
Blood for the Blood God (by RyujinMaou)

Try as he might, Midoriya Izuku can't become something else. He has this thirst; a thirst for blood. Nothing but the crimson life liquid will quench it, yet this monster still tries to become a savior, a hero.

RyujinMaou · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 08: [Crimson Troubles II]

Izuku was shivering. The feeling of powerlessness that was affecting him was unlike anything he felt before. Bakugou's bullying was a cake-walk compared to this. At least the vampire could regenerate the burns and bruises never lasted long enough, although the pain was always there; all in all, his problems were always manageable.

Not this time.

Under the powerful gaze of [Erasure], the vampire felt closer to death than ever before. [High-speed Regeneration] was one developed skill that assured Izuku could keep fighting even during the most dire of situations, but one gaze was all it took to blow his powers and confidence straight into the ground.

After being subjected under the scrutiny of his homeroom teacher for a few more seconds, Izuku felt the eyes of the teacher move somewhere else, allowing [True Ancestor] to work again without restrictions. Izuku immediately touched the pooled blood on the ground, hoping that it had not degenerated. He could still feel the teacher's gaze over his frame, but the important thing was that Eraserhead had not activated his quirk.

The vampire managed to get back about half the amount of blood he'd lost. He was feeling oozy, his strength had been depleted far more than what could be deemed acceptable – or safe – and the [Thirst] hit with full force, his eyes gaining their crimson gleam.

"Midoriya." Aizawa's stern voice settled the vampire back into full rationality. "You have five minutes to explain why where you here." The pro could look like a vagabond, but Aizawa could pull off one of the most intimidating expressions he had seen.

"Sensei, I felt something weird approaching the school. That weird incident with the media invading campus must have been some kind of distraction, I felt killing intent heading this way, I swear sensei!" Izuku took a few deep breathes to stabilize himself. The [Thirst] made his vision flash with red and [Hunter Instincts] were screaming for Izuku to run and create the maximum amount of distance between him and the pro-hero.

This is the man that almost killed me.

He is a pro-hero! Caution is a must, and I was suspicious!

The [Inner Beast] whispered into his ear, the line of thought seemed to have a life of its own, yet the hemomancer held it in the iron cage of his mind. He settled his green irises on Aizawa's black and suspicious eyes, focusing all his mind into rationale. Of course the pro would be suspicious of him. Skulking around when all the other students were supposed to have evacuated or were headed back to their classes, his behavior was the very definition of suspicious.

"If you could sense danger, you must have finely tuned senses. That being the case, why would you head towards danger?" Izuku almost flinched when his teacher asked the question.

The vampire clamped his hands shut, his blunt nails digging into his palms and piercing the skin.

"I have developed some new skills recently and I thought that I could apprehend the perpetrator. I just, my body moved on its own." The teen answered truthfully. Or the closest he could to being entirely truthful. Most of the reason was to capture the potential harmful enemy before he could hurt his fellow classmates, [Mesmerize] and [Coagulation] being almost hand-crafted skills to subdue without much fuss. The tiny part that Izuku kept to himself was the fact that his instincts told him that invasion upon his territory was absolutely unacceptable.

Aizawa continued looking over him for a few more moments, both of them staring into each other's eyes to see any hint of falsehood. From the teacher's body language, it seemed that Izuku was safe against expulsion, but Eraserhead was a stealth pro; faking his own body language should be easy enough for the man. After what seemed like an eternity (which was actually only three minutes), the pro sighed while slumping his shoulders, the action signaling that all tension had left his body.

Izuku almost smiled, yet another glare and a smack to the head were enough to stop the vampire.

"Damn problem child. You are a trainee, you are not supposed to go head-first into dangerous situations! If you can sense killing intent, flee from it, don't go towards it!" The hero complained, mumbling down as he walked the hallway back to his classroom. He stopped and looked back at the vampire. "What are you waiting for? Head to the infirmary and get yourself some blood. I gave a quick skim to your files, says that you are cleared for special feeding. Just don't forget to get a hall pass from Recovery Girl."

Izuku widened his eyes. The pro had actually bothered to read his file? Most people read the first lines of his quirk description and automatically assumed he was the classic romance/fiction vampire, and sure, some things could be similar, yet some things were completely different. How and why would garlic affect him or how silver was supposed to hurt him, were the types of questions people would ask him. It got annoying after the tenth time when you had to explain that you were not going to burst into confetti if exposed to a cross or staked into the heart. Not that he had tried those out of curiosity. Not at all.

The vampire glanced back at the hallway, eyes settling over the pool of blood that had been left. Another flash of red, hunger pangs hitting him and making the hemomancer once more clench his hand into a hard fist.

"Don't worry about that. Cleaner bots will come before anyone sees that." The pro said to him, but that was not what was bothering Izuku. He could, surprisingly, bounce back from events like these rather quickly, or rather, he had been doing that his entire life. The problem laid in his over-reliance in [True Ancestor]. His constant reliance on [Advanced Hemomancy] brought about the current situation, hunger pangs hitting him due to loss of blood. Even now, Izuku was light-headed from the event where such great amount of blood was lost due to control being taken away from him.

Izuku was a predator, evolving and bettering himself was something he did unconsciously. Thankfully, it the event had happened inside school grounds and with a teacher to stop him in case his [Hunter Instincts] decided to act up. He was normally sensible, yet as it stood, his [Thirst] resulted in the vampire ending up with such a retarded idea that it seemed that it was by god's intervention that he hadn't had his face caved-in.

"Sensei, may I drink your blood?"

"Excuse me, what the..."



The return to classes went by without any fuss. The majority of the students wondered for the reason Izuku had returned to class together with the teacher and where was he during the evacuation.

Uraraka almost scooched closer to ask the vampire about his situation, yet the homeroom teacher soon busied all of them with work, since their schedule had already been pushed by thanks to the buzzards known as reporters.

The entirety of the class had been subjected to a lecture about safe evacuation protocols, considering the mess that had happened in the cafeteria. Izuku noticed that the lessons could have been much harsher, yet, it seemed that Aizawa held back a bit on the intimidation.

I suppose it is fair. I mean, we are first-years on our first lessons. Nobody expects us to be experts in evacuation or crowd control this early in our careers; I'm actually fearing for the second and third-years, sensei has that murder-look just like on our quirk-examination day. Izuku pondered to himself, writing a few evacuation drills on a side-note pad as he also took notes on the lesson Aizawa was putting out.

After that, the day went by without any other events playing out. Not that Izuku was wishing for more action, losing about 30% of his blood had been enough action for the remaining of the day. He had lucked out that Aizawa-sensei had somehow agreed to let him drink his blood.

It had played out fairly quickly, the teacher pondering the idea for a while in his mind. The look of concentration the teacher had was impressive, making Izuku wonder if he was about to get an elbow to his face for asking stupid questions when hungry. However, it seemed luck was on his side and the teacher sighed as if accepting some invisible scolding and offering one arm after pulling his sleeve up.

"Think of this as my apology for earlier. Don't drink too much, problem child; I still have lessons to give."

Eraserhead's blood had an odd taste. While most people had a pleasant, iron-rich taste to their blood, Aizawa's blood tasted weirdly blank; almost as if he was drinking nutrient-paste food. It wasn't a bad taste per say, more like unusual. Not bland like packaged blood, but more like diluted juice. Drinking his share rapidly, Izuku let go of his teacher's arm and followed the man as he returned to class.

To say that it was awkward to walk besides the person whose blood you had just ingested, it would -be an understatement. Yet, the pro-hero made no visual display if he was feeling the same thing, merely walking at a sedated pace to A-1's room.

When school time was over, the vampire deemed more important his cultivation of the fresh quirk factor running in his bloodstream than socializing with his classmates. The ride home was peaceful, the U.A uniform calling eyes, but also serving as deterrence against any loud comments on his looks. As he reached home, the teen headed to his room in a beeline, ignoring the fact that the apartment was pitch dark.

Inside his habitation, the vampire barely took off his blazer before he was opening the mini-fridge and taking out five blood packs – the sixth already being worked on – to consume as he cultivated. Putting some soft jazz to play, Izuku laid on his bed and let his body began the process of breaking down the quirk factor running high in his bloodstream.

Different from [Mesmerize], [Coagulation], or the recently acquired [Blood Hardened Shield], the quirk-factor belonging to Eraserhead was truly difficult to crack open. Never had the hemomancer faced such hardship when trying to emulate the effects of a quirk, yet [Erasure] was determined to hold its secrets away from the vampire, refusing to budge even with the full efforts of the vampire when cultivating the power.

A proper metaphor would be a rock in the middle of a running river. It stood firm and strong, parting the waters that were trying to break it down. After five hours, more ten blood packs and two visits from his mother (who had finally arrived home), Izuku decided that he would need more time to crack open the secrets of what made [Erasure] work. Either that, or more of Aizawa-sensei's blood, yet the hemomancer highly doubted that the teacher would be willing to donor more of his blood to U.A's resident vampire/monster.

Finding himself fully awake at two in the morning, Izuku decided that burning some energy off would be good. He picked his phone and proceeded to reply to Mei's intense salvo of random messages, blueprints and schematics, only to find out that he had a message from an unknown number.

Message from Fluffy_Mochi: "Hey Izuku-kun! Ochaco here! I managed to get Bakugou-kun to give me your number, so I thought it would be nice to send you a message. I also gave Iida-kun your number, so I hope that you won't mind? Anyways, now you can send me a message whenever you want!"

The vampire read the message as he changed his clothes into something a bit more comfortable for a workout, finding out that he had quite a bunch of messages from unknown numbers. He smiled lightly at Uraraka's fitting name on the SNC (Social Network Chat), but his smile strained a bit as he realized that the entirety of his class had his personal number. He had theirs, considering that was his job as vice-president and Yaoyorozu-san was almost as diligent about rules as Iida, except without the stiff behavior, but still.

Messages from TENYA_IIDA, Yaoyorozu_Momo, Acid_Queen_Bubblegum, Cool_Spark_Guy, EXPLOSION_LORD (saved as Explosion-idiot), and...

A lot of names and many different messages, the vampire recognizing and labeling them almost instantaneously by their writing style and nicknames. He took the chance to save and label all the names, responding to all with simple greetings. No, it wasn't creepy that he had memorized their numbers but never saved them on his contact list.

He was quickly done with that, picked his headphones and exited the apartment once more, relishing the cool night air. After a few light stretches, the vampire began running and making his way towards Dagobah beach. He had taken upon himself to keep coming to check on the situation of the place and after a few threats to the municipal prefecture, he had been granted judicial rights over the beach.

While he could not claim the place as private and bar anyone from entering the place, Izuku could have anything built there and anyone that he caught littering the place could be fined both for trashing public property and also damaging "private" property. It was rather complicated and boring to explain it, but the easiest way would be to picture the beach as a business. While the prefecture, as well as the Japanese State, owned Dagobah beach as a public space open to anyone, Izuku owned it as a recreational center.

It was a large can of worms, but at this point the vampire did not care. He did have enough money to live comfortably, considering his skill with the financial market and investment in stocks, which meant he also had money to pay lawyers to help his cause. Cleaning the beach had improved the area, raising the mood of the populace as well as increasing the market price of the local homes and business. Security and sanitary health also were improved, as the literal dumpster from before made the place smell bad and attract some unpleasant fellows. A few local small-time politicians tried to throw their weight around, but the vampire's slit and gleaming eyes made short work of their attitude. It sure was not the fact that he stalked them and "casually" knew why the beach was left to rot for so long.

The jazz that had been playing for the past hour was replaced by a melodious piano song, matching the mood of vampire as he admired the work he had done on the beach. The night sky seemed to melt on the horizon as it met with the ocean, the stars a bit hard to see due to the artificial light reflection of the city behind him, yet he could still see that his work was not in vain. Deep breathes followed the slow and precise moves as Izuku did the basic katas for mixed martial arts, the moves easy enough for beginners to do. It wasn't anything fancy, a few google searches could land anyone on the proper sites.

The deep breathing, the slow movement of his muscles, the scenic background and the music made Izuku lose track of time. When he came to, the sun was showing the early signs of its arrival. It was then that the vampire noticed he was drenched in sweat. He stopped his workout and did a quick cool-off, sitting by the stone stairs that led down to the beach. It was mostly clean, although you could still spot move litter in the form of discarded electronics or the odd metal chunk.

Well, it could be worse. I guess I'll need to put plan H in motion. He mused to himself, scrolling down the many blueprints and schematics that flooded his phone's memory. All that junk will finally have a use that it's not dirtying the beach.

If everyone could see the sun ascending the sky, the scene of it as it "rose" from the waters, many would double think their action of throwing trash here. The early orange-yellow mesh of colors reflected on the blue waters, the soft and kind warmth that permeated your skin and seemed to caress your soul. If even him, who previously despised mornings, could come to appreciate this, others also could. They merely needed a push.

Realizing he had spend enough time playing the philosopher, Izuku headed back home for a shower. He had a feeling that today would be a good day.



"Our Foundational Heroics today will be a special joint effort between I, All Might and a special on-sight teacher." Aizawa explained as soon as their lunch break was done. The usual murmurs began sprouting inside the class as students tried to guess their soon-to-be activities.

Sero rose his hand, the odd-shaped elbows standing out even when the teen's arms were covered by the school's blazer. "Sensei! What will we do?"

Aizawa, in his ever so-done-with-life mood, presented the class with one card with the words RESCUE boldly printed in blue. "It matters not if it is a flood, forest fire or any other possible event; you need to be the hero everyone needs, that's what rescue is all about."

Once more, the classroom was filled with murmurs and growing excited noises as students began talking among themselves. Izuku caught the odd commentary of Asui Tsuyu as she expressed her absolute confidence on anything involving a flood. Kaminari joked about his would-be performance with his friends, the group getting a bit rowdy as they teased the blond.

Aizawa cut the pleasant mood with the grace of a hot knife cutting through butter, making the rowdy group flinch in place as they shut themselves up at the sight of the hero's eyes. Silence being reestablished, the teacher proceeded. "Each of you designed your costumes, so you must know their advantages and drawbacks; take that into consideration when opting to gear up or not, as they might get into your way during your task." The teacher produced a controller from somewhere on his person and with a click, the wall behind the hero hissed steam before retracting and presenting the 19 suitcases of the class.

"The facility is somewhat far from the teaching campus, so we will be taking a bus to reach there. All of you are good to go?" The question seemed extremely out of place for someone such as Eraserhead, but the vampire guessed it was directed mostly at him. After yesterday's events (with the press invasion) anyone could be feeling a bit down, yet the hemomancer's situation had been extra troublesome.

The vampire caught the teacher focusing on him, so he returned the look, the slight head nod being all the confirmation that the pro needed to assure the teen was fine. He turned around to leave, lingering on the door for a faint moment before finally leaving and allowing the teens inside a breather from his serious attitude.

Their teacher gone, the majority of the class immediately rose from their seats and made their way to their hero costumes. Izuku let the first group exit before he rose from his seat to grab his case, nodding to the remaining classmates with the same idea. Koda shyly awaited back, Tokoyami preferred to avoid the troublesome light-dwellers and hang with his fellow abyss-watcher, Kyouka and Momo had taken their time while they talked and Todoroki was quietly brooding until he decided to stand up.

Izuku made quick work of dressing up, but he avoided his coat. It was too bulky and heavy, besides, the sun was striking quite fiercely at this time. He draped the Kevlar-reinforced coat over his left arm and rose the sleeves of his tough button-up white shirt. His green tie was also loosened, allowing the vampire a bit of a breather.

As the class made their way to the bus, Izuku noticed that many had formed little groups of their own. Iida seemed like he wanted Izuku to say something, yet restrained himself for some reason. The vampire shrugged and did a head count, making sure that everyone was present. Yaoyorozu and Kyouka seemed engrossed in their conversation, so the vampire opted to not bother the duo.

He was quickly done with his count, all the students of the class present. He was about to look for Tokoyami to talk, but the light footsteps coming his way could not belong to his shadowy friend. Not with the way he could almost hear the bounce on her step.

"Hey, Izuku-kun! You're also wearing your costume." Her statement was so basic that he could swear the girl was just trying to find something to start conversation.

He simply nodded to her, shifting his position to lessen the weight of his coat on one leg to both. Taking a few moments to take her image in, he noticed that her helmet was missing. It added to her, the space themed motif blended well with her round features and soft attitude, the way she seemed to bounce with each step and her bubbly aura of positiveness. It tickled something inside him that made his fangs itch.

"Well, I messaged you yesterday, since you just kind of left, but I really hope you don't mind that I gave my friends your number." She seemed to be pleading, her big eyes showing some worry that he would dislike her attitude.

"Don't worry about it, I don't really mind." He replied, watching her from the corner of his eyes. Her cheeks dusted lightly, her lips changing from the slight pout they had to a full-beam smile. The vampire heard some snickering from one of the girls, but he decided it was best to ignore it. Some of the boys also had their eyes fixed on his back, but Izuku also ignored those in favor of humoring the girl. They did exchange some trivial banter, the vampire mostly letting the girl do the talking, most of it about her excitement for rescue and that her favorite hero was a rescue hero.

A short while later, Aizawa gave the students clearing to board the bus. Iida still seemed like he was on the verge of fully becoming a robot, but as the class entered their lift, the tall teen let his shoulders drop as if both relieved and embarrassed. Izuku heard quiet whispers leaving the Tenya's youngest son, many having to do with the fact that he avoided calling out organized sitting arrangements.

Once the bus rode out, the students continued their chats. Izuku chanced to sit between Asui and Tokoyami, facing Kaminari, Mina and Aoyama. The vampire took the time to talk with Tokoyami, the teens sharing their hobbies. Conversation was going great, until someone grasped at the sleeve of his shirt.

"Midoriya-kun. This might come as a surprise, but I always say what I think, regardless of what is on my mind." Asui – the girl with frog features – spoke out, her poker face settled on an almost permanent smile. He was somewhat surprised by her actions, considering that that girl had easily touched him and seemed to have no problem staying this close.

"Hello there, Asui-san." He greeted her, the others taking interest in the conversation that was about to happen.

Which became quickly interesting as she immediately cut whatever else he was going to say.

"Call me Tsuyu-chan."

Well, that wasn't sudden at all. He joked sarcastically in his head, his face not showing one ounce of his thoughts.

Before he could comment on her oddly specific interest in sudden personal name calling, since Japanese were quite known for their boundaries in relation to suffixes, she had already moved on with the conversation.

"Your quirk is quite scary, right?! Almost like Vlad King's, but scarier." Some classmates flinched. If she noticed, she had ignored it as she opted to continue focusing on his face. "How do people react when you tell them that you can suck blood and manipulate it?" The question seemed to come from a place of genuine curiosity instead of maliciousness. The fact that her heart rate was mostly stable also indicated that she was slightly worried her question had offended him in any way.

Izuku hummed, wondering what to answer the frog girl. When younger, Izuku absolutely hated [True Ancestor] for not allowing him to do the things normal kids did. His [Hunter Instincts] sharpened his senses and were bothersome to control, leaving kid Midoriya to deal with his [Thirst]. All in all, he never wished his power to be someone else's problem; the troubles and obstacles that he had faced to reach where he was were innumerous, and no doubt there would be many more to come. In fact, day to day life was full of challenges; even now, his body wished to jump on the neck of the beautiful frog girl and drink of her blood, not for her quirk factor, but for the simple pleasure of ingesting the sweet crimson nectar.

The other teens also were waiting for his answer, so the vampire exhaled and lightly smiled as he assumed a pensive pose.

"Like many others, I have had my fair share of troubles when dealing with my quirk. I mean, my abilities are nothing like my mother's or my father's, so when I began manifesting them, I had absolutely no idea how to deal with them. It was a true trial-and-error situation, testing what worked and what didn't." He did a quick check to see if his impromptu audience was still focused, which they were.

"I mean, I deal with it on an everyday basis. There are many sides to quirks, each with their fair share of ups and downs; I just accepted what I could do with mine, and once I learned that this quirk is part of me, not what defines me, I began to fully understand what I could be capable of doing with it." He finished his mini-rant, extending his right arm to full view of all those around him. His exposed, pale-ish skin began gaining a red and viscous look until all his arm and hand were covered by his crimson gauntlet.

"You don't see everyday people that can control their blood, much less to the extent I can. So it was not a challenge to understand why people feared my powers, blood quirks aren't exactly pretty on the eyes. I understand the reason people fear this, I'd probably fear it too were it not a literal part of me." His eyes glanced at the front of the bus, their supposed stop seemed to be close by, and decided to end his little spiel.

"To stop wasting time and answer your question, Tsuyu-chan, people are either overly scared of my quirk, or they romanticize it absurdly. It's a quirk, it only defines me as much as I allow it to. I'll try my best to get people to see past [True Ancestor] and see [Midoriya Izuku]." He allowed himself to focus on the others inside the bus, many stunned into absolute silence.

Kirishima, the redhead, in particular, had his jaw opened and eyes wide, his hands atop his lap had become hardened akin to stone as the teen seemed to want to display and say something about his own abilities.

Aoyama's face had frozen into a stiff smile he was forcing to keep on, his twinkle/sparkle shenanigans forgotten.

All those that had heard his speech seemed to be deep in thought, even Bakugou looked less ravenously on the edge of a rage fit and more mellow. Like a lion that was still, but Izuku thanked the heavens for small victories.

Todoroki, in particular, seemed to be staring daggers into Izuku. The stare would be capable of making Midoriya feel awkward or self-aware, were it not for the fact that he had dealt with murderous villains and one angry Aizawa. One angry Aizawa was a difficult measure to beat.

The vampire might not have be the best at social etiquette to know the appropriate response for the current mood, but he recognized that he had to do something about it as the responsible for creating it. Thus, he recalled the blood from his gauntleted arm, leaving only enough to create a rather elaborate replica of a rose. Which he presented to the frog girl, almost letting it fall on her hands before it squirmed and turned into a blood tendril; the tentacle of crimson life liquid bopped the girl on her nose. When in doubt, turn to humor, or so the teen had read somewhere he conveniently forgot now.

A rosy blush, followed by a stronger one. Even steam seemed to be exiting Tsuyus's lowered head.

That was not the reaction he was expecting. Wasn't he supposed to be the one that steamed under the sun?

"Okay kids, settle down. We reached our destination."



His measures to improve the mood of 1-A seemed to have worked out fine enough, but now the vampire could not escape the teasing glances from some of his classmates. How in bloody hell could a pink skinned girl could manage such a teasing grin/smirk was beyond the current mental capabilities of Izuku. He could increase blood flow to his brain to aid in processing power, but even that seemed to be a fruitless endeavor upon the might of Ashido Mina's teasing smile.

The group exited the bus under the guidance of their teacher and entered the giga-enormous facility that was the USJ. To boost morale further, it seemed that they would be tutored under the Space Hero, Thirteen. The hero greeted them with a warm attitude, his costume making Izuku sweat a bit just by looking at it.

It looks toasty in there, Thirteen.

Uraraka bounced in her place, spitting out known trivia about the hero to whoever was the closest. Izuku ended up taking the brunt of it, but he could admit that he himself was a fan of the hero and the rescue work that he did.

Before the hero could begin what seemed to be a lecture, Aizawa approached him. Izuku took an interest on their conversation as he noticed that the underground hero hand-signed to his fellow worker.

"Where is All Might?" Aizawa asked in rough tone, as if already expecting some nonsense shenanigan to have happened.

Thirteen took the care to whisper as he rose three fingers to his workmate. "Heroing while commuting and ended up using his time. Resting at the nap room while Principal Nezu talks with him." Pity for the heroes that Izuku had caught on their whispering as he had tuned out Uraraka in favor of his curiosity as to the need of secrecy among the two pros. He would apologize to the [Zero Gravity] user if necessary, but the current bit of information he had just heard was more appalling.

All Might has a time limit? Why? How? How long is it? Three minutes? No, too short. Three days? No, the media barely knew of his presence here in UA, considering his agency is in Tokyo they would be hounding around there, and it seemed that they only discovered his presence here yesterday.

Maybe about three hours? That seems to match the usual reports of his activities, also taking in consideration that his teaching classes are mostly for 1-A, since 1-B has Vlad King as their combat teacher. Now, who could be so powerful as to be able to hurt All Might? Hell, it's All Might, not even his fight with Toxic Chainsaw was that difficult.

Izuku was brought out of his mind musings as the he noticed his classmates began clapping at Thirteen, the hero bowing at his waist as if he had just finished some overly important and crucial speech.

Not that that stayed at the front of the vampire's mind. No, the crucial thing for him at the moment was the way the hair on his neck rose as shivers ran down his spine.















[Hunter Instincts] blared so vividly inside his mind that Izuku thought that the his [Inner Beast] had broken out of his mental cage. Yet, he knew that was not the case. Like before, his instincts warned that something dangerous was just about to happen.

He recognized the feeling of killing intent, specially one so raw and poisoned like this.

The same one that had attacked him during the press invasion incident on the campus.

A purple-black mist surged right on the middle of the plaza, no bigger than a softball. The mist grew and expanded, one hand exiting from it to reveal a man. Dressed in plain clothes, cerulean-blue hair that was in extreme need of a cut and with many hands draped all over his body. At first, only this man had exited the purple mist portal, yet, as it grew further, so did the number of people surging from it.

Izuku's blood did two things:

First, it reacted violently to the sight of the innumerous villains that began pouring in from this mysterious warping gate. Tearing flesh to exit faster, his blood exited the confines of the flesh prison it was bound to. Not one drop stained the teen's white shirt, [True Ancestor] and Izuku's iron clad mind worked together to weave his blood into his strongest war potential.

[Hemomancy] [Advanced Hemomancy] [High-speed Regeneration] [Blood hardening Shield] [Hunter Instincts]

[Blood Gauntlets] covered his arms and became deadly weapons of their own. His legs were plated by [Blood Greaves], making Izuku resemble a mix between a futuristic knight and humanoid dragon. Even his lower face was surrounded by his crimson life liquid, the blood shaping a mask that was akin to a dragon's jagged maw or a oni (demon/ogre).

The second thing his blood did was to increase the flow of oxygen into his brain and adrenaline into his heart, allowing Izuku's mind an increased perception momentarily. He ran the risk of letting [Hunter Instincts] going wild, or worse, the [Inner Beast] getting free, but the vampire risked it anyway.

He would save his ultimate move/secret technique for later, as it absolutely drained him of everything he had to offer.

With his mind working high, Izuku was able to identify many of the villains that were occupying the plaza. At some point, his mind registered the order that Eraserhead gave, not that the vampire would obey the request to huddle together and don't move, leaving (read abandoning) his teacher to his luck and fate as he quite literally threw himself an enormous flight of stairs for the sake of the students.

The name of villains came to him easily enough, many already having appeared on television. The majority of those where for petty crimes, but in the mix he could identify a few dangerous items.

Butcherer, the Chameleon, Medusa, Ghoul, Alien.

The leader of this attack, the lanky man with cerulean-blue hair was still on the edge of the purple portal, seemingly waiting something. As that something crossed the portal, Izuku wondered how he had never seen or heard about this monstrosity.

Hulking muscle at almost two meters of height. Jagged teeth inside a maw ready to rend flesh. Exposed brain.

[Hunter Instincts] screamed to him one thing as he took the sight of the beast in front of him. It was a loud and clear message, different from the mostly instinctual feelings he had. It resounded in his head and it was almost as if he had been the one to say the words.

[Face that and you will die.]

I g-guess that I will need to work overtime, right?

[Release yourself from your self-made shackles and you might just survive this whole ordeal. You aren't like them. Midoriya Izuku doesn't cage a monster inside his head, he cages himself.]

[Blood is your answer.]

[We are born of the blood, made man by the blood, undone by the blood.]