
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 10: He's Male

Seeing the cat's remarkably human-like behavior, Tan Yinyin widened her eyes, finding it a bit hard to believe.

Although she knew he could understand some simple human words, a cat that couldn't even transform or speak the most basic language acting shy like a human?

Even human children first learned to speak before feeling shy!

She asked him, "Blue, you can't just understand my words but also human thoughts, right?"

Danny felt shy for a moment, about to nod, but then felt too embarrassed to do so.

He, he, he... he had human thoughts, but she even kissed him without realizing he could!

So he was conflicted, whether to tell Yinyin that he actually had thoughts similar to humans.

Before the cat could respond, Yinyin began to doubt whether he had any thoughts at all.

In this world, the existence of beast people was common knowledge. Beast people had emotions and intelligence similar to humans, and they could speak languages, freely transforming between their beast and humanoid forms.

Moreover, beast people usually preferred their humanoid forms. Those who didn't transform were either too young, hadn't learned to transform yet, or simply chose not to.

Therefore, stray cats and dogs found outside were unlikely to be beast people, unless a beast person mother had just given birth and abandoned the infant. In that case, they might not initially know how to transform.

Tan Yinyin had speculated that the cat might be a discarded beast person child when he used his paws to point at snacks. She thought he was too young to transform or speak.

She initially believed that he was just learning to understand some simple human words.

However, now discovering that he also had human emotions, she reconsidered his intelligence. Previously, she thought he was equivalent to a two or three-year-old human child. After realizing he could feel shy, she estimated his age to be around five or six.

Unable to resist his adorable and childlike behavior, she couldn't help but see him as a young child.

Despite having human-like thoughts and emotions, he couldn't transform or speak, suggesting possible developmental issues in his brain. She felt pity for him but decided that it didn't matter; she wouldn't reject him for it.

Thinking about his cute reaction when she kissed him, she became curious, "Blue, are you a male cat or a female cat?"

When she found him, she only paid attention to the wounds on his belly and didn't notice his gender. Now, realizing that this kitten could feel shy, she decided to pay attention to whether he was a boy or a girl.

Danny really wanted to answer that he was male! Male! But how could he communicate that to her? Every time he opened his mouth, he just meowed, and she couldn't understand.

Seeing the cat desperately meowing, Tan Yinyin felt that he must want to tell her something. However, since he couldn't speak human language, she decided to take matters into her own hands to ensure he was well-fed and cared for.

Anyway, he was just a very young kitten.

As she was about to lift his two front legs...

Danny suddenly realized what she wanted to do and felt extremely embarrassed and annoyed! So, he struggled desperately in her hands!

Really desperate!

Tan Yinyin hurriedly coaxed, "Blue, don't move. I'll just take a quick look, and I'll know whether you're a male or female cat. Just one look, okay?"

However, Danny, upon hearing this, became even more embarrassed! Just one look was also not okay! He couldn't even allow that!

Then, as if he were sacrificing his life, he crazily twisted his body to break free from her evil clutches, ignoring the pain in his abdomen.

Tan Yinyin was worried about pulling on his wound and quickly let him go.

Finally, he broke free from her evil clutches!

Danny leaped forcefully onto the pink princess bed, panting on the soft blanket with lingering fear, keeping a vigilant eye on her as if afraid she might suddenly attack him.

Tan Yinyin couldn't help but want to laugh, reflecting on whether in the eyes of the cat, she looked like a perverted aunt.

"Don't you want me to know whether you're a male or female cat?" Tan Yinyin teased him.

The cat, who was extremely tense and guarded against her suspicious intentions, adopted a serious and solemn expression. In response to her words, he nodded with a grave expression.

However, his cute appearance made people want to squeeze and cuddle him.

Tan Yinyin felt that Blue's contrasting cuteness was too irresistible!

But Blue was now very cautious of her. She needed to figure out a way to get close to him again and then sneak a peek at whether he was a male or female cat!

"Okay, Blue, I won't look at you anymore. Don't be nervous, okay?" Tan Yinyin leaned on the back of the chair, continuing to coax him.

"Also, Blue, for now, you can only play in my room, and you can't go outside, okay? But it's not because I won't let you go out; it's because people outside don't play with cats, so we won't play with them, okay?"

Tan Yinyin was telling the truth. Her family members didn't like pets, and they definitely wouldn't approve of her having a cat. They might even throw the cat away.

She felt that even though Blue was very young, he still had human thoughts, so it was necessary to explain things to him.

Danny also sensed it. From what happened outside just now, he thought that Not-Point didn't allow him to go out because the people outside were bad and mean. He didn't want to play with them either.

Not-Point had even cried just now.

"Blue, you're injured now, so you can't run around. When your injury heals, I'll take you out to play often and buy snacks for you. I won't let you feel bored," Tan Yinyin continued to explain.

Danny thought that Not-Point was really good, so he wouldn't be bored.

It was just not being able to play outside the room; he didn't think it was a big deal. After all, Daisy didn't let him go to many places before. He thought that all living beings had places they couldn't go. In this way, he relaxed his guard against Tan Yinyin.

Tan Yinyin spoke again, this time with words that would surely appeal to him, "Blue, are you hungry? Let me open the snacks for you. Come and eat!"

As she spoke, she opened the bag of dried fish from her backpack and waved it in front of Danny.

Danny's eyes followed the trajectory of the dried fish, filled with longing. Unable to resist, he ran over, jumped onto her lap, and raised his paw, trying to reach the bag of dried fish.

Focused solely on the dried fish, he didn't notice Tan Yinyin's evil gaze.

Seizing the opportunity, Tan Yinyin acted quickly. Using the hand that didn't hold the dried fish, she suddenly lifted the front half of Danny.

When Danny realized what happened, he found her gaze fixed on his...

Too late.

Tan Yinyin nodded knowingly. So, he was a male cat. Didn't expect her to find out, haha.

With a snap, fireworks exploded in Danny's mind.

He quickly straightened himself out, escaped her clutches, and jumped back onto the bed. His head tilted, displaying a look of utter despair, not even interested in the dried fish anymore.

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Tan Yinyin couldn't help but want to laugh. It was a mix of amusement and a bit of sympathy. How could a cat seem so forlorn?

Suppressing her laughter, she raised a finger and said, "Blue, I'm sorry. I was just curious and took a peek, only one peek! But even if you're a male cat, it doesn't matter. You're still so young, and we are different species."

Danny wanted to say no! He was already an adult cat person! But when he opened his mouth, all that came out was a crisp, "Meow."

Tan Yinyin heard his response, thinking he understood. She raised the dried fish again, solemnly swearing, "Blue, I swear I won't look again. Come and eat your fish."

Danny turned his head in a proud manner. Hmph, Not-Point was a bad person! He wouldn't trust her anymore!

"Really won't eat? Then I'll go feed the cat next door. What a pity," Tan Yinyin pretended to be regretful.

What? There's another cat next door!

No, there couldn't be another cat stealing his snacks!

In an instant, Danny leaped over and snatched the dried fish.

With utmost concentration, the cat enjoyed the delicious dried fish, while the charming Tan Yinyin happily petted the cat.