the gentle lull of the pool wash over him. Thoughts of the knowledge he had acquired at the College of Engineering danced through his mind, each new discovery fueling his ambition and driving him ever forward on his quest for power and influence.

As the first rays of dawn began to filter through the windows, casting a golden hue over the room, Atlas knew he still had much to do. The light, while not lethal to vampires of his power, was unpleasant like ants gnawing at his flesh. Getting out of the water, he made determined strides to his training room.

While he had spent a significant amount of time building his business ventures up from nothing, he still had to increase his personal power.

Taking a meditative pose, he closed his eyes and focused inward, allowing the energies of blood and magic to intertwine within him. With each breath, he drew in the essence of both, feeling their power surge through his veins and infuse every fibre of his being. The blood, rich and potent, lent him strength and vitality, rejuvenating his body and invigorating his spirit. Meanwhile, the magic, ancient and arcane, flowed through him like a river of raw potential, amplifying his abilities and sharpening his senses.

But the process was not without its challenges. Cultivating both blood energy and magic simultaneously was a taxing endeavour, requiring immense concentration and unwavering focus. His success lay with the AI chip as it guided his body and mind to follow the optimal patterns for growth. As he delved deeper into his practice, he could feel the strain mounting, the weight of his exertions bearing down upon him like a heavy burden.

Yet, despite the exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm him, Atlas persevered. With each passing moment, he pushed himself further, delving into the depths of his own power with unwavering determination. He knew that mastery over both body and magic was essential to his ambitions, and he was willing to pay any price to achieve it.

Finally, as the last vestiges of his energy began to wane, Atlas emerged from his meditation feeling both drained and exhilarated. The intense cultivation had left him physically and mentally exhausted, but he could sense the subtle shifts that had occurred within him. His spirit had been tempered, his body strengthened, and his connection to the arcane deepened.

"Status," Atlas commanded.


*Hosts Status* (Reminder 5 is average for humans)

*Strength – 31 -> 36 *

*Agility – 36 -> 42 *

*Physique – 24 -> 26 *

*Spirit – 21 -> 25*

Carstein Ring – Magical ring that gives user a passive boost of 15% to Strength, Agility and Physique.