
Blood Brother - Invincible

Just your regular guy, with a regular life. Until it wasn't. In a world where Invincible protects the Earth, a new hero emerges - Matthew the male twin brother of Mark Grayson. Now, he was more than he had ever hoped for. Born out of deciet, raised with love and care, and grew with the knowledge not many have. When Mark's Viltrumite powers awaken, so do his, revealing his true heritage. But something peculiar occurs - he suddenly also finds himself grappling with an entirely different set of powers, ones he can't trace back to Viltrumite lineage and are much harder to control. As the mysteries of these new abilities unravel, he must navigate the dangerous and mysterious paths of his heritage while facing unforeseen challenges. Will he join forces with his brother to protect the Earth, or will his divergent powers lead him down an entirely unique path of heroism? .... OC's are mine for all intents and purposes, while others belong to their respective companies. This has been an itch of mine I had wished to put to writing for a long time now, and finally here it is. it won't be a story for everyone, that for sure, but it will be one I will not regret writing at all. So with that, Happy Reading y'all!

Enigma_Black · TV
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39 Chs

Chapter 20

° GDA Practice Grounds

° The Next Day, Noon

Having received and accepted Robot's invitation, Matthew was nervous as he walked along the corridors with Mark.

They both arrived by a large circular door where a small line of costumed heroes were entering through, all familiar faces to Mark. Matthew had only a passing recognition to a few.

Robot walked out of that door and motioned the heroes to enter, then his eyes turned to them.

"Good Morning. You are on time. We were just about to start" he said to both of them, "Please, follow me"

They entered into a large open room already filled with numerous heroes of all sizes and genders, some of which the comicbook geek in Mark couldn't help but gush over.

Matthew, on the other hand, had his eyes already settled on one particular female hero in a fantastic suit of yellow tights.

As Mark began to list out the heroes around them by name, Matthew was buying eyeing Throwbolt. Who was currently in a deep conversation with another female hero with short coppery red hair, pale skin, and who was also wearing a tight green and white suit with a small cape at the back.

The short haired girl noticed Mattew looking and gave him a surprisingly teasing smile before motioning Throwbolt to look. The blonde turned and her eyes widened when she saw him, beaming and beckoning him over.

Matthew wanted so much to break off from his brother and approach, but then Robot started talking.

"It's the crowning achievement of any crusader's career to be selected for the New Guardians of the Globe" he said, motioning to the eager-looking heroes around "Which makes me wonder, again, why neither of you would want to try out?"

"I know" Mark said, answering for them both "We talked it over with our dad. He wants to train us himself, some tradition or something"

"Plus, our mom would kill us if we missed any more school days" Matthew chimed in.

"Yeah, that too" Mark agreed quickly.

"Then why are you here?" Robot wondered.

"Are you kidding? Like I'd miss this?" Mark smiled and someone within the group of heroes suddenly caught his attention "Oh, my god, there's Fight Force. Why'd they even come here?"

"Maybe they think the Lizard Leageu is going to attack the GDA? They're just waiting to pounce on them for revenge" Matthew said mockingly, "As for me, I'm just...curious"

"I had hoped to at least gain a member of someone of your abilities" Robot said, sounding somewhat dejected despite the unchanging face plate.

"We'll still be around, helping" Matthew answered, "You can just send us a message or voicemail and we'll be there"

Mark nodded in agreement.

"Very well" Robot agreed.

"So, with all that said, when does this all get started?" Mark asked.

A few minutes afterwards, Robot started the entire event with a short speech.

"The Guardians of the Globe were more than a group of heroes. They were icons" Robot said "Those of you who pass our trials will be among the elite. The best of the best"

The room was silent as they listened to him.

"Needless to say, not all of you will be up to the challenge" Robot continued, "Those of you who are up to the challenge will succeed not just by the uniqueness of your abilities, but by the uniqueness of your tactics, your adaptability, the agility of your minds and perhaps most importantly, the strength of your character and spirit. That is what truly makes a hero"

His surprisingly moving speech gained him a round of applause from the gathered heroes and the brothers as well.

Afterwards, the tryouts finally began. The criteria for choosing was the simple One on One fight, whoever wins gets selected to be in the Guardians.

Matthew had a bit of an issue with how simple it was for something so important , but he couldn't argue with how speedy it was given the need for a new Guardians of the Globe.

He had other matters to attend to.

As the first battle started, with Atom Eve versus some muscular blonde man with the power to make himself swell into a bigger form, Matthew walked closer to Throwbolt as the gathering stepped closer towards the viewing window.

"Hey" Matthew said casually.

"Hey, stud" Throwbolt smiled as scooted closer "I didn't think you'd come"

Her proximity made Matthew's nervousness shoot up, as well as something else, but he managed to gain enough self-control to not let it show on his face and pants.

"The invite got a little...delayed. But I promised I wouldn't miss it, so here I am" Matthew said, remembering the strict discussion with his father.

"You are" she said, smiling "Now we finally get to know each other a little bit better"

"I'd like that" Matthew said, then his voice lowered to a whisper "By the way, have I told you how much I like your costume?"

Throwbolt's smile turned to a smirk as she took a step back and took a short spin "Just the costume?"

"One thing at a time. You can't expect me to see everything so quickly" Matthew teased, trying and failing to rip his eyes away from her right form.

Throwbolt reddened but managed to keep her smile as she raised a challenging eyebrow "And who told you you'll get that lucky?"

"But how would you know I haven't seen it already?" Matthew teased "Maybe I have X-ray vision or super sense. For all you know..."

Throwbolt bit her lip and turned away, trying not to show the embarrassed smile she was failing to hide. She still stood tall though, regardless of what she thought of the suggestion. Seemingly not minding it at all.

Meanwhile, Matthew felt like he was in a fog. A part of him was freaking out at his own actions and words but another part was enjoying the blonde's positive reactions.

"Wow" the short haired girl said as she looked at Matthew with surprise "That was good"

"Thanks...I guess?" Matthew looked at the girl and held out a hand "Sorry, I was distracted a bit. The name's Superboy"

The girl was about to reply when Mark spoke.

"Ouch" Mark suddenly flinched, his voice pushing him through Matthew's steamy haze of thoughts.

He looked at his brother and asked, "What is it?"

"Eve just tossed that guy around like an inflatable duck" Mark said, pointing at the scene beyond the viewing window. Matthew peeked in and saw the giant blonde laying face first on the floor, Eve already walking away from the battleground.

Matthew looked back to the short haired girl and excused himself for a moment and walked closer to his brother.

"Damn" Matthew stepped back "What's up with her?"

Mark shrugged and looked at Rex Splode, who was standing not far away. The guy flinched at the brother's gaze and turned away.

"Don't ask me" Rex said defensively "I have no idea"

Matthew lifted a brow and discreetly reached out mentally, surprising himself at the quite naked scene playing in his mind followed by Eve's angry walk away.

Matthew recoiled from the mental connection and messaged his eyes, once again regretting his own nosy curiosity.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked his brother in concern.

"Just...trying to get a gross image out of my eyes" Matthew said, sounding doubtful at his own words.

Atom Eve came back into the viewing room as Robot announced the next match. Her eyes glared at Rex Splode cowering backside as she walked to Invincible's side.

A tall bespectacled brunette and gorilla person in colorful shorts and sneakers engaged each other below. The battle ended similarly quickly, with the brunette winning by her creative use of shrinking powers. Another clear winner and spot consideration.

The next battle that followed was between Dupli-Kate and Demi-god, a man with a purple floating crystal for a head. His ability was of hard light creations, which he used to great effect by creating numerous hard light clones of himself to counter Kate's own duplicates. But Kate's martial prowess and her synchronicity with her duplicates easily overcame the controlled constructs and won her the fight.

Next came Rex Splode, who was faced against an African american young man with a metallic arm and eye called Shrapnel. His ability focused on the absorption and shaping of metals around him. The fight was slightly skewed in Rex's favour given his acrobatics and explosives, but Sharpnel gave a good showing. Still, Rex won the fight.

Then, finally, Throwbolt's turn to fight came.

She was pitted against a recently emerged from retirement ex-Guardian Black Samson, a large bald black man with a stern attitude to go with his high tech suit.

Matthew remembered that a fight a few years back, when Black Samson was still a Guardian, disabled his powers fully. Rendering the man almost useless and vulnerable. The suit, he surmised, must be his way of getting some degree of his old powers back.

Throwbolt walked out of the gathered heroes, making sure to pass by Matthew and said "Wish me luck".

"Good luck, sexy" Matthew said with a grin.

Throwbolt hummed in satisfaction before walking away, following Black Samson who was already out the door.

Matthew watched her go before moving his eyes towards the viewing window, catching Mark looking at him like a dog just started talking.

Matthew scoffed "What? You think I'd freeze up or something?"

"Who are you and what did you do to my brother?" Mark asked in disbelief.

"Nothing. I just managed to grow myself a pair of balls and a tougher spine" Matthew replied.

"So...you guys are dating?" Mark asked.

"No. Not yet, I hope" Matthew said, "We're still getting to know each other more"

Mark was actually impressed at the sudden confidence he saw "Wow"

"If it helps, if things go well, I'll make sure to let you know first" Matthew offered, giving him a wink "Loudly"

Mark shook his head with a disgusted look on his face "No thank you. Not interested to hear about my brother's sex life"

Matthew smirked, satisfied at his own small victory, and focused his eyes on the battle below.

Throwbolt and Black Samson engaged each other in a fierce melee at first, with Black Samson quickly gaining the upper hand with his own superior hand to hand skills. Once pressed, Throwbolt's skin began to take on a yellow glow as electricity arced around her body. Black Samson stepped back, putting some distance between them, and braced his hands to catch an orb of concentrated electricity on his metallic arm bracers. He rocketed away before Throwbolt could throw more bolts his way, making her shift to projecting short bolts instead. Black Samson flew across the field so fast that Throwbolt's electric attacks missed him entirely. He flew in after Throwbolt lobbed a more concentrated blast, capitalizing her momentary pause for breath to deliver a suckerpunch to her face.

Matthew winced as he saw it happen, but was glad when he saw Throwbolt take it well and with a smile.

Defeated, she sat and accepted a hand Black Samson offered then the match was set. Black Samson was the winner.

Throwbolt met Matthew's gaze and winked mischievously. Matthew replied in kind and waited for her to come back up.

"I like her powers" Mark suddenly said.

"Me too. Among...other things" Matthew grinned.

Mark rolled his eyes under his goggles.

Throwbolt came through the door and was met first by the short haired red head hero.

"You did great" she beamed, smiling widely.

Throwbolt sighed as she eyed the girl, "Thanks, Claire, but you don't have to sugarcoat it for me. I'm a big girl, I can take criticism"

The girl named Claire waved her hands in a defensive gesture, "I wasn't. You really did well, especially against someone like Black Samson"

"She's right" Matthew interjected, walking over "You were great, your opponent was just more experienced"

Claire looked at Matthew and nodded in agreement, "See? Even your boyfriend agrees"

Throwbolt stiffened and glared at Claire, Matthew just stayed silent and let the misunderstanding clear itself.

"Oh" Claire said, finally comprehending "Shit, I'm sorry Throwbolt. I assumed--"

"You were wrong" Throwbolt crossed her arms, "We haven't even hung out yet"

"And I'm still deciding" Matthew said smugly.

Claire stifled a laugh at Throwbolt's expense, who was giving Matthew a smoldering look.

"Just joking" Matthew raised both hands in faux surrender and smiled.

Claire laughed, "I like him, Throwbolt. He's funny, and cute too"

Throwbolt pinched the girl's arm, "Down girl. He's busy with me"

Matthew was shocked still as Claire and Throwbolt shared a laugh.

"Chill out" Claire said, then lifted a hand to Matthew "I'm Claire Voyant, by the way. Nice to finally meet you, Superboy"

Matthew shook her hand firmly, "Nice to meet you too, Claire. I like your name, it's very catchy"

"Aw, thank you" Claire said with a smile.

Matthew suddenly felt something in his mind, an unfamiliar feeling that poked at his thoughts. He grasped the thought and dove into it. To his surprise, the hand holding his own shivered.

Matthew looked at Claire and squinted his eyes suspiciously. Claire was looking at him, wide eyed.

"You..." Matthew said, then reached out to talk to her mentally Can you hear me?

Claire's eyes widened even more, if that was possible. And then she nodded slightly.

Oh my god. You're a telepath too?

"Holy shit" Matthew voiced out.

Throwbolt watched their little exchange with confusion and a little jealousy.

Matthew snapped out of his wonder and focused back to Throwbolt, "Sorry, I was just...surprised"

"I know, right?" Throwbolt said with an angry glint in her eyes, "She's so pretty it took your breath away"

Matthew didn't know what to say to that landmine. He couldn't necessarily disagree, Claire was quite pretty despite her petite frame. But luckily, Claire saved him from further doom.

"Don't worry. I just showed him the wonders of dating you. Mentally" Claire teased.

Throwbolt was still for a moment before blinking rapidly, a flush slowly creeping across her cheeks.

"Claire!" she grabbed her friend's arm and walked away.

"Uh oh" Claire smiled and winked at Matthew as they walked off.

Don't worry. We'll talk later, handsome. And here's a parting gift

A series of images of Throwbolt and Claire in scantily clad clothing entered his mind, all doing very suggestive poses, muddling his mind even more. Matthew's mouth hung open as he sorted through each one in a detailed look.

Matthew shook his head, amused and in somewhat of a state of disbelief at the whole situation.

He turned and was annoyed when he saw Mark's teasing smirk.

"Shut your face" Matthew said as he refocused on watching the battles go on.


After a long 3 hours, the tryouts finally ended.

Robot stood in front of the gathered heroes to proclaim his new pick of the new Guardians of the Globe, which everyone had already known. One by one, he called them.

Black Samson. Shrinking Rae, Dupli-Kate, Rex Splode, and Monster Girl.

The last caused Rex Splode to laugh out his disagreement with Robot's choice, pointing her age and height limit to further the insult. Monster Girl reacted mockingly and their interaction turned violent when Rex couldn't handle a particularly pointed insult to his manhood.

Matthew marveled as Rex Splode sailed through the space in front of him and crashed through the viewing window, falling into the battleground below with sickening cracks. Monster Girl leapt after him and began pummeling the man with deep anger.

The entire fight was a pure beatdown, with Rex being truly outclassed by Monster Girl. Mark interrupted the fight and knocked back Monster Girl with a sucker punch when she didn't listen. Matthew was surprised at his brother's actions but let the scene play out.

Eve stood beside him and glared at the scene with a complicated look in her eyes.

Things calmed down quickly and Robot took hold of the proceedings once more.

Everyone else slowly left, except for Atom Eve who stared at Robot before letting out the words she was hesitating to say.

"I can't be on the same team as Rex and Kate" was all she said before she walked away.

Robot acted surprised and said, "What? Why?".

But Eve didn't let anything stop her as she continued her walk.

"Hey, wait!" Mark went after her, the action making Matthew quirk up an eyebrow in curiosity.

Robot went to ask his new Team for more about the situation, leaving behind Matthew by himself.

He was slightly disappointed in not catching either Throwbolt or Claire as they went, but his phone rang before he could think some more.

[Sorry for not staying long, stud. I have a project to work on and college deadlines are a bitch]

Matthew let out a relieved breath and replied.

[I get it. Slap that bitch up in the face!]

[Lol. But really, I enjoyed this little meet up. You up for something tomorrow?]

Matthew thought about it and replied.

[I've never been asked out before. But yeah, I'm free tomorrow]