After being chased, tortured, and killed, Sen finds himself transported into a world of fantasy and magic. Gifted with a power unlike anything he’s ever seen, one where the idea of world domination is not a matter of 'if', but 'when'. How will he thrive in a world unlike his own? ------- [Word Count: However much I feel like writing...] [Editor: Me.] [Discord:] ------- thinking of changing the name, cause found out there's another book with a similar name and like 1000% more popular than
It was time to head back into class.
With one quick look at the timetable, I backtracked my way into the academy building and into a room labeled [S-T. Weapons and Combat.]
"Lenso." Palmer's voice called out to me as I opened the door.
The classroom was huge, about twice the size of the Lecture Rooms. There was not a single seat in sight nor was there a blackboard. Just an empty field and a rack of training weapons for students to take a pick.
"I thought you were gonna get lost," Palmer said, handing me a sword as we made our way to the gathering of the rest of our classmates. "I assume you're most familiar with a sword."
I gave a quick thanks and gave the blade a whirl.
I wasn't the best, but it wasn't too bad either.
"It's made from a special kind of metal. If you turn the end of sword clockwise like this," Palmer showed his sword and held onto the end of the hilt, giving it a little twist, his arms trembled a bit, "You can change the weight of the sword. The teachers advise you to change the weight to best fit you, 'cause it's gonna be with you for the rest of the year."
He twisted the hilt anti-clockwise, back into its original weight.
"I see," I muttered, giving mine a twist.
Sure enough, the sword felt heavier but still bearable.
With enough trial and error, I was finally able to perfectly adjust the weight to something similar to what I had been using for the past year.
"Quiet! Class is commencing!"
The door slammed open as a buff musclehead-looking man walked in, his short reddish-grey hair styled up and a giant scar by his cheek.
"Alright," He paced around the front, scanned around the room, "As you all know. The mid-year exams are around the corner. We don't have time to play around. Failure means expulsion. Expulsion means disgrace to your families. Drill that in your head."
"Yes, Sir." The class chanted, their eyes focused on the teacher.
"Good." The professor stopped, facing his students, "I will now explain to you the exam criteria. Listen well. I will not repeat it."
He took out a piece of paper from his pocket.
"This year's Senior Level mid-year examination will take place within the 'Dark Forest'" he began, resulting in several flinches in the crowd of students and murmuring.
"The Dark Forest?"
"Isn't that dangerous?"
"Quiet! Questions shall be taken at the end." The professor glared up from the page, his eyes indicating that the next person to speak would receive some sort of punishment, "The content of the examination will involve a Hunting Card and collection of points."
He took out a small card from his pocket, "Each one of you will receive a card similar to this. You are required to gain at least 50 points to pass. When the card the red, it means you have not collected 50 points. If it's green, you have collected over 50 points. Group work is allowed during this examination. Monsters hunted that are not listed on the hunt card will not be counted. The examination will begin in 2 days. That will conclude this briefing." The professor looked back up, "As you have heard. This examination will be dangerous. The possibility of death is always there."
A hushed whisper traveled through the crowd.
"But fear not, there will be 3 other professors on the trip. They will help out during any life-threatening situations." The Professor assured, crumbling the piece of paper into a ball and stuffing it in his pocket. "In these 2 days, refine your techniques, challenge the arena, do whatever you can to become stronger."
"Yes, Sir." The class chanted, taking the professor's words to heart.
"Now go scatter. If there's anything you wish to ask me, I'll be roaming around." The professor swiped his hand, shooing them away.
"Is that all?" I raised an eyebrow at the professor's unique teaching techniques.
"It might look like he doesn't care, but he's actually one of the best professors in the academy," Sara's voice suddenly appeared behind me.
"How so?" I turned around, already used to her popping up randomly.
"Well, to be fair, he only cares about the one who wants to learn. If you ask him a question, he'll explain everything, no matter how complicated or how basic it is. As long as it's about combat and strategies, he's the guy to go to." Sara explained.
"And the people who don't ask questions?"
"Well you know, they don't pass the examinations and just get expelled," Sara shrugged, grabbing her sword and begun to practice her swinging, "You should start practicing as well, I don't think they'll make any exceptions for you even though you just joined today."
"I will," I looked around to see what the rest of the students were doing, sure enough, many of them were also swinging their weapons around, whilst others had lined up to inquire the professor about some tips and hints.
"What's the professor's name?" I leaned over to Palmer who was similarly practicing his swings.
"Deil. Professor Deil."
I nodded my thanks before walking over to the queue which began parting like the Red Sea at my very presence.
"You are?" Professor Deil glanced at the odd behavior of his students,
"My name's Lenso, Sir," I stretched out my hand which he returned the handshake.
"Lenso?" He repeated, wondering why it sounded so familiar.
"Lenso Einsoi."
"The Grand Duke's son?" He frowned, looking me up.
"That's correct, sir. I was hoping you would give me some sparring tips." I smiled, tapping the tip of my blade on the gravel.
"Wait your turn then. Don't expect any special treatment just because of your aristocratic status." He nudged his head over to the other students who had all lined up before me but had all somehow autonomously allowed me to go before them.
I let out a small chuckle as I heaved my sword on my shoulder. I've got to admit, he's got guts. Not too bad.
I made my way back towards Palmer.
"You're back already?" He raised his eyebrow and looked behind me to see the long line.
"I'll talk to him when he's less busy," I replied, making my way out the classroom and back out to the courtyard.
"Where are you going?" Palmer lowered his sword and began following me out with curiosity.
"Hm. The Arena."