

Wait what I have been reincarnated in my own novel because I killed the protagonist before even the final antagonist was introduced and a 4D eldritch entity did not liked it Now I must reach the ending in order to go back to my world or I am dead for good? 'Fuck I killed all the cast members one by one and now I have to make sure they live to face the final villain , the one I didn't even know about ' 'Oh did I forgot to mention that I included sadistic elements because I was crazy and now I have to pay the price '

Kumar_6127 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 4

**Section E of the academy grounds** 

"Sir it seems the dungeon is dissolving, they must have destroyed the dungeon core "

A blinding white light emerged from the blue gate and before long, the light diminished and the gate was no more, in its place stood 8 students.

"Quickly check the conditions of the students "

"Only 8 students? And considering four of them are from the rescue team, only 4 students survived the ordeal?"

"Hmm send all remaining students to the medical facility " ordered the Headmaster.

"Thankfully sir those 3 students survived " rejoiced one professor 

"They indeed had a higher chance of surviving after all they belonged to the Gold-rated guilds, they must have had high-ranked skills, and essential treasures in their dimensional rings " added another.


**Two weeks before the incident took place** 

'Hmm what was that, just now a blinding light came out of my cat's eyes and consumed me while I was trying to feed it, she must have been an Egyptian God '

"Heh what happened to my hands, I guess I smoked too much "

'Hmm, my hands are black with feathers covering them? Am I supposed to fly like this ?'

The unknown entity then proceeded to move his hands up and down, "Oh wait I am flying "

The entity started flying and before he reached too much height, he stopped lateral raising the air "I am still flying ?"

It was then the entity noticed two pairs of actual wings present on his back responsible for raising him in elevation 

"Stop!", trying to order his wings he lost his balance and crashed forming a crater.

Lifting up his head he noticed the crater formed beneath his feet " I wasn't even that high, how did a crater form?"

It seems the entity was indeed very high, not in air but in mind.

"Kekkkuek I can fly hehehee" The entity started running in circles like a 4-year-old.

"But where am I and where is my cat ?"

He then started meowing but the crooked and deep voice of his caused it to sound like some ancient being was casting a curse. While the entity was looking around he soon noticed a partially transparent display hovering in his vision.

"Finally you noticed me! I have brought you, the author inside the world of his creation. Now you may choose any one from the following :

**pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth**"

"Hmm seven deadly sins...how cliché even those Manhua authors don't use them these days "

The entity muttered sloth just because he was feeling like sleeping 

"Sloth, are you sure you want to move forward with sloth, I mean as the author you should know they are just cannon fodder"

"That's right sleeping really is my cannon event "

".... you chose it, no walking back now "

"Very well then "The entity proceeded to lay on grassland 

"The plot starts now " the screen tried to inform him but he paid no attention to it.


"Wtf? What's a devil doing inside a dungeon gate " said an individual clad in robes and a wizard hat. He was also holding onto a grimoire in his left hand and a wooden staff in his right. If one were to notice they would see 2 stars etched onto the cover of the book.

"Wait what did you say," asked another individual this time wearing red armor and holding onto a double-edged sword

"Would you please elaborate?" said a petite girl with fear in her voice holding onto a battle axe. The battle axe was around half her height making the scene appear comical. 

"Yes... I heard faint reverberations of someone chanting so I looked through my [mind's eye] for the source when I noticed a demon lying on the floor "

"What's his rank? " asked the same girl from before 

"D-rank" replied the mage 

"Could it be he is trying to cause a dungeon break ?" asked the warrior with urgency in his voice 

"Hmm looks like it, the dungeon core is probably situated below him inside the ground through which my mind's eye cannot look"

"Then we need to kill him," said a tall, muscular man holding onto a wand. He was wearing blue shorts and a white shirt while circular-rimmed glasses lay on his defined face.

"He is D-rank, with three of us being E-rank and Rath D-rank it shouldn't be too much of a problem plus we might get a reward by the association for preventing a dungeon break," said the warrior 

"Alright let's do this," said the tall man named Rath 


"Hmm I am unable to fall asleep for some reason, my whole body feels very heavy " As the entity was complaining, it saw a fireball hurling toward himself 

Dodging the ball by involuntarily taking off to the sky at incredible speed he soon spotted the culprit responsible "Wtf bruh you ain't a G for that "

"Is he calling us G-rank?"

"That demon dare make fun of my spell," said Rath holding onto a wand

"Here take this [Inferno] " said the mage before throwing what seemed like a mini-sun at the demon flying in the air 

"Wtf its daytime already," said the demon before covering his eyes and getting hit by the spell 

"Oh that hurt," said the demon before becoming alert 

"Wait where am I " realized the entity finally.

As he was falling, he tried taking control of his wings to prevent forming another crater but because of his inexperience he sped up in the direction of the mage with incredible acceleration

"He is coming for you Gandalf," said the warrior before standing in his path of flight to intercept him.

"Out of my way!" the demon tried telling the warrior standing in the path of his inability to control his flight but it seems the warrior misunderstood his intention 

"Not today demon!" shouted the warrior before providing his double-edged sword 'artifact' with mana causing the runes on it to activate covering one of its two blades in flames. "[Blaze slash]" a flame slash hurled from the blade towards the incoming threat.

"Oh shit," the demon said before trying to dodge but failed to do so as he hit the attack head on causing him to derail from his original path crashing into the ground, forming a crater once again.

"I need to fight " realized the demon before looking at the screen floating in front of him

"Yeah you do " the screen displayed 

"System show skills"

The demon expected the screen hovering in front of him to respond to his command but it didn't 

"Wait you are not expecting me to show you skills right? Go fight on your own"

"Hmm it seems the system is lagging, how do I fight ?" wondered the demon all while the dust around him settled. It seems his high-ness was returning.

"The demon is still standing, quickly pounce on him," said the mage 

The demon looked around him, 'They have surrounded me from all four directions but they failed to cover the sky ''. Thinking he had upped them with a smirk, he tried to fly in response to which his 4 back wings started shaking 

"He is shaking his wings, it might be a spell," said the mage 

Unfortunately, he was mistaken as the demon was trying to take it to the sky but his wings didn't respond to his will.

"Shit!" the demon said while looking at his current predicament 

" He is chanting attack him now, " the warrior said following which he and the petite girl with her battle axe lunged at the demon while the mage and Rath hurled [Inferno] and [Fireball] at him 

"Fuck " the demon said before his chest lighted up tearing a hole in the space and consuming him seeing which the duo of the warrior and the girl halted and both the fire spells collided with the tear in space causing it no harm.

"What happened ? " asked Rath 

"Space magic ! " said the mage with a mix of astonishment and fear in his eyes 

"What? he is capable of space magic, we should run away and alert the association," said the petite girl.

"Agreed" agreed the warrior.

Following that they all made a run for the dungeon gate and exited it safely.


**Meanwhile inside the space tear** 

"Hmm... I see I am fucked " the reality finally dawned on him. He had reincarnated into his own novel!

"This is the ability of the demons of sloth [Domain creation] that I created to serve as cannon fodder in my novel."

"But first I must remain vigilant for my assaulters might enter through the portal any moment "

The demon waited for them while constantly moving checking his environment, trying to find the best position to intercept them. After waiting for 10 minutes he realized that something was wrong.

"They haven't come yet, did they get scared? Or are they trying to alert the association!"

"Shit! I must hurry "

The demon left through the space portal entering the familiar grasslands. He then proceeded to tense his chest, followed by rubbing his chest, followed by doing push-ups.

"How do I control my 'demon heart' " he questioned the screen hovering before him 

"Just say domain constriction " the screen displayed \

"[Domain constriction]" as the words left his mouth, the space closed by furrowing itself into nothingness 

"My heart is back in this body, right? "

"Yeah " the screen displayed 

"Where is the dungeon gate ?"

"Dunno..find it yourself "

"What? aren't you supposed to help me?"

"Hurry up, you are running out of time " the screen informed him.