
Blood Heroes

Deimos Cornerstone, now the head of the disgraced Cornerstone vampire clan, with no servants or citizens, was sent to take care of a wasteland next to the corrupted battlefields under the guise of rewarding him after being appointed as a sanguine lord. After eight years and under the threat of annihilation, Deimos is forced to spend his clan's last chance to buy some time and with the help of the planar guardian Abaddon, he now must travel to another world to recruit servants to fight for him and bring his clan back to its past glory while helping Abaddon to regain his sealed power. This is his story of Deimos and his players as they try to get stronger, explore unknown lands and do a lot of strange things in the process without knowing that his actions may affect the destiny of that world and maybe theirs too… --------- English's not my first language, so if you see any grammar errors, blame the translator (that it keeps being me, so don't do it), and don't hesitate to put your suggestions in the comments.

raferras · Games
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The goblin threat

As the conversations continued on the forums, Deimos was out of the mines preparing to check out what was going on with the goblins that various players had reported on the forums.

Deimos stealthily went into the mines and after several hundred meters he found a couple of goblins speaking in the language of the depths 'That's the fifth human today, what are they doing here? Wasn't it the territory of a vampire? '

'This place has been abandoned for decades, maybe those humans want to take over the place'

'Let them try, we arrived first in addition the foreman already sent someone to request reinforcements from the city, several squads will soon come to clean up those humans'

Understanding that those goblins had been stealing his resources for years and would soon bring more troops to attack, Deimos became a bit concerned thinking that although individual goblins are not much of a threat to him, their numbers could run into the thousands.

Without wasting time he pounced on the two mining goblins, grabbed each one by the neck, and tried to hypnotize them without releasing too much power.

"Where do all of you come from?"

Seeing that his hypnosis only stunned them and the goblins continued to resist slightly, Deimos with a movement of his hand broke the neck of one of them, and while he threw him to the ground making it clear to the other that he should not resist he spoke "Don't make me repeat myself"

"Vampire Lord, sorry, we didn't want to enter your territory we- {ghaa}"

Hearing the goblin's ramblings, Deimos squeezed his hand strangling the goblin and looking him in the eyes as he tried to hypnotize him again. He spoke

"Don't try my patience goblin, answer me"

After that, the goblin slowly went into a trance thanks to fear and began to speak without much emotion

"I am part of the mining team number 43, we come on the orders of his majesty Gobliat from the city founded by him, NewGobliat"

"What is your goal?"

"His majesty commissioned us to dig our way to these desolate lands to get materials to arm our armies so we can bring the glory of our city back to the second underground layer from were those idiots exiled his majesty."

Hearing that it was only a goblin king that emerged from an exile, Deimos calmed down a bit and thought for a bit as he continued his interrogation.

"It shouldn't be too many, how many more goblins are there in this city of yours?"

"We are hundreds of thousands"

Confused by the goblin's response Deimos spoke to himself trying to understand the situation "How is it possible, if he is only an exile it is practically impossible that he can gather so many goblins in one place in such a short time"

"That is because our king has been rejuvenated five times already, under his guidance we have prospered for over a hundred years and you will soon feel his wrath."

Seeing that the goblin began to regain his consciousness, Deimos simply snapped its neck and threw it away while thinking about everything he had heard.

(A goblin can't live that long, and there must be nothing in the upper-dark that can regain youth

Most likely, this Gobliat is actually multiple goblins who betrayed each other and stole the post one after another, that's why the rest of the goblins think that their king can rejuvenate ... It would not be the first time in history that something similar happens

The problem is that that always happened in their kingdoms ... and it just had to happen in my territory, the good thing is that since they are exiles they will not have support from other goblin clans)

[Hey boy, are you doing?]

[Sorry Abaddon, I was thinking about-]

[I know boy, remember that I am in your soul, I can know what you are thinking]

... that is an invasion of privacy]

"No matter what you can think of, I've already seen it boy don't mind it, besides we were talking to each other in your mind, didn't we? what do you plan to do now?"

Seeing that complaining would be of no use, Deimos could only sigh and told Abaddon that he planned to use the goblins.

[I want the players to hone their fighting skills against them, I doubt they will send many, so we can use this to motivate them]

[Do you want to do a small event?]

[That's right]

After that Deimos told him how he wanted to use the threat of the goblins so that the players would finish building the palisade in his territory and obtain experience fighting organized groups.

[Also, goblins are well known for hoarding things so they may have a treasure or two.]

[Do you want to invade them boy? Didn't you think it would be too dangerous? Besides, wouldn't it cause problems with the rest of the goblin clans or with your period of protection?]

[The protection is only for fights between noble vampires and didn't you hear? They are exiled so nothing will happen]

Convinced of his own plan, Deimos continued

[Also, that goblin said they wanted to invade the second layer to get revenge, so I doubt that they will invade us with all their might, and in the worst case, I will only have to collapse the mines and they will not be able to come to the surface]

[If you think it's a good idea, that's fine for me boy]

Determined to use this to accelerate the development of his territory, Deimos left the mine and prepared to return to his stronghold when he remembered something.

[Hey Abaddon, I remember the players were interested in being other races, do you think you can do something with it?]

[For that we need a large amount of the essence specific of the species that we want to replicate, once replicated is the same if they are human or anything else, I can easily create avatars for the players]

[Then we need-]

[Drain the essence to tens of thousands of beings of a specific race, the only limitation is that they must be humanoid or similar to them]

[I see, I hope there are enough goblins, I would not want to have hundreds of goblins locked up generating essence passively, that would consume too much food ... And why only humanoids]

Deimos asked as he made sure no one had followed him outside of the mine, to what Abaddon replied that it was because when he gave the task to the gods of order of creating mortals to help with the conversion of ether into essence, they created the mortals based on a model Abaddon had previously made

[Yes, you already told me that you use your original model to create these avatars, but why can they only be humanoids?]

[Well, all the races that are not humanoid are mutations of the same ones throughout the millennia due to changes in their bodies because of their environment and the ether current and since their composition varies too much from the base that I had, it would be too much effort to replicate them]

Abaddon said as he sighed and reminded Deimos that practically all his power was still sealed, so he needed large amounts of essence to replicate the changes in the model of the avatars so that they do not disintegrate when in contact with the essence and ether in the current environment

Understanding that he had a lot of work ahead of him if he wanted to diversify his army, Deimos took one last look at the mouth of the mine and rushed to his fortress to start preparing what was necessary to motivate the players.

Outside the fortress was a player leading other players to dig the ditch where the palisade would go around the castle covering the respawn plaza.

"Come on, put more strength in your knees, your Nor make sure you throw the dirt inside the circle not outside, do not give more work to others"

"Old Mud, what matters if I throw it on one side or the other? Doesn't it matter? "

"What if does it matter?" Mudshaper said while reprimanding the player "Do not speak nonsense, we will need to reinforce the palisades with dirt and stone after placing them, so if you go throwing it outside, someone will have to move it to the other side later and it may be yourself"

Seeing that the players had understood his point but were a bit dissatisfied with his attitude, Mudshaper paused for a second before continuing.

"{Sigh} Guys, I know you don't like having someone give you orders inside a game but when we formed this team we agreed that all of you would follow my instructions to finish this as soon as possible to see if we can unlock the personal plots of land, so so we can't waste time doing the job twice "

Confirming that he had managed to encourage his group a little, he took a shovel a little better than the system had provided him thanks to his performance in the construction missions and exchanged it with the rusty shovel that Nor had.

"I know you're tired, but we still need to hold out for another thirty minutes today, use my shovel to scrape the sides of the ditch, we need it to be ninety degrees"

After that, without listening to Norng who wanted to refuse to receive his shovel because of his guilt, he began to remove dirt from the pit, but soon he felt the earth that he had thrown fall on him.

Annoyed as someone had stood next to him interrupting his work he looked up but what he saw was none other than the Vampire Lord Deimos who had been stained by the dirt he had thrown.

"{glup} Lord… sorry, I hadn't seen you [shit, I hope they haven't implemented the favorability system yet]"

Brushing the dirt from his coat Deimos spoke "Don't worry hero, it's just a little dirt. More importantly, I have noticed your passion and determination to make this place prosper."

"How lucky, its seem that OldMud will get a mission"

"I wonder if I also throw dirt on the NPC will he also give me a mission?"

"You will most likely end up dead"

Seeing Deimos who did not seem upset, Mudshaper sighed in relief and replied that it was nothing, that he was only trying to help when possible.

"And that will is what I need, as you may have realized I need to patrol the surroundings to keep this place safe and the time I spend in the fortress I must use it to regain my strength, so even though it hurts I can't attend to all of you "

"That is why I would like to appoint you as a temporary foreman"

Following Deimos's words, a window appeared in front of Mudshaper.


The Vampire Lord Deimos has noticed your passion and dedication for that, he is offering you a temporary position.

Construction Foreman: As a foreman, your job will be to efficiently organize players to complete a series of tasks assigned by the system and report progress to the Vampire Lord Deimos.

In case of improving the average efficiency in construction as a foreman, you will obtain an equivalent to ten percent of essence equivalent to the total of what the players under your organization obtained

In the event that the players you assign a mission to fail to complete it to a certain extent, you will be forced to pay thirty percent of the essence corresponding to the mission.

Accept / Reject


Seeing this, Mudshaper quickly accepted, and seeing a title next to his name over his head, he nodded excitedly and began to search his interface for the new missions.

"What is happening? a new event?

"I don't know, the NPC just started to talk to someone over there"

"Maybe he had unlocked some secret mission after working on that pit for the whole day"

Seeing that he had accepted and that several players had started gathering around him to see what was happening, Deimos waved his hand causing the air around him to calm down so that everyone could hear him.

"Mudshaper, now that you have accepted this rank I have more confidence to tell you about the current situation in our city."

Hearing that the mission was not over yet, Mudshaper looked away from his interface and without waiting for Mudshaper to understand what was going on, Deimos continued.

"Mudshaper, we are in a precarious situation but as a foreman, even if only temporary, I have decided that you should know."

"It has come to my knowledge that a goblin kingdom has fallen under the temptation of the chaos and now plans to invade the surface, usually I would ask other nobles or races for help but until we discover more of the treason of the deities of order we are alone in this"

"So it is imperative that we reinforce this place as soon as possible, tomorrow when I return from my patrol come to the second floor of the fortress, there I will inform you in more detail of our plans"


Secret Mission Uncovered - The Goblin Threat 1

As one of the only officers in the fortress, Lord Deimos has decided to entrust the current situation to you.

Your duty is to organize the players and reinforce the surroundings of the fortress in case of a goblin siege.

> You can assign players repeatable missions with a reward twenty percent higher than daily missions

Visit the Vampire Lord Deimos for more information or continue following the system's instructions to finish the assigned builds as quickly as possible.


"This also goes for you heroes, I don't know when they plan to invade, but the goblins will start sending patrols to the surface so I ask you to be careful when exploring the eastern part of the territory."

Seeing the excited players Deimos nodded and turning around he started walking towards the fortress leaving the players with one last sentence

"That's it for now, the future of this world is in our hands, we cannot allow chaos to flourish no matter what the cost."

Hello and thanks for reading, if you have any suggestions mostly on the forum part that will be a recurrent part of the novel, don't doubt to comment on them, and while the players will not come until some chapters in the future, I still have players without a nickname so if you want you can post your own nickname and personality so you may be able to appear on the future in the novel if your character fit in it

Good luck and good read.

P.S. Given the suggestion of several, I will ensure that the chapters do not exceed more than 2k words.

raferrascreators' thoughts