
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 34: He Walked Through the Inferno to Her

Sidum Mu shifted his gaze away from the blood servant youths' necks and looked back at Daisy, the female vampire who displayed contempt and hostility so plainly.

The danger and anger in his eyes deepened, and he spoke to her again, "Sweetheart, why are you so disobedient?"

Daisy responded with a charming and light laugh, "Oh? Hehe, I can be even more disobedient."

As the words fell, at a speed invisible to all races, Daisy flew towards the top of the fighter jet and simply clapped her hands downward.

With a deafening roar, a rumble echoed from an open space at the foot of the mountain, and the night sky seemed to light up for an instant. Even the blood servant youths standing at the top of the mountain felt the slight vibration of the ground.

In that split second, the fighter jet, the person on top, and the queen all vanished suddenly.

Realizing something had happened, the blood servant youths were terrified. To avoid being affected, they quickly turned away and gradually shifted from brisk walking to a fleeing pace.

Just now, Daisy effortlessly slapped the fighter jet down from the mountaintop. It plummeted to the ground, causing a terrifying explosion.

And Sidum Mu found himself naturally amidst this explosive situation.

The explosion occurred in an area without trees, surrounded by dense forests. Daisy stood at the boundary between the forest and the open space, smiling as she observed the lingering orange flames of the explosion.

Sidum Mu's clothes had already burned away, his flesh charred, and his bones turned black. However, as long as a part of his body escaped the flames, it rapidly recovered.

He seemed oblivious to pain, standing up from the fire, stepping on the burning wreckage of the fighter jet, and slowly walking towards Daisy.

Daisy's long gown spread gracefully over the grass, without a single wrinkle. The night-light chiffon seemed even more radiant under the glow of the fire.

She's truly too beautiful, he thought.

"Sweetheart, were you waiting for me?" he asked.

His words were tender, and although it was a question, he felt certain that she had been waiting for him.

Behind him, flames soared, but he, without a single piece of clothing, stood like an unyielding divine statue, walking through the inferno toward her.

The disdainful smile gradually disappeared from Daisy's face.

It was as if she felt a warm stream slowly surging into her cold and hollow chest.

The two of them silently locked eyes. Sidum Mu's gaze remained as gentle as rippling lake waters, and in Daisy's eyes, there seemed to be a hint of emotion, as if veiled in a mist.

After a long while, she softly asked him, "Have you fallen in love with me?"

Upon hearing her question, Sidum Mu's heartbeat seemed to skip a beat.


What is it?

From a biological perspective, love is related to the secretion of phenylethylamine, dopamine, and norepinephrine. However, for normal people, these three hormones will inevitably disappear. Once these hormones are gone, people no longer feel love unless a sufficient amount of endorphins is secreted before the disappearance of these hormones.

Sidum Mu understood these principles very well, but he couldn't truly comprehend them. It was like pursuing scientific truths for so many years but still not obtaining what he truly desired.

He couldn't understand, just because of these hormones, did people really possess true love?

He fell silent for a moment, not thinking for long, Daisy changed the topic, and her tone became sarcastic, "Or is it just possessiveness at play?"

Sidum Mu didn't answer her because he didn't know either.

"Heh..." Daisy sneered, feeling that the sudden surge of emotions and the question she blurted out just now were somewhat ridiculous.

He came, proving that he couldn't bear to live without her. It also proved that he satisfied her strong desire to conquer. But why was she becoming increasingly unhappy?

It seemed like she wanted more than just a sense of conquest.

She wanted to torment him, to torture him mercilessly.

Sidum Mu sensed her unhappiness, reaching out to touch her cheek. However, she grabbed his hand abruptly.

In an instant, he was dressed in a dark suit. She acted a bit forcefully, dragging his hand, and swiftly flew to the mountaintop, entering a room in the castle on the blood servant's floor.

On the white bed, she pinned him down, clasping his hands above his head. She conjured handcuffs out of thin air, restraining his wrists.

She looked down at him from a high vantage point, her gaze incredibly indifferent. With agile fingers, she caressed from his elegant eyebrows to the pulsating Adam's apple, then to the side of his neck.

She leaned in, lowering her head, and her slightly elongated fangs touched his warm neck.

In this atmosphere, Sidum Mu's carotid artery pulsed a bit faster, and he spoke, "Sweetheart, don't drink my blood; it will deplete your strength. But also, don't drink anyone else's blood, okay?"