
Blood I Possessed [DROPPED]

Being an older sister is like being a second mother to your younger sibling. Your blood relation and the connection you share with your brother are deep. Trying hard to protect your brother from harm. You risked yourself for him in order so he could struggle less. In an attempt to protect your brother, you crossed path with a stranger. Once started off as a foe, but then a friend, and eventually come something more sinister.

LucasNNN · Teen
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6 Chs

Quick Pain

It was midnight, and I was chewing on crackers to beat my day to its last hour. Boredom seems to be a common thing these days. I couldn't find anything else to entertain me. Staring at a wide screen while holding a remote switching channels swiftly as I'm astronomically bored.

Can someone beat me up so I suffer from pain instead of boredom? I guess no one is.

"The weather today..." -next-

"Daunting night for a holiday..." -next-

But then something caught my attention,

"Emilyn, please come with me so you don't have to live your whole life knowing that they are trying to manipulate you."

"But David, I can't leave here because my parents find either way. Just like last time."

I wonder... if anything is fascinating I could get myself for my birthday celebration by myself. Oh, how lonely am I? Just thinking back to the old times, last year I had to eat a cake on my own. I don't want to experience that again.

I thought I could experience a pleased birthday on my day but who would have thought that I'm so lonely to the point that any birthday is a happy birthday? You don't get my point, do you? I like being alone. It is better than having to deal with what other people think about you. But sometimes, it truly is lonely.

Should I go back and make some friends? I ponder. Is that even necessary?

After a moment, I stand up from being a hot potato and head towards the kitchen to look for something to fill my stomach. Opening the fridge, I immediately shove my head into it to feel the breeze of cold air. Man, I wish this were my bedroom. What you might wonder is how is my bedroom. Well, it's like a molten volcano gave as an exaggeration. What? It's hella hot in that room. My AC broke and I have no way of backing it up. Haizzz...

-Dingdong...- The sound of a fidgeting bell rang through my ears. Who would come here at midnight? I had to be cautious about this.

"Hey, Alexa? Can you spectate who is outside?"

Alexa responded, "Unidentified person on the front coach and two others are 200 yards away, seeming to be heading in our direction."

I gasped at the response. "Alexa, turn on tight security mode and be ready to call emergency response if necessary."

"Yes, Diana."

What is happening here? Why are people coming to my house for? They are coming here to advertise right? Hopefully yes. It's probably some church thing that I do not want to go to so I can ignore them.

A loud bang resonates around the home. I picked up the noise and head straight to the surveillance room. On my way there, I get in touch with Alexa.

"Fine, 14 more other unrecognized people are heading towards us." A message from Alexa.

"Alexa, enable full lockdown." I quickly demanded.

Enabling full lockdown... progressing...

Just what is happing?

Full lockdown mode is finished.

"Error!" A message from Alexa immediately surprised me.

"Two unrecognized individuals are blocking the way for the front gate to fully close itself, should we attempt to persuade them or use brute force?" I immediately responded with "persuade them if not then brute force".

While Alexa is doing her thing, I was in the house pondering about what is happening. But then, an idea sprouted at the top of my head, "Alexa, what is the top news right now?"

"Our top news for today is president...fasdfaasdfasfdadfasd" Is she alternating to a different broadcast?

"Our world had fallen into the hands of the zombie apocalypse. Last night, there was a major explosion in the nuclear power plant located in Nevada. Our broadcast channel will be temporarily offline until the issue has been resolved." Then the broadcast just offline itself.

Zombie apocalypse? Now that sounds like a movie fictional fantasy kind of shit. But as I shift my eyes toward the surveillance screen. Those figures seem to be standing there, doing nothing. But then suddenly, a figure was being hose sprayed upon due to security measures being taken by Alexa. The figure just stood up and walk towards the building again in an attempt to knock on the wide front door.

"Alexa, show me a closer view of the group's faces."


The screen on the surveillance quickly shifted its perspective and then darkened. A face appears that first seems blurry, Alex made the further adjustmentston the front view, and there appears a blood face with half-ripped-off cheeks. I immediately trailed my figure backward in terms of the shock. "What the actual fuck?" That is what I could utter at that time.