
Blood Crown: The Ascent of the Vampire King

weeb_boy669 · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Chapter 25 : A King's Decree

Diablo sat on his throne, his eyes scanning the crowd of advisors and nobles before him. He had summoned them all to his court for an important announcement, and the tension in the air was palpable.

"Thank you all for coming," Diablo began, his voice carrying across the room.

"As you know, the past few months have been a time of great change and upheaval for our kingdom.

But with the threat of the Dragon Queen vanquished and my coronation complete, it is time for us to look to the future."

The advisors and nobles leaned forward, eager to hear what the new king had to say.

"I have decided to issue a decree,"

Diablo continued,

"one that will shape the future of our kingdom for generations to come."

He paused for a moment, letting the weight of his words sink in.

"As of this moment, I am officially outlawing the practice of blood magic within our borders."

There was a collective gasp from the crowd, and Diablo could see the shock and disbelief on many of their faces.

Blood magic had been a part of their culture for centuries, used by many as a way to gain power and wealth.

"But why?"

one of the nobles spoke up, his voice filled with concern.

"Blood magic has been a part of our culture for centuries. Why would you take it away from us now?"

Diablo's gaze hardened, and his voice grew cold.

"Because it is a practice that has caused more harm than good," he replied.

"It has led to countless deaths, both among our own people and those outside our borders. It has been used as a tool of manipulation and tyranny by those in power, and I will not allow it to continue."

The room fell silent, the weight of the king's words hanging heavily in the air. But Diablo was not finished.

"Let me be clear," he continued.

"This decree is not a punishment. It is a call to action. We will find new ways to gain power and influence, ones that do not involve the sacrifice of innocent lives.

We will forge a new path for our kingdom, one that is based on justice, equality, and strength."

The advisors and nobles looked at each other, uncertain of what to make of the king's decree. But Diablo knew that he had made the right decision.

Blood magic was a dangerous and corrupt practice, one that had held his people back for far too long.

"As your king, I promise to lead us forward into a new era of prosperity and greatness,"

Diablo concluded.

"And I hope that you will all join me in this journey."

With that, he rose from his throne and exited the room, leaving the advisors and nobles to contemplate the future of their kingdom.

As he walked through the halls of his castle, Diablo couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

He knew that his decree would not be popular with everyone, but he was confident that it was the right thing to do.

The game of thrones was far from over, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, to lead his kingdom to a brighter future.

He made his way to the throne room, where his advisors were waiting for him. They looked up as he entered, and Diablo could see the concern etched on their faces.

"Your Majesty, are you sure this is the right decision?"

one of them asked.

"I am," Diablo replied firmly.

"I will not allow our people to suffer any longer under the rule of these corrupt lords. They have had their chance, and they have failed."

"But the lords will not take kindly to this," another advisor said.

"They will see it as a challenge to their power."

"Let them," Diablo said.

"I am not afraid to face their wrath. I am the rightful king, and it is my duty to protect my people. This decree will do just that."

His advisors exchanged worried glances, but they knew better than to question Diablo's resolve. They nodded their agreement, and he turned to the scribe who was waiting nearby.

"Write this down," he said.

"From this day forward, all lands and properties owned by corrupt lords who have failed to meet their obligations to the kingdom will be seized by the crown.

These lands and properties will be redistributed to the people, who will govern themselves through elected councils."

The scribe nodded, and began to jot down Diablo's decree.

"Furthermore," Diablo continued, "all lords who have been found guilty of corruption or abuse of power will be stripped of their titles and banished from the kingdom."

There was a moment of stunned silence in the throne room, as his advisors processed the magnitude of his decree.

"Your Majesty, this will not be popular with the lords," one of them said.

"I know," Diablo said.

"But it is the right thing to do. We cannot continue to allow corruption and abuse of power to run rampant in our kingdom. We must take action, and this is the first step."

His advisors nodded, and Diablo could see the concern in their eyes. But he was determined to see this through. He was the rightful king, and it was his duty to lead his people towards a brighter future.

"Is there anything else, Your Majesty?"

one of his advisors asked.

"No," Diablo said.

"That is all for now. But I want this decree sent out to all corners of the kingdom. The people must know that their king is taking action to protect them."

His advisors nodded, and Diablo turned to leave the throne room. As he walked out into the sunlight, he knew that he had taken a bold step towards securing his reign. The game of thrones was far from over, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, to lead his kingdom towards a brighter future.

As he walked through the bustling streets of his kingdom, Diablo could feel the eyes of his people upon him.

He knew that some of them would not be happy with his decree, but he was determined to do what was best for his kingdom.

He could hear whispers and murmurs from the crowds as he passed by, but he held his head high and continued on his way.

As he approached the palace gates, a group of his guards fell in step beside him.

"My lord," one of them spoke up,

"may I ask why you made this decree?

It will not be popular with everyone."

Diablo turned to face the guard, his expression serious.

"I made this decree because it is necessary for the safety and security of our kingdom," he replied firmly.

"There are those who would seek to undermine my reign, and I will not let them succeed. We must be vigilant and strong if we are to survive."

The guard nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "As you say, my lord. We will do whatever it takes to protect our kingdom."

Diablo smiled, grateful for the loyalty of his guards.

"I know you will," he said.

"Now, let us go and ensure that our people are safe and secure. The game of thrones is far from over, but we will prevail."