
Blood Fiend Vampire

• Human turned into a Vampire Slave; would he accept the curse of becoming a being drinking the blood of humans? • Earthling is forced by his Vampire Master to undercover the existence of other realms; does he adapt to their cultures in order to survive as one of them? • Heir of the Everett wealth destined to become one of the heirs of the Dark Throne; can he inherit the Dark Throne and become human once again? • And he becomes something he never wanted to become: a blood fiend vampire. Tale of a vampire, who becomes a “hero”, in his pursuit to become a human, who wanted to save himself from killing his mother.

Jaxmaa · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Terrifying Awakening

Max and the Blue Forces were baffled in seeing his vessels emitting red glow. He could see every drop of his blood moving through them, and he couldn't think why or how this was happening to him. At the moment, it was completely night time, the time he began his new Vampire journey.

A round big blue moon started rising from the east above the flowing River of Origin as series of delayed red colored notifications started showing in his eyes:

[You Royalty, you have kissed a Luna Princess]

[Your recessive Werewolf gene will allow you to become a Vampire mate to the Royal Werewolf 'Hazel Barren Bhojadev']

[Your body system has successfully welcomed the mating essence in Hazel's saliva]

[Your mate would soon be on heat. You should be the one to satisfy her mating desires]

[Warning: You have lost so much blood]

[Warning: Your lust for blood might blossom at any moment from now]

[Congratulations, Your Royalty! Your memorable name 'Maximus Everett' has entered the Historical Records of the Vampire Hive Mind as one of the four Vampires to ever establish Vampire-Werewolf mate bond]

[You have received 20 VC]

[Total VC is now 50]

[Your Vampire body is undergoing new changes...]

[Your Vampire System is undergoing new changes...]

[Your System Based Weapon 'Void Emotion' is undergoing new changes...]

[Overall synchronize has begun]

[Warning: You are low on Blood Time]

[Your Vampire body alarmingly needs human blood for better functioning]




The notifications kept rising one after another, keeping the young boy more baffled until he saw the last one that was much baffling than any of the preceding ones:

[Your mating with Hazel has fully combined and unlocked a hidden genes of the Blood Fiends]

"Blood what?..."

[You are now reviving back five out of the thirteen Blood Fiend leaders that you have inherited through your Werewolf mate and your Vampire Master]

[Due to the dangers surrounding you, all Blood Fiends' Sensations have been temporarily but fully unlocked as your body synchronizes with the new changes]

Busy reading the messages, although he was instantly reading them faster than possible, Max didn't see this coming: A mid air Hunch Blue Force was already obeying Robert by attacking him. Seeing the oncoming vertical punch, Max raised his arms high and made an "X" using them to block it.

[Psymaweave Shield summoned]

A transparent red shield with royal designs appeared and blocked the attack right above his arms. And it happened like magic by been fast, powerful, unique and explosive:


A red powerful force pulled the attacker inwards then it shot him away into the sky like a bullet. Everyone's mouth was hanged unclosed because the speed in which he was propelled was nothing like which they had ever seen.

Strangely enough, the sky was not cloudy anymore but however, nowhere could any of the supernatural eyes of the Blue Forces spot their member. He was entirely gone, maybe to land somewhere close to the Veil of Realms leading back to Anyway city.

Max was panting in confusion, his vessels beautifully emitting red glow all the way out of his skin. In a stylish manner, he saw with red glowing eyes the red circular designs on the transparent red shield swirling in circles before the whole shield vanished.

[Psymaweave Shield summoning is terminated]

«He easily threw away Steve like a fly! The shitting was that! Everyone, no one does anything. I love it that he is now more powerful, let me bleed as I avenge.»

Smirking, Robert sounded more infuriated by seeing one more Blue Force probably dead in Max's hands with only a single attack which was more of a defense. His scary eyes glared unblinkingly to his right at a giant Blue Force in his Mighty form, seemingly ready to defy the command he just shared.

On the other hand, Max was ironically wondering that maybe, the beasts never attacked him again because they were scared of what he could do them, giving him the chance to look behind him and to see if Armless was here or not:

And she was not there.

'Who knows what she is undergoing.'

The giant Blue Force mind-linked Robert in order to convince him:

«If Steve is dead, that counts three deaths in a day. And if I am not mistaken, this is a Vampire Slave. A strange specy that never dies in battles, as some people say. What's the essence of fighting him alone by yourself in his unusually powerful mode?»

«I need to avenge the deaths of our companions all alone. You are even a shit brain to call him unusually powerful. I am lastly commanding you all once to move your shitted asses away, and leave him for myself, or you eachly going to eat the shits of resisting my shitting command.»

"We are moving back, fine." The giant Blue Force spoke the moment he shifted to human form. "Why don't you move ahead, die so that we have the peace of your absence." He seemed angered to be told to step back.

Robert knew that the giant didn't mean any of his words. If anything else, his anger was a way of saying he was concerned about his well being.

The others' bones cracking and relocating to the human form filled the silence. Max thought they were about to attack him but strangely, they uniformly walked backwards, leaving Robert standing on his own.

Forgetting they ever existed, Robert looked straight at Max with the desire to avenge his fallen comrades by finishing him off as fast as he could. In return, Max looked back at him with intensity. The look told Robert how he badly wanted to return back to Anyway city to find Evelyn before accomplishing his main goal.

The wind blew gently as red texts rose like dancers in Max's eyes:

[Your Royalty, once it is night time, you can access the five Blood Fiends to assist you in dire situations like this. Do you want to try?]

'System, can you answer my questions?' Max asked after examining the changes in the way the system recently communicated. He was surprised to see the next red text rising.

[Yes, Your Royalty, temporarily for the time being. Once the synchrony is over, you will need to update the Vampire System to the second edition to have that privilege]

Robert was visibly eager to attack Max. Bearing his fangs, he dashed in Max's direction at an amazing speed. He was closing in fast and crazy.


Like the Mighty beast he was, Max saw Robert slamming a mighty punch at him;

Five pictures suddenly appeared in Max's Vampire System before the punch could land;

Max has chosen one of the pictures without even knowing what picture it was:

[You will shift into the Blood Fiend 'Hemth']

"Go shit in hell!" Robert yelled as the punch successfully landed on Max's chest. In a straight line, Max slided on his two legs in the direction of the punch but during the process, something happened to him that made him strong enough to bear the pain of the punch without experiencing a deadly pain.

Red smoke was all over Max;

And surprise was all over the air;

[The shift was a success]

'Awesome...' A deadly punch felt like a hard slap on his chest '...awakening.' From Robert's expression, Max could see the reflection of what he literally became:

[Current Active Form: Psychenvoy]

The Blood Fiend he shifted into was called Hemth and its powers including this new form were regarded as Psychenvoy. In this form, Max had a body that seemed to be made of glass-like crystal, showing the ability of the power — Psychenvoy — to reflect everything around it. He didn't know what powers the Blood Fiend possessed but nevertheless, it had an amazing appearance, and he hoped it would do him something amazing.

The Blue Forces standing there exchanged silent glances of fright. For someone to resist Robert's punch was almost unbelievable to them, more especially someone deserving to be described as a pathetically inexperienced young Vampire Slave who could only heal with the assistance of his creator.

'Time to flow in tune with the damn amazing music.' Max smirked evilly — that was a bad sign.

[ New changes complete! ]

[ Your System has been modified! ]

[ This is your Vampire System's new desktop ]

[ Forms ]

[ Search ]

[ Your Status ]

[ Blood Fiends ]

[ About Yourself ]

[ Revival Treasure ]

[ Double Heart System ]

[ Pending Notifications ]

[ About Vampire System ]

[ System Based Weapons ]

"I told ya, haven't ah? Oh, a'haven't." Max yelled before he laughed. "That fighting me is a dead sentence! That even a'don't know what amazing things am capable of!" He laughed again like a maniac — the alcohol.

"Yes, true, my life has become worse since I ever became a Vampire Slave but damn yeah! A've done and can do amazing things! So get out of my way and leave Armless free!"

Robert replied by dashing at Max one more time in order to deliver a more powerful punch: Max slided across the ground without falling down in receiving the punch on his chest. Despite not knowing Max had broken bones, Robert couldn't believe his eyes because no one as such as this Vampire had he ever seen resist such a deadly blow.

Max saw Hemth's live picture appearing on the system's screen, filling the entire screen. It felt like the Blood Fiend was filling his world's horizons with its dark blue hairy face.

This was one of the five Blood Fiend leaders and like every other Blood Fiend, it had a slightly dog resembling a snout with red glowing eyes, its mouth releasing dark, red, faint glow and mist, and its ears looking short.

Frightened to the core and finally vocal, "What... Who... What the hell is this?" Max stuttered loudly, Robert's punch still connected to his chest.

Hemth didn't say anything back to Max. It just looked at him with examining eyes. Silently, the live picture of the Blood Fiend disappeared from his view.


[ Psychenvoy Arsenal is empty ]

Despite the confusion in addition to the tremendous fright he was feeling, Max returned his attention back to Robert. "My turn." he whispered before he attempted delivering his own punch which reflexively, Robert blocked with a dead face.

Holding Max by his clenched fist, grunting and gritting, Robert aggressively threw him backwards with his own damaging set of blow.

Then, the Mighty formed Blue Force walked calmly towards the Vampire Slave.

Slowly shifting to the human form in order to speak, "What a weak shit you are." Robert said amusingly. "You dare think you can fight someone as good as myself just because you can sparkle red shits all around your ass and body? Naive. So stupid, so naive. I'll be the first to kill a Vampire Slave because I happened to encounter a foolish one." He then reshaped to the Hunch form without stopping.


[ Your body needs a living human's blood ]

[ Health: 22% healthy ]

'H..Hemth? Are you still here?' Max called inside his mind, his eyes fearlessly looking at the horrible looking Blue Force strolling towards him like his own death. 'Hey I'm referring to you, yes you whoever is listening to this. Are you here to help me or what? Why be in my body without doing anything?'

[ Hemth: "I can help with no doubt." ]

Max didn't realize shouting: "Ya should fucking do it then!" As for Robert had his claws out, running with his anger in his feet, now roaring and jumping with his left arm raised high up.

[ The Blood Fiends want you to prove your worth of being their representative. Your foe would undergo Hemth Fiend Possession and you must defeat them as a whole to have the entire Blood Fiends back ]

'Alright to plan B: Void Emotion time. What the fucking hell...'

Robert naturally fell on the ground as a strange blue-red light powerfully left Max's body and crazily stroked directly into his heart. He shortly bleeded through the hole created that was showing his beating organ. Then, sooner, the place healed and he felt something alive but dominating, overcoming his entire instincts and senses.

[ Hemth has left your body ]

[ You will shift back to the human form ]

Max couldn't process what was going on.

Robert began to feel double as he could think twice at a moment of killing no one but Max and only Max. The new feeling of strange old power, together with all that were hard for him to pinpoint, made him laugh in a quiet manner mixed with audible terrible growls and voices.

Robert's companions were not afraid of Max anymore because his body had returned back to normal.

[ Defeat the possessed foe in: 00:08:97 ]

'Like seriously?'

'I hate jokes.'

'What do you have, System?'

[ Forms ]

[ Search ]

[ Your Status ]

[ Blood Fiends ]

[ About Yourself ]

[ Revival Treasure ]

[ Double Heart System ]

[ Pending Notifications ]

[ About Vampire System ]

[ System Based Weapons ]


[ Sorry, you can not access 'Forms' ]


[ What do you want to learn? ]

'I don't have that time...'

'Blood Fiends!!'

[ Sorry, you can not access 'Blood Fiends' ]

'What a useless modified system!'


[ Sorry, you can only access your Superhuman Heart ]

[ Superhuman Heart Status ]

[ Slaved Sweats: 0 drops remaining ]

[ Body Strength: 20% less stronger than average Diurnal Vampires ]

[ Mental Dexterity: 3% dexterous than average Diurnal Vampires ]

[ Glide Velocity: 10% less faster than average Diurnal Vampires ]


[ Your body needs a living human's blood ]

[ Blood Time: 00:00:00 ]

[ Wild Vampire transformation has begun ]