
The Fateful Day


A man and a woman in their forties, riding an old and battered Cadillac passed by the mansion for the second time.

The woman who was riding on the backseat was holding a box of sardines in her lap. Something was bundled in white garments inside the box. She strained her neck to the mansion where an ongoing event was happening because of the many cars parked on its massive ground.

"You didn't tell me that there's going to be a party here today!"

The woman snapped at the man who was behind the wheel. She was about to say more to her companion when the baby bundled tightly inside the box cried.

"Shhhh, you're going to be home soon. Please, bear with us for now. Here, be a good girl and drink your milk," she talked to the infant inside the box as if it could understand her fully.

The woman started to bounce the box on her lap as she put a bottle on the child's mouth to stop her from crying.