
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 24: A Big Hole in the Door

Danny, who had been separated, ran into a lounge on the first floor and decided not to run any further. He discovered that this lounge contained spare clothes and equipment for players.

In the dim light, a zombie fixed its gaze on Danny. After seeing him enter the lounge alone, it pondered for a moment, and the red glow in its eyes intensified.

In an instant, it spread its bat wings and rushed towards the lounge's door with great speed.

A moment earlier, the lounge's dim red lights illuminated two zombies who had been killed and exited the game. They were sitting inside, playing a game.

Feeling the door suddenly crack open, they were startled. Seeing a small cat enter, one of them asked the other, "Which player brought a pet in?"

"I don't know, maybe. It looks like a cat. Let's watch it for a while for that player. If it gets lost, it might be troublesome."

"Alright." After saying that, the two resumed their game.

Seeing that both zombies in white clothes were male, Danny couldn't control the power within him and didn't care much anymore.

He was about to transform into a human.

He had run away earlier because he felt he could no longer control the power within him, and he was about to transform.

If he transformed suddenly, he wouldn't be wearing any clothes.

So, before transforming, he quickly ran to where the player's clothes were stored to prepare to put them on after transforming.

During the gradual transformation into a human, his eyes emitted a blue light, his body slowly grew in size, maintaining a posture with all four limbs on the ground.

The two zombies gradually realized what was happening. They turned their heads toward Danny, and they were instantly scared, dropping their phones.

However, as they ran behind the door, the vampire that had entered the room earlier suddenly broke in, and both zombies were flattened against the wall by the door.

Then, the door bounced back and closed on its own.

The vampire reached out with claws towards Danny, who was in the midst of transforming, wanting to grab him immediately.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to touch Danny, a dazzling holy light burst from Danny's body, violently throwing the vampire against the wall with a bang.

He fell heavily to the ground, the radiant energy burning his body, making a sizzling sound. He writhed in pain, unable to stop howling and rolling.

In a corner on the first floor, a vampire with slightly spread bat wings, blending with the darkness, saw the other vampire entering the lounge. He pulled out a dagger from a pocket and rushed towards the lounge.

Behind the door, the two zombies who had struggled to get up from the ground finally grabbed the doorknob. They were overjoyed as they thought they could finally escape this haunted place, but once again, they were forcefully flattened against the wall.

The vampire who entered later noticed Danny transforming and decided not to disturb him, closing the door.

He looked at the vampire on the ground, grimacing in pain, and suddenly stabbed him with a dagger.

It was a dagger commonly used in vampire fights, with a silver blade but a non-silver handle.

The vampire on the ground endured the pain, desperately dodging. The dagger pierced into his abdomen instead of his heart.

The two vampires fiercely fought, crashing through the door and flying out of the lounge.

Danny, without clothes: "..." The door had a big hole... a big hole!

The two vampires moved agilely, chasing and evading each other. One vampire, slightly slower, was forcefully pinned down by the other.

He ruthlessly stabbed the vampire on the ground in the neck with the dagger, leaving Ji Ziwei, who was watching, in shock!

He was confined to the black room, but he couldn't help but feel nauseous. He requested assistance from the staff, and they took him to the restroom in the post-apocalyptic city.

The staff didn't want to violate the game rules, but the vomit on the floor was not easy to clean.

Now, Ji Ziwei had just finished vomiting and came out of the restroom with the staff.

Unexpectedly, they witnessed such an exciting scene!

Right in front of them, in the dim light, the two vampires, one stabbing the other with a dagger, creating several bloody holes all over the body. The sound of blood splattering and his miserable screams echoed.

The vampire on the ground quickly died, his body disappearing as if intensely burned, leaving only a set of clothes.

Then, the other vampire, like a gust of cold wind, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The staff who knew some inside information were frightened, but for the high salary, they tightly covered their mouths, almost screaming, then slowly released and forcibly explained to Ji Ziwei.

"This is our special feature. Those were just NPCs, and we make our scenes very realistic."

Ji Ziwei, with a carefree attitude, didn't notice the staff's odd behavior and praised, "Really amazing! I thought this place was too expensive, but the cost performance is so high. I'll come here next time!"

But he would never play the post-apocalyptic city again because of the traumatic forced kiss. Next time?

The staff still trembled with fear but silently thanked their lucky stars that this player was foolish and wealthy, easy to deceive. They hoped he would survive the next time he came.


Danny, now dressed, picked up a submachine gun and walked out of the lounge, intending to find Tan Yinyin.

However, not long after searching, the surviving vampire swiftly approached him, kneeling on one knee, and spoke in a low voice, "Prince, please come with me to an empty room to talk."

They quickly found an empty room and entered it. The vampire closed the door.

He said, "After Her Majesty personally rescued you from the M.R. Laboratory, Michael's rebellion succeeded, and he will soon formally ascend to the throne. He has learned about your presence in the human world, and to capture you, he has dispatched his subordinates to ambush various locations in the human world."

"We have been secretly monitoring the vampires Michael sent to the human world, but we cannot guarantee complete safety. Therefore, please come with me. I will take you to a place that is absolutely secure."

Knowing that within this week, the vampire world had undergone drastic changes, Danny was undoubtedly shocked.

Worriedly, he asked, "My sister personally went to rescue me from the M.R. Laboratory. How is she now?"

"Well... I apologize, but I cannot explain in detail. Once you come with me, you will naturally find out."

Danny frowned, somewhat puzzled, "Why can't you just tell me directly?"

The vampire fell silent for a moment and said, "Your Majesty... will take some time to return."

Before Danny could think more about it, at that moment, Tan Yinyin's extremely frightened scream suddenly echoed.

Anxiously, he said, "I won't go back now. Wait until my sister returns, and then you can take me back."

Without waiting for the vampire to respond, he grabbed the submachine gun and forcefully swung open the door. He rushed in the direction where Tan Yinyin's voice came from.