
I Hate Him

So, the man that speaks through the window? I already knew that wasn't normal. Why me? Who was he? I didn't make sense. I almost called the police on him, like he was a stalker, but the woods changed my mind. Now, I will admit, he is awfully nice. I remember, he made me remove the screen on my window, then a beautiful carnation flew in by the wind. He said it was from the woods. From that point on, I trusted him. Of course, as a friend. We talked about the same stuff. We listen to the same music. He was like Peter Pan. He took me to Neverland. I thought it was fine (hence the woods). One night he said he might climb in through my window. I said, it was fine. Man, I hate the woods. I see a pale hand clutch to the window frame. Then, I here him putting his leg on the roof (the roof is outside my window). I see a pale face looking at me, with his black hair almost covering his eyes. His lips, oddly, looked quite pink for such a pale face. He put his feet on my carpet, and there was just a moment of silence. His smile, I remember, was such a kind one. I remember seeing his blue eyes just gazing on me, wondering what I am. A human? A girl? I don't know why he stared at me though. Then, he finally said something. "I am sorry if this isn't who you thought of.." Those words triggered something in me, like his words had activated something...different. I immediately say that, it was completely fine, and, I didn't care how he looked. He just gives a soft little laugh. I remember how is teeth were. They were so white, I think I could see my reflection in them. He shut his mouth so quickly the second he saw me looking at them. Strange boy. And, from that point on, he kept coming in through the window. How he doesn't get caught, I have no idea.