
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 21: Confrontation Up Close

Once the game officially began, various devices within the apocalyptic city started activating.

As they walked through the corridors, occasional gusts of cold wind swept by, creating a bone-chilling atmosphere. Terrifying sounds echoed around, resembling scenes from a horror movie.

Ji Ziwei kept trying to reassure himself that it was all fake. However, with the eerie wind and the fluctuating volume of suspenseful music and screams, he couldn't help but feel a shiver deep in his soul.

But! As a man standing beside Tan Yinyin, whom he adored, Ji Ziwei, as a mature man, couldn't afford to show any signs of fear!

He sensed that Tan Yinyin was also scared, so he fervently prayed in his heart, hoping that Yinyin would quickly seek refuge in his arms. That way, he could divert his attention and not feel as frightened.

To increase Tan Yinyin's fear, he bravely teased her, "Yinyin, are you scared? There will be lots of zombies later. If they are all played by people, it's okay, but what if a real one sneaks in..."

Tan Yinyin was indeed frightened, but she didn't make any sudden movements. She just regretted agreeing to come here with Ji Ziwei because she was afraid of scaring the little cat in her arms, which seemed to be getting restless.

In front of them, in a corner below, amid the cold air mixed with the damp smell of mold and the scent of blood, two people dressed as zombies were crouched.

Upon hearing Ji Ziwei's words, "What if a real one sneaks in," they suddenly felt a chill running down their spines.

Others might be unaware, but they knew that in this area, things had indeed gotten spooky during this period.

If it weren't for the high pay, they wouldn't dare to risk their lives here!

On the wall behind them, something pitch-black and as thin as paper moved ever so slightly, as if something was about to emerge from the wall. However, no one noticed it, only feeling an even more eerie atmosphere.

Crunch! Ji Ziwei accidentally stepped on something.

Suddenly, he had a bad premonition and slowly lifted his foot, looking down.

They were close to a light source, and under the eerie red glow, he saw what he had stepped on—

A blood-stained bone.

The blood had smeared on his white sneakers, a small, glaring spot.

He instantly felt his hair standing on end, unable to utter a word.

But to uphold his image as a brave and fearless man and not let Tan Yinyin look down on him, he pretended as if nothing had happened.

As they were about to reach that corner, Danny restrained the power surging within him and tapped Tan Yinyin's arm with his snowy white paw, pointing to the corner.

Tan Yinyin realized that something might be in that corner and quickly prepared herself mentally.

In order to highlight his bravery, Ji Ziwei forcibly reassured Tan Yinyin, saying, "Yinyin, don't be afraid. I'll protect you."

Approaching the corner, the two zombie actors crouching there received instructions through their earphones. They roared suddenly and lunged towards them.


Ji Ziwei, the mature man, was struck by a thunderbolt in his mind, letting out an earth-shattering scream. He smashed the gun on the zombie's head and sprinted back!

Tan Yinyin: "...!"

Zombie: "...Why did he hit me on the head with the gun for no reason? Am I not human? Won't it hurt?"

Although Danny felt uncomfortable inside, he still looked down on this cowardly pervert!

"Bang, bang, bang!" Three gunshots echoed, and the two zombies gracefully fell.

Tan Yinyin calmed her slightly accelerated heartbeat, her hands still trembling. She thought, just now was so dangerous; the zombie almost caught her.

Although the two zombies were close to her, she missed hitting their critical parts with one shot, so she fired three shots.

Because she was mentally prepared, the zombies didn't scare her too much. However, Ji Ziwei's sudden, pig-like scream truly startled her!

Hearing the gunshots, Ji Ziwei, who had stopped himself from charging forward, turned around. At that moment, another zombie suddenly appeared beside him, snarling and reaching out!

"Ah—!" Ji Ziwei screamed again and rushed towards Tan Yinyin as if his life depended on it.

Tan Yinyin, in this terrifying atmosphere, was still somewhat scared but couldn't help but want to burst into laughter.

Two more gunshots echoed, and the additional zombie also fell.

Tan Yinyin began to worry because she didn't know how many bullets were left in her gun. She had already fired five shots. What if she gets locked in the darkroom? Would it scare her cat-person baby?

Ji Ziwei, who had finally calmed down, with his tall and imposing figure shaking, bent down and quickly picked up the submachine gun he had used to hit the zombie's head. It was as if he was afraid the zombie lying on the ground would suddenly come back to life.

Glancing at Tan Yinyin, who was still standing beside him, he immediately shifted his gaze, looking around guiltily. He awkwardly touched his nose and said, "How about this, Yinyin? You protect me, I'm scared."

Either way, he would still be shivering in Tan Yinyin's arms, so the result was the same.

"...Sure," Tan Yinyin looked at the fidgety Ji Ziwei, speechless, and could only agree.

The first digit of the room number indicated the floor, and Room 305 was evidently on the third floor.

As they walked towards the third floor, screams and gunshots continued to echo from the three floors. The musty and bloody smell in the darkness became more intense, intensifying the suspenseful atmosphere.

Apart from the people disguised as zombies, it seemed like other figures were moving in the darkness as if they had spotted Tan Yinyin and Ji Ziwei.

At this moment, the broadcast came to life again, with the male voice announcing the deaths: "Players 2 and 13 are dead, confined to the terrifying dark room."

Ji Ziwei became even more frightened, truly trembling, but he didn't dare to directly embrace Tan Yinyin and shiver in her arms.

Passing by two more zombie ambush locations, guided by Danny, Tan Yinyin was prepared each time, firing four shots each to deal with the next three zombies.

She had already fired nine shots, and Ji Ziwei hadn't dared to fire a single one.

Ji Ziwei hadn't expected Tan Yinyin, who appeared delicate and fragile, to be so brave. It was as if she knew the locations of the zombie ambushes!

The ladder to the second floor was a rusty metal sheet that made a creaking sound when stepped on. As they ascended to the second floor, since the stairs to the third floor were on the other side, they had to traverse a long, dilapidated corridor.

On either side of the corridor were rooms. It was at this moment that Ji Ziwei received a message from Fang Chuan: "Brother Wei, I'm already in Room 204, waiting to ambush. When you reach there, I'll come out to scare you. You should quickly hug Tan Yinyin at this moment, preferably kissing her directly!"