
Blood Emperor's Lazy Doctor

Hong Luo was an abused child who died soaking in the rain for days in her first life. Her second life she became known as the well regarded doctor Mozen, a genius above geniuses that no normal person could think of mimicking. A recluse that was hard to find. And a mother of three children, though two of which were not blood related. Now she's returned to her first life, a dream perfectly illustrating how life would have went if she hadn't died. She finally got to witness her best friends rain dance. Her twin cousins came to stay with her, living peacefully with the barbarian tribe as they trained. And above all else, she was able to save him, that silly man who refused to leave her as she laid there dying. Yet, was this truly just a dream? An accident happened, faces that shouldn't be here are showing up, hidden truths are unveiled, and the looming guillotine set to fall is not waiting for anyone to stop it. Ever since Hong Luo woke up, all she wants to do is to peacefully live out her retirement, wasting the day away over a cup of tea, sleep in past noon, and to tend to her garden and carvings. Revenge? She wants no part of it. You have problems? Well, you also have two working hands and legs, she'll leave you to it. You want her to work? Are you dying? You're not? Then please leave. There are other healers just as good as her right around the corner. Luckily her guard is very competent in shooing away trouble. She beckons him over, "Come sit with me." Shamelessly he embraces her and sits back on the chair with her in his lap. Hong Luo "That's not what I meant." "I'm sitting with you, am I not?" Hong Luo "...Well, you aren't wrong." "Mmm." Hong Luo "...ugh, fine. Do as you please." _ [Warning, some chapters will get bloody and gruesome. That r18 is there for a reason.] This is a slow burn fantasy, slice of life story with romance, self healing, mystery, natural disasters, a bit of politics, couple growth, and a lot of world building. I really enjoying world building and history to said world, so there's a lot of that in there. So if you enjoy any of these, you just might enjoy this wee story of mine. The story of Hong Luo and Nuyun. (Currently being rewritten.) - The image above was drawn by me! https://www.instagram.com/mykataren/

MyKataren · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Calm Before the Storm (I)

Each day is more dreary than the next. The rain continues to pour copious amounts of water over the lands. The lightning too has not been kind, striking indiscriminately for days. Since the beginning of its onslaught, not once did the rain and lightning ease up. Even today it showed no sign of stopping.

Currently inside the imperial palace located on the eastern side of the capital. 

The outside downpour fills the hall with subtle pelting. The chill of spring mixed in with the rain has added a hint of cold dampness to the spacious room. To thwart this, two jade incense cauldrons warmed the inner midst of the space, reaching the man on the throne, but not so much for the subjects down below.

A cough echoed and a man stepped forward.

"Our western tribe Agasgv has dwindled out into nothing, the epidemic has completely wiped it out. The smaller tribes nearby have begun to panic and migrate to the Tainic mountain range in hope to avoid it's spread." 

"Our scouts' last response told of rockslides in the area along with lower ground movement. Unfortunately due to the rain this isn't surprising, but these land shifts have made communication more difficult. Matters have become worse with the winds picking up speed." 

"A request is made in regards to upgrading to rank five communication talismans as well as an increase of manpower. This ends your subject's report. This one awaits your response, your excellency." The man curtly spoke and bowed his head once he finished speaking. He was one of many men holding on to scrolls, appearing quite nervous in regards to their situation. 

Compared to the others behind him, this man was large in mass with short creamy hair. His muscles bulged through his clothes. Black symbols peek through his bandages, creeping up his thick neck and vining up one side of his face. These symbols were also present on his large olive toned hands and the white belt wrapping his waist.

Across from him sat a powerful middle aged man dressed in golden robes and crown. He wasn't as large as the subservient man, in fact he appeared skin as bone in comparison, but the strength brimming from that body and natural aura he exuded made the muscular man appear small and meek. 

Slowly the middle aged man, the Emperor that ruled over the lands of Ash, shifted his weight off his fist and un crossed his long legs. The action chimed the crown's ornaments, softly swaying in front of his imposing features. His sharp black eyes opened, narrowing down below his throne at the man who spoke.

When his sight became more focused on the men below, each of the men behind him became more rigid and stiff. They obviously respected this man situated on the throne, but their respect could not compare to the pressure he put on them while in his presence. If a mountain ever condensed into a person, he would be the emperor.

"We approve the talisman upgrade to rank five. As for manpower, we are unable to stretch out our guards any further." His thick soul reverberating voice crept through the hall. Each person listening shuddered subconsciously.

The subject's shoulder rose in joy towards Emperor Jie's approval of the rank five talisman. Yet when it reached the disapproval of manpower, his shoulders dropped. He was visually disappointed. 

The Emperor shifted his gaze to the side. Without changing his tone he spoke, "Yet knowing our subject's pain, we shall acquiesce. Prime Minister Hong, pen us a decree. In the name of we, the Emperor Wei Jieji, order the subjects holding the titles of Duke and Marquis to relinquish one guard each to head west..."

At the end of the Emperor's words the subject subconsciously raised his head. In the man's eyes were strong tears clinging to his lashes. This man larger than life was obviously so moved he forgot his decorum.

The emperor clearly noticed but understandably paid no heed.

Realizing befuddlement, in his panic the man lowered his head. His bow deepened, he knocked his head on the ground three times then stood up. He repeatedly thanked the emperor for his grace and left the audience hall following the servant carrying the decree.

"Carry on." Emperor Jie waved his hand. He leaned back on his fist and closed his eyes. Silently he listened for the next report.

Acknowledging the emperor's command, a smaller man with a towel slung over his shoulders adjusted his glasses. "First off, each one of the farms have reported in there thanks to your excellency for the swift response days ago. Unfortunately due to lack of manpower, even our leaders are unable to extricate themselves long enough to attend an audience. Knowing this, they also send their apologies."

"We are aware. Proceed with ease." Emperor Jie waved his free hand. He rested it back on his throne once the man nodded in agreement.

"Although the emergency response was well and the efforts have rescued crops and livestock, your subject is afraid to report that these countermeasures are beginning to fail. Combining the rocky ice rain with the harsh winds and constant lightning, the defenses placed down are estimated to not last for four days at the least, six at the most."

"Your subject beseeches your excellency, our leaders request the usage of tier eight formations." Bowing low and firm, the man dropped the towel to the cold hard floor in his haste. He ignored it and continued waiting.

"Tier eight?" Emperor Jie squinted his black eyes at the man. Some of his shoulder length dark tea colored hair slipped from his ear. It covered those aged taunt cheeks, obscuring the edge in his eyes. 

"That is quite the stretch. We are well aware that the weather is more severe than predicted but tier eight is far above what we are comfortable in allowing."

"It is not a secret that the world we live upon is classed upon the lower end when essence and strength is involved. Our lands are small. We are confined in a safezone away from certain death, from spatial rifts no common man dares to cross. Although this gives a sense of security it also brings forth a problem."

"If we were to allow tier eight formations to be cast, regardless of their use, that certain death would spread inward with us having no way out. Turning this protection into a suspended blade above the neck. Even Tier seven is tricky in this regard." Emperor Jie straightened his posture.

He leaned back, lifting his chin while his gaze fell upon the ceiling. He was deep in contemplation and no one dared to even breathe.

Prime minister Hong Moxue shifted his position and broke the silence. "This issue does not need to be decided on as of yet, your excellency. As stated, we have four to six days before any immediate action needs to be taken. Additionally word has come from the tribe leader of the Nahele, his prediction has shown some unnatural shifts that may affect the weather. The change has still yet to be determined. We may in the coming days soon learn of its veracity."

Hong Moxue's calm and cold voice snapped Emperor Jie out of his contemplation. 

"Yes, you are correct." Emperor Jie lowered his gaze. He nodded towards Hong Moxue in thanks. He looked over at his subject. "We will ponder over your request and give forth an answer in due time…"

After speaking some formalities and having the servants settle the arrangements for the man, the emperor waved him off. Unable to do much else, the small man picked up his towel and reluctantly left. 

"Carry on." The emperor stated once he readjusted his posture. He leaned back languidly against his fist, closing his eyes in comfort. Unlike before, an obvious knot remained between his brows.

This time a more scholarly man took a step forward. His long golden hair rested curtly on his shoulders, a pair of glasses hung from his neck, and an obvious pair of panda eyes rested on his pale face. He coughed a few times and spoke softly.

"Your excellency, when will we have an answer to our concerns pertaining to this unusual weather? We deserve to know whether our livingly hood is threatened or not. Staying silent is not only unethical but trouble inducing."

"Your excellency, open your eyes and push pride aside. We beseech you for an immediate response. When will we have answers?" Unmoving and unafraid, the pale scholarly man did not bow like the others but narrowed his panda eyes at the laid back emperor.

Emperor Jie deepened the knot in his brows. His eyes shot open and glared a hole through the man. Intangible pressure consumed the room and knocked head first into the blond scholar. 

Knocked off balance, the blond scholar stagger back. 

Unwilling to be pressured he grit his teeth and took a step forward back into place. He flicked his robe and another intangible aura appeared but didn't spread out, instead it merely surrounded him to decrease the pressure on his shoulders.

Emperor Jie looked upon the man all the same. His long slender finger tapped on the throne rhythmically. Each tap seemed to add pound after pound of pressure, making the man before him tremble.


Lightning stuck right outside the palace. 

The ground trembled and the hall briefly lit up. A brilliant light scattered across Emperor Jie's focused eyes, revealing those deep blue irises thought to be black. 

This sight ran a slow, piercing chill along the blond scholar's back, causing his breath to hitch.

"Whether answers are given or withheld has little to do with what your faction wants." Coldly standing off to the side, Hong Moxue voiced aloud the emperor's thoughts with ease. 

"Only with patience can one obtain the truth which one seeks. When the time is right, it is only proper that his excellency will answer your questions. Until then, tell your faction leaders to sit back and read their calming sutras. Further inquiries will not only be met with closed doors but further graying to their beards."

Glaring harshly at Hong Moxue, the blond scholar could only bite the inside of his cheek in irritation. The pressure still rising on his shoulders cut off his air, sealing his words of retort inside. 

Once the blond scholar started showing signs of collapsing, Hong Moxue looked to the guards and commanded. "See the guest out."

With no words to say in response, the blond scholar glared back at the emperor. He was obviously unwilling to leave but he had little choice in the matter. Under the palace's grand formation and the unknown power of the emperor, he dared not to test his limits.

"I can walk on my own." He pulled back his arm from the servant leading him to the door. "How utterly disrespectful." He hoarsely grumbled on the way out.

Once the scholar was gone, Emperor Jie closed his eyes and the pressure vanished.

"No further audiences will be met today. Close the doors." Hong Moxue nodded towards the servants manning the hall's entrance. 

Once the hall was sealed he turned around and walked up to the emperor. "Your excellency don't let them affect your mood. Useless rage will only harm you and cause them to laugh and point fingers. It's best to not give them further fuel to fan the flames."

"I am well aware." Emperor Jie messaged between his brows and huffed. "Haa, the Predator faction has remained restless since they discovered the existence of the four treasures. These weather anomalies have merely given them a reason to set more fires. Simply becoming more courageous and daring in their pursuits."

"Such a shame they can't just sit back and relish what they have. If only in conflict can they feel secure, then being here is pointless in that regard." The emperor sighed. He leans back into his chair, unhooking his crown and setting it in his lap.

A large portion of the natives of Ash knew that most if not all did not originate from this world. The higher factions of power were all outlanders that were ostracized from their lands, or criminals on the run. Coming to this land was a chance to live outside of the world that wished them dead. A paradise that would accept anyone. Yet here they were mimicking their old world, fighting to destroy the peace that they escaped to, and claiming it to be of the common good.

In the Emperor's eyes, this was the purest form of hypocrisy, and felt utter disgust for such individuals.

He felt his exhaustion take over. He ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes tiredly. "The other factions aren't any better but at least they know to stay quiet during times like these."

Hong Moxue did not respond for he knew the Emperor did not need him to. He lowered his head and huffed, then turned his sight to the window. Watching the rain fall steadily outside seemed to affect not only the emperor but him as well.

Standing alone in the hall both men sighed simultaneously.

"Ah, I truly wonder how much longer this'll last." The emperor mysteriously asked aloud. He too looked to the window with a profound gaze.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

At the sound of rushed footsteps, both Hong Moxue and Emperor Jie simultaneously looked over.

"Your excellency! Your excellency!" A servant rushed into the hall. "Crown prince Feng has set fire to consort Livida's garden! We caught him moments before he set another fire in her courtyard. Consort Livida is demanding compensation."

At the servant's words Emperor Jie palmed his face and groaned. Hong Moxue glanced over silently.

"First the outer garden now the inner garden, that boy is becoming nothing but trouble." Emperor Jie groaned in his exhaustion. "Perhaps this is his rebellion towards his mother pushing forth his engagement?"

At the end of those words Hong Moxue looked at the emperor with a strange gaze. He then swiftly looked away. 

"Perhaps." He coldly responded.

"Haa, Anying, our son...he's too much like you in your youth." Emperor Jie sighed once more, lamenting his child's endless troubles.

As you can tell, the weather plays a large part in this novel. It may as well be a character of its own. An unpredictable character that holds the fate of this world in its hands. I've always found how weather has been a deciding factor in some historic events. A flood could make or break history, just like a fire could save life just as much as it could whip out an entire civilization. Nature is scary and I hope that I'm doing an okay job of showing how much the residence in my novel are afraid of it.

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