
My new job

"Your fired!". Ughh, I get fired because of something I didn't do! Well, I did serve our boss his afternoon coffee. He is known in the company to have the worst attitude, he fires someone every week, and now it's me. I went to deliver the steaming cup of coffee to him, as I am his personal assistant. While I was making the coffee, the receptionist told me I had to pick up an urgent package from the bottom floor.


I went into the elevator and pressed for the bottom floor. I walked out and saw the delivery man with a package. I signed the note with my signature and headed upstairs to deliver it to the secretary.


"She'll never know...", a dainty hand slipped a sachet of powdered laxatives into the coffee. She stirred it all up and went on her way, acting as if nothing just happened.

I just got back to the main floor since picking up the package and sending it the the respective floor. I went back to the coffee station, and realised the drink was still hot. Whilst bringing it up stairs, I felt many stares drilling into my back. I had no idea what was going on, until my boss drank the coffee.

I left the cup on his desk, and after a few minutes, my boss yelled my name,"Lilith, come here right now!". I ran inside the office. "WHAT DID YOU PUT IN HERE!", I quickly explained to him that I only made him a cup of coffee, nothing of the usual."Get out of here, your fired!, such a nuisance, can't make a decent cup of coffee....ugh, my stomach." My boss mumbled some things before rushing towards the bathroom.

I went to my desk and packed my belongings up, as I was walking past the hallway, many whispers were thrown at me. 'I can hear you, duh--'. Just as I passed someone, I heard someone snicker at me and say,"bye, bye.." in a provocative tone.


After some research online, sending in resumes, and being bored out of my brains, I found a sign-up placement sheet for LIVE entertainment's, CEO's personal assistant.'Hmmm.... I think this will be good..'. It only needed a video taping yourself and explaining your work critics and goals and an information sheet to be filled out. Something I found that was odd was that you had to be a very late sleeper, a night owl to be exact. '-_-' 'It's okay', I thought to myself.


A week later

'Oh wow, I got accepted for the job' (0o0) Yayayayayayayay!! I start work at..... oh 2 days from now. Let's see what challenges this job throws at me now!, I grin confidently.


I walked into LIVE entertainments building, "wow, this is so much bigger compared to my last job."

I walked up to the reception, and told that I was the new personal assistant for the CEO. She told me to go to the 70th floor and wait in the foyer. I did as she told me to, after waiting for a couple of minutes I was lead to my desk inside of the CEO's office by his secretary, who introduced himself as Brian. I introduced myself as well, and got started on some paperwork and scheduling. Whilst I was stapling some notes together, I felt a stinging pain in my finger, I glanced at it and saw I had a paper cut, some blood was trickling out of the cut, I just wiped it off with a tissue.

I got notified that I had to bring some notes into the meeting rooms, where the CEO was holding a conference. I knocked on the door cautiously and got allowed in. As soon as I handed the notes to everyone seated, I started walking out. Suddenly I noticed the CEO had red eyes, from what I remember from the magazines and news I watch he had brown eyes. 'I think that might just be me.?'