
Blood Devil in the Apocalypse

Huge black gates appeared around the globe. The gates opened, and monsters overflowed, destroying the world. Ryu could only resist as his reality fell apart, everything, looking at the corpse of the woman he secretly loved. Everything was ruined—and he was powerless. The reality of losing Aya caused him to abandon the path of humanity and live like a devil—if the monsters wanted to destroy the world, let them. Because he would destroy them in return. On the day the gates opened, he became the same as the monsters that came through the gates. A Blood Demon Eternal in nature, undying and powerful beings that love violence, carnage, and all things sinfully cardinal. With this transformation, he received a system... One that would drive him onto the path of the evil way. [Ding! Supreme Villan System is now Activated!] [Kill 1 Zombie for 10 points] [Kill 10 Zombies for 100 points] [Kill 100 Zombies for 1000 points] [Bonus Points Given For Villainous Acts!] ⟪Gained Blood Demon Qi Absorption Art⟫ ⟪Learn Martial Art: Scarlet Rush⟫ ⟪Blood Qi prevents infection and death!⟫ ⟪Reached Earth Cycle Realm - 1st Layer, Inner Core⟫ [Go Forth, Young Blood Devil! You Are Eternal!]

Crimson_Tyrant · Urban
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17 Chs

Kurogane Ryu - Blood Demon

"Chao, what do we do?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Max and Chao were resting at the entrance, seeming to feel proud after making their way there.

"I mean, we kicked so much ass, and with each kill, I feel my abs and biceps burning! Won't we become like... superheroes at this rate!?"

Darren was now like a rather sneaky rogue in games; his body was short before, but the more they fought, his flab was slightly refined, no longer making him slower.

His eyes were watching the distance.

A group of girls were running from a group of zombies, and he wanted to help.

Then suddenly, the prettiest girl's fingertips began to shine with lightning and shot out.

"Wow, magic!?" Darren said.

The lightning destroyed a zombie, then a second one, and a third.

"Chao, did you see that!? She has lightning powers!" His voice was stupidly loud and attracted a huge group of zombies.

"Look what you did, midget! Now we gotta fight when I'm already sweating!" Max roared.

"Shit, sorry, it was an accident." Darren tried to run, but the zombies were close.

"Lightning, huh.." Ryu mumbled.

His body was sitting on a tree just above the cafeteria, playing with some stones. He watched the entire thing happen and could tell there was no Qi when she cast that ability, so it was unrelated to cultivation.

So he was a little interested.

"Maybe it's a secret technique?

'But the guys cannot take on this many zombies at once...'

Since he didn't want them to be swarmed, he tossed a sharp stone in his palm at one of the ugly girl's ankles, causing her to trip.

It looked accidental, and the pretty girl was shocked as the girl began to scream and shout, splitting the group of zombies again. Yet the pretty girl saw his actions before

"Wasn't that the guy I saw yesterday, Kurogane Ryu?" the girl muttered, her blonde hair moving in the wind before facing the zombies, unable to let her be killed?

[Commited a cruel act gained 100 Points]

'How is it cruel? This girl was screaming and shouting. She was hungry in the first place when the others only had a small piece of rations... damn, the world is morally corrupt!'

Ryu jumped down and appeared next to the girl and Max.

"Max, you back up, fatty, and Darren, don't put your lives in danger. Fight the small group to the right, and I'll take it from here."

"Thanks, dude," Max whispered.

"No problem."

Holding his nine-ring broadsword, he stepped forward to face the horde alone since he wanted to blood essence.

He was annoyed because it stayed at 299/300 for too long and wouldn't upgrade him! So, he believed there was something he lacked right now.

Yet he noticed the beautiful blonde girl and her friend looking and whispering.

"Who is he?" the girl asked.

"That's the rumoured, Kurogane Ryu. There was also a rumour that he is a man slut, so don't get close!"

"What!? Man slut?" the girl seemed shocked.

'Fuck, who the hell spread such rumours, and why the hell am I a man slut?'

'Well... It was not a lie.'

He dashed forward, holding the heavy blade at his waist, somehow nostalgic as the feeling of a sword was like practise with his father.

Looking down at the ten zombies, he kicked the lightning girl's ass so she fell away, payback for her telling rumours.

'Now... To test if killing zombies gives me blood essence or what I need.'

As he was about to swing, a powerful pulse of energy shot past him as the blonde girl's lightning toasted most of the zombies, her face giving him a proud look as if showing she was better.

She smiled.

'Wait, is this bitch trying to steal the kills?'

"Tch, don't hog kills, lightning girl. Scram or I'll break your legs."

"W-what, you have no right to say that."

"Hogger, move, or I'll beat you up."

On the other side of the group, Chao and Darren stood like a gallery, the zombies too easy to kill, as they watched that blonde bimbo argue with Ryu.

"Hey... Why are they fighting like kids?" Max asked.

"Beats me..."

Max was panting as he joined them because they were lazy and wanted to chat with the cute girls in the other group, "Hey... that girl needs to calm down. Ryu won't take her shit for long... Look, his eyes are seriously mad!"

Ryu's eyes were staring at the blonde bitch; as he swung the nine-ring broadsword, he enjoyed the heavy blade, which howled when it tore apart the remaining zombies, their chests hit with steel and torn apart like they were made of paper.

"Hah, take that bitches. I have no time for your shit."

"H-holy fuck, he is a monster," the girl shouted, realising his power.

Her blue eyes were shivering because, in the school, everyone knew him, yet how could she forget that aura he released while beating those seniors up?

"Pfft, bitch got roasted!" Darren laughed.

"You shouldn't have provoked him, lady."

Ryu walked back, grabbing the blond by her long hair and yanking it, dragging her to the floor as he looked back at the trio. "Why not try getting along with these cute girls? I'll be back soon."

"G-get off me!? What are you doing!"


Her body was dragged through the ground; as she tried to use her lightning, a black boot slammed into her face, breaking the spell before he dragged her side the school building.


Max, Darren and Chao looked at each other, wondering how they would speak to the girls...

"Should we chat with them?"

"How about you go first, Chao? You are the most confident despite having a micro penis!"

"Fuck you, Darren, you damn prick! Why don't you go?"

"No, you two go, or I'll bash your skulls."

"Y-you fucking bully Max; you always make us fight each other!" Chao roared.

"Huh, who told you to have tiny dicks and ugly faces!"

As the boys fought, the four girls giggled, subconsciously moving closer as the men were quite strong; even though they were not the most handsome, they were willing to fight.

That was enough.

"Uhm, do you four want to team up for now? We are quite weak and have no strength. We don't know how to fight well, but..." the girl with soft brown hair asked.

"We aren't bad fighters, but we are a little weak... My name is Max."

"I'm Darren."

"I'm Chao."

"And I'm Claire; nice to meet you all." The girl seemed to have an eye focused on Max, likely his decent face and tall figure. It made him look more imposing now he didn't lack coordination.

"This is Milly; she's a little shy but can cook the most delicious food, even with scraps!" Milly was quite pretty but a little plump and short, with a pair of black twin tails, but Chao looked at her and seemed to be into her as she smiled and seemed a little awkward.

"Hello... Nice to meet you," Milly whispered.

"My name is Valarie. Thank you for saving us."

"No worries, Claire."

Chao was already speaking to Milly, Max to Claire, and Darren was speaking to a girl called Susan, a petite blonde with pigtails, while Valarie was left alone.

While the group were now speaking to each other, getting to know themselves, two women could cook, and Claire was good at first aid and medicine, which was vital. The three men thought to ask Ryu to let them travel with these girls.

They began to wonder where they were after 30 minutes had passed.

"Darren, haven't you seen Ryu?" Max asked.



"Me neither; the girls are worried too."

"Shit, what if they were hurt?" Max panicked.

"Let's check and bring your weapons just in case," Chao suggested.

"Milly, Claire, Susan, Valarie. Wait here; we are going to look for Ryu."

It was amusing to see the three of them acting tough, about to enter the school, which still had many zombies inside, only to see the two of them coming back out, but it was a little strange...

The lightning girl's mouth was a little bloody, and she kept rubbing her jaw and seemed to be trying to swallow constantly. While Ryu walked with the broadsword in his hand and whistled with a pleasant face, he seemed to have grown more powerful once again...

"What happened?" Max asked, seeing the strange condition as the lightning girl didn't speak but cleared her throat.

"Nothing, let's go. It seems these girls will come with us. Did you find any rations or bottled water?"

"We did, Ryu. We found some," Chao replied.

"Store it; we should go to the cafeteria and get all long-life items possible. Freya, go with them and find something to drink."

"It's annoying listening to you clear your throat and swallow so much," Ryu said, flicking his hand, the girl's face turning red and looking wrong.

[You committed a heinous act! Gained 3000 Points]

'Wow... Being a prick rewards points...

'Well, I don't feel like a prick.'

"Gotcha. Come on, Claire and Milly; you two can help us."


Susan didn't want to come, and Valarie didn't speak, seemingly shy; her brown hair was silky and smooth, and her white top and jeans were clean, making her seem pure.

However, Ryu didn't even look at them.

Instead, his eyes closed before sitting under the large tree as he felt something inside of him moving around.

A small swirl of liquid-esk qi was slowly forming in the inner core.

It was a complete change, and he knew this was a signal that soon he would evolve beyond a normal human, or rather a lesser blood demon.

'Do I perform the meditation now...?'

He looked around and noticed Darren and Susan had remained since they stayed.

That was enough to protect him.


"Yes, boss?"

"Make sure no one interrupts me; even if you are all dying, don't interrupt me. Just die."


"How about you die, boss? Haha."

Closing his eyes, Ryu just smiled and enjoyed the confidence his brothers were showing, the more strength and confidence they had.

The more he could enjoy their help and support.

'Let's reach the 4th Layer.'

He focused on himself and felt something inside his world, a presence that wanted to accept him, to admit him or rather... It felt more like another him.


[Within Kurogane Ryu's Earth Realm]

Ryu stood upon the endless blood lake, facing a giant beast with a crimson hue, its eyes now two golden orbs that watched him, massive curved horns and huge blood wings that flapped with great power.

The monster seemed extremely powerful, with blood armour covering its body.

"Child, you are not ready to advance."

"Why? I have reached the peak of the 3rd Layer."

"Child, the 4th Layer requires something special, something rare, and right now, you are too far away from reaching that."

"Then how do I advance?"

"Child, there is one thing missing in your current realm.

"Is it Blood Essence? Is it Qi? Is it a Spiritual Weapon?"

"Child, all those are secondary, and the most important thing you lack... is the will to become a Blood Demon and the resolve to abandon your humanity."


"You are currently human and cannot comprehend the Blood Demon's Will, the desire, passion and primal, savage drive to kill and feast on the enemy, devouring them and savouring their blood essence."


"Can't I just kill you and take that power?" Ryu whispered at first as a joke, but then the creature began to laugh, bellowing with a joyful voice.

"Hahahahaha! You, that's right! If you can defeat and devour me, absorb my essence, and gain the will to become a Blood Demon.

"Hahaha, if you can defeat me, child, then yes, you can advance!"

"Remember, we are not righteous cultivators; those meditations and stupid rules are not for us!"

Ryu didn't listen to the demon anymore, whether it was honest or not. This space was his, so he would use his Nine Ring Broadsword to take it back.

"Get ready, you fucker!" Ryu roared.

"Child, do you think you are worthy!?"

"Whether I am or not, I'll devour you!"

Holding the blade, he ran forward, enjoying the feeling of the crimson lake; it was warm and gave him the sensation of home, a familiarity he had not felt before.

"Hah, pathetic, child!"

As Ryu rushed in, the giant demon's body grew larger, his blood-like body seeming to rise a foot each second.

Ryu dashed close, the nine rings spinning, as he moved 8 metres a second, the demon's large fist moving down to smash him.

"Take this, fucker!"

The broadsword stabbed the ground, and his body flew up, his leg kicking the hand and pushing him upwards, his fist glowing with a bright crimson as his body shot upwards.

"Crimson Uppercut'!"

His fist smashed into the demon's face, his blood-like body split, and Ryu felt the sensation of entering the blood.

Then, as his body was sent flying from his uppercut, he had an epiphany...

'Ah... I have to defeat myself to advance... But not the human me... The Blood demon me!'

As his body spun, his leg glowing with a crimson red and surrounded by a vicious wind, his body struck the demon's chest and shattered its blood armour, his body splitting apart once again.

"Die!" Ryu shouted as he endured the pain of his own Inferno Kick.

However, his body was thrown back, tumbling on the lake before his broadsword came into sight. He grabbed the blade tightly and dashed forward, his blade glowing as his entire body was crimson.

As his body lunged at the demon, its arm slammed down towards Ryu!

Ryu's eyes shone with a vicious glint, as his heart and body felt exhilarated as the thick blood essence from each blood flooded into his body, filling every cell with pure, explosive power!


Sorry, the previous chapter 12 was missing over 1200 words... so stupid.

Crimson_Tyrantcreators' thoughts