
A Deal

When I arrived at the school grounds, Lady Lissandra was leaning on the main school building's entrance.

She was tapping her foot impatiently as she looked around. When her eyes landed on me, a beautiful smile appeared on her face for a second, then she shook it away and scowled as she moved toward me with hurried steppes.

Lady Lissandra was a well-known person in the school of Visania. Not to mention she was the King's only daughter; she was a beautiful person and had great charisma. Thus, whenever she moved a few of the students would stare at her. And when their eyes landed on me, they turned hostile.

"Where have you been?" She asked. It sounded more like a demand than a question.

I tilted my head and casually spoke, "I had a foot in the grave just a few hours ago and I just woke up. I think you should know well where I was."

"I'm not talking about that, I went to the hospital early this morning and you weren't there." Lady Lissandra's eyes wandered around and she noticed the fixated gazes of the students on her and the 'servant' she was talking to.

"Let's talk while we move," she said.

"But we have a course soon," I replied.

"Don't worry about that, Basara, I asked the teacher for leave permission. There is something important I need to show you." She said.

"If you insist," I replied and followed after her.

Lady Lissandra was a tall person, perhaps because I was still in puberty and was still growing up, she reached my height and her steps were fast. I had to pick up the pace to keep up with her walking. Otherwise, I'll be behind her, not that I minded the view. But that would only get me in trouble.

After a silent long walk, we found ourselves next to the Forbidden fortress entrance.

"This place again," I groaned.

"Yeah, this is the only place where we can speak without getting interrupted." She said and walked inside.

I looked around using Monochrome Vision. There was not a soul in sight and there was just the two of us here.

I disabled the visual ability and walked after Lady Lissandra into the forest.

"What did you want to tell me, Lady Lissandra?" I asked looking over my shoulder for any unwanted company.

"Drop the titles Basara, it makes me uncomfortable," she said as she faced me.

"That's not right, with my status it would-" but she cut me off with an angry tone.

"Just shut up!" she yelled. "I said drop the titles. When we are alone, call me by my name, do you understand?"

"Of course, L-Lissandra." I said. My words cutting.

However, she flashed a delightful smile my way, her face flushing a bit, then she coughed saying, " I wanted to show you something," she said and showed me a piece of paper.

The piece of paper was familiar to me. The moment it appeared; Nocturne stirred in my sea of consciousness.

"I think this is a piece of your book."

But Nocturne disagreed saying "No, not the book. It's another's" he spoke in my head.

"May I see it?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said and handed me the paper.

When I took it in my hand, I felt my hand shaking. Like lightning had struck me from the piece of bland white paper.

I held on tight to the paper then the feeling of shock disappeared soon after.

The paper was white, but several letters in red emerged on it.

Lissandra's eyes widened as she peaked to see what was on the paper.

"By rite, the blood seeketh death, by law Death seeketh life. And by will, life seeketh blood. Fallen of the ages find will within they self, to call upon the spirit visage and bloom in the darkest of the nights. A wandering reaper may find pray one day, a bloodied soul may find Death one day, but life forever prosper if the soul is intact."

I read the passage and had absolutely no idea what it meant. However, Nocturne had another say.

"Basara, it is time I tell you a bit more about this book. When you are alone that is" He said.

"What does that mean?" Lissandra asked.

"I don't really know. I replied. Where did you find this?" I asked.

"My father's vault. He has kept this piece of paper. He told me one day that it belonged to the conqueror. I noticed that your book had the same paper material. So I thought it came from it. Did it not?" she asked.

I snapped my fingers summoning the black book, I took the piece of paper and compared it to the book. But the paper Lissandra brought me was a bit larger than the papers of the book.

I shook my head saying, "It shouldn't have come from this book. Perhaps there are other copies out there." I said.

"You mean, there are more of those books?" she asked.

"Yes and no," I replied.

"Meaning?" she asked.

"This book is unique, but that doesn't mean that there aren't other books similar or close to it. There could be other servants of Death."

"Servants of Death? Like your master?"

"And like the Conqueror. Anyway, I don't know much about this subject. And seeing that this piece of paper doesn't belong to my book, you should return it."

'Or burn it,' Nocturne spoke.

I frowned, 'Why is that?'

"You think I was chosen to serve death because I was special?'

'Then why were you chosen?' I replied.

"It was because I was one of many who received the blessing of the Death God. Unlike you Basara, you are a descendant of the god of death. But I was nothing but a commoner who obtained this copy of the book. I will tell you more about it in private."

"Right," I said then looked at Lissandra with a serious gaze.

"You don't want to handle this kind of power, Lissandra. Take this paper back where it belonged. I'll tell you more when I know more."

Lissandra had a disappointed look on her face, surprisingly, she didn't demand to know what I knew and accepted my request.

"Alright, if you know anything, share with me."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" she replied.

"I mean, if this piece of paper was in the royal vault, that means it was important enough to be saved there. That also means that not anyone can take it out from there whenever they liked. Inferring that you had applied some sort of pressure to obtain it, perhaps power or money, but still, you paid something to obtain it."

"Y-yeah, kind of." She said looking away.

"Anyway, why are you doing this?"

She took a breath, sighing then said, "I need power, political, or physical power. The struggle for the throne will turn bloody very soon. And so far I'm on the losing end."

"So you thought of conscripting the boy with the grim reaper in his head."

"Yeah, kind of, I mean who has that kind of power," she said, moving a strand of hair to the back of her head.

"What's in it for me?" I asked.

"Oh, finally recognizing yourself. Interesting, and here I thought you'd be willing to do it for free." She said.

"I'm not one of your goons, princess," I replied.

"Neither did I think of it, let me propose to you a deal." She said.

"I'm listening," I replied.

"I can guarantee you nobleness in exchange for your service," she said.

"You mean a title?"

"Yes, a knight for now. My Knight."

"That means I will have to abandon my household. I'm sorry, your offer is tempting, really it is. But I gave my word to Lord Ling, and I will respect it."

"I didn't mean to abandon the household of the phoenix. You can still serve them, but you will be given a title as my knight. You don't need to listen to any of my orders and I won't order you around or shackle your will. You're free to do as you wish. Unbound to my family, only by name." she said.

"That's… aren't you going too far? You almost sound desperate." I said.

She had a rueful smile on her face as she spoke," I really am disparate. My future is sealed. If I don't manage to obtain enough political power by the end of my schooling years here, I will be offered to the highest bidder. A trophy for any man who has enough money or power to influence the ruling of the kingdom."

I frowned saying," I don't fully understand, aren't you the king's own daughter,"

"Yeah, and this is exactly the reason why I'm not being wed off to someone else right now. But my father grows ill and weaker every day. And soon, the first heir, my brother will take the throne. Not wanting competition, he will force my hand and have me married to some other lesser noble house to have full control over the country."

 "And how can my service change that?" I asked.

"For now, as a knight. Nothing. But perhaps in the future this might change. You have the Conqueror's book. His ability, you have power. Even if you didn't know it."

"So, I'm a pawn for you to use," I said.

"Don't say that! I don't want to use you." She said.

"But everything you spoke was nothing short of exploiting me to your own benefit!" I replied.

She took a deep breath and looked up at me saying, "I'm sorry then. Forget about it," she turned around to leave.

'Basara,' Nocturne spoke in my head.

'Yeah? What is it?" I asked.

'In chess, do you know what's the strongest piece on the board?" asked nocturne.

"The queen" I replied casually."

"No, it's the pawn.'

'What are you trying to say, Nocturne?" I asked again.

'A pawn may be weak, may be useless, may be common. But that's the pawn's ability. It is easily ignored and once it reaches the other side of the board it can transform to any piece on the board. Flexibility. The girl was not trying to control your faith, she was giving you a chance. Take it or leave it. It's your own fate.'

'You mean you want us to be controlled by the princess?'

'You think with me by your side, someone can control you?" Nocturne spoke all casually.

"True, I forgot about that."

"Kekekekek, then go. Take the knighthood and see how it goes."

"Lissandra!" I shouted.

The girl stopped, she didn't turn to face me and said, "W-what is it?" she asked.

I heard a faint quiver in her voice, was she crying?

"I'll accept. But the moment I think you're using me. Everything is over," I said.

Lissandra went silent for a moment then said," I'll see you soon at school. Thank you," and she scurried away.

'Was she crying?"

"Kekeke, aren't you something, slaying demons by night and breaking hearts by day. You make me remember my old self."

I shook my head at nocturne and was about to leave when the Headmaster literally appeared out of nowhere.

His clothes were a bit crumpled and he looked fatigued, however, there was a bright smile on his face.

"Basara, my boy! You were right!" he said.

"About?" I replied.

"The kid you pointed out to be one of Them, it was true. I trapped him and killed him. I'll need your ability. Here's your reward."

The headmaster waved his card at me. I pulled out my card from my pocket and found 10,000 points added to it.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Don't worry about it. Now, if you see others-"

I cut the headmaster off, "Yes, I'll inform you. But you should rest now, you look beaten up."

"Ha! Back in the days, these wounds wouldn't have been more than an itch. I can't wait for you to make the pill for me.

"Once you supply me with all the materials, I'll do it for you, old man."

"Thank you," the headmaster said and left.

'Good, now that everyone is gone, let me tell you more about the book of death.' Nocturne spoke, his voice grimmer than the usual…