

Wait what I have been reincarnated in my own novel because I killed the protagonist before even the final antagonist was introduced and a 4D eldritch entity did not liked it Now I must reach the ending in order to go back to my world or I am dead for good? 'Fuck I killed all the cast members one by one and now I have to make sure they live to face the final villain , the one I didn't even know about ' 'Oh did I forgot to mention that I included sadistic elements because I was crazy and now I have to pay the price '

Kumar_6127 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Inside a white hospital room, a startled youth lay on a bed connected to a drip while looking at the demonic entity standing before him, his very presence seemed to strain his already weak body

A rather deep voice reverbed " I will fulfill your wish, tell me what you desire "

The youth's eyes which seemed to have lost their color regained their shine for a moment 

Summoning all his strength he weakly muttered " Father... I have to avenge him "

The demonic entity laughed "Kekkuek revenge is it?"

The youth glanced at the laughing entity before him. It stood 7 feet tall upright with a crimson torso and black limbs, black limbs covered with glossy black feathers, four black wings sprouted from its back, two big from scapula and two small from beneath them.

With a click of his fingers, a contract materialized in front of the youth.

The youth's eye gazed upon the contract which hovered before him stating "1} ELDITCH shall help contractee enact his revenge in return for which contractee will give up his body "

Reading the only clause present the youth looked at his own body which lay on the bed before looking outside the window 

"If I were to reject, it would result in my death wouldn't it ?"

"That would be correct," the devil said playfully while caressing the youth's pale cheeks devoid of any vitality.

The youth looked towards the ceiling, if one were to carefully look one would see a tint of frustration forming on his otherwise handsome but anorexic face.

The youth turned his head to look outside the window one last time before disconnecting the drip and pouring his blood on that very contract.


Inside an academy room filled with seats, the same youth from before was gazing into nothingness when the teacher called out to him , "Jason would you mind telling me the differences between the applications of mana and aura ". Hearing that Jason stood from his seat before saying "Mana is a form of mystical energy that can be molded into elements and with the help of grimoires we can cast spells based on the said elements whereas aura is a form of another mystical energy which can be used to enhance one's physical abilities and reflexes.It can also be manifested externally in a semi-fluid non-newtonian state which can then be used as an offensive weapon "

Hearing the answer the teacher gritted his teeth but ultimately allowed the youth to sit back in his seat.

A bell rang after which the teacher said "Very well then with this the orientation class is over and now students you will attend the weapon masters class and Jason you better pay attention on the board next class "

With this statement the teacher left the classroom after which all the students headed towards the next classroom in question ." Kevin your twin seems to be better than you at theory, I hope it won't be the same case for weapons " said Emma.

"Bitch don't you have something else to do why do you keep following me '' said Kevin before glancing at his twin brother Jason walking a good distance away from him .'Hmm he sure is different from before, when did he become good in theory '

After reaching the weapon masters classroom everybody stood in awe glancing at the many weapons present before them. "These are 'mana artifacts' and not weapons if any of you already didn't know, 'aura weapons' will be provided a little later, those who plan on being a battle mage may choose their choice of artifact and also make sure to not break them, each one of them costs a grand" said a burly old man with a somewhat toned physic who was the professor assigned for this class.

'Hmm I would pass, neither of my grimoires supports any specific style ' thought Kevin before glancing at Ryan who chose a sleek straight narrow sword . 'oh I sure do hope his grimoire supports battle mage spells and he is just not wasting his time because he found that sword to be shiny '

" Hey look at that student he chose a gun " students started murmuring to which Kevin instantly tried to find the culprit. He then quickly spotted his twin who seemed to be the man in question as he was the one holding onto a gun checking its insides before blowing into its barrel indifferent to the murmurs going on. "This fucker is embarrassing me now everybody will think that it is I the weirdo" Kevin soon reached the spot where Jason was doing his things before saying "Why did you choose a fucking gun don't you know how much mana consuming it is and how fucking heavy on the wallet its bullets are ?"

"Hmm ahh that you see my grimoire says to use a gun "

"Heh? Do elves use guns?"

The grimoires that they possessed were developed by elves who did not even knew that guns existed.

"ahh this seems to be the case "

Facepalming himself Kevin said "Listen you ain't fooling anyone I know you are trying to drag my reputation down the drain on your first day of school but please choose a bow if your grimoire supports archery, why are you harming your own potential just to have a hit at me "

"ahh no no you see my grimoire supports any marksman weapon so I thought that since it can support it why don't I use a gun I mean everybody already is using a bow sometimes you should try something different "

Facepalming himself again Kevin left the spot 'this fucker is playing with me again when will he grow '

Clapping his hands the professor said "I hope by now everybody has chosen their artifact we will now go to section E of the academy grounds everybody follow me even those students who have not taken any artifact ''

Reaching the grounds Kevin blew a whistle to which Emma replicated his move by making a comedic O- on her mouth "Oh piss off why are you constantly bickering around me Emma, if you think you are funny then you are gravely mistaken"

Ignoring Emma aside who repeated Kevin's statement with a crying tone Kevin gazed upon the section E present before him. Its boundaries were defined by a thin whitish mana veil which surrounded it forming a white dome. The veil allowed anybody to pass and its job was to contain the loud noises which frequently happened here.

Towards his left humanoid figures made of water stood whereas on the right beasts whose faces were covered by some tentacle possessing small creatures roamed. Looking up he saw a white floor hovering 60ft above.

"Students go towards the area most suited to you, those who have decided to use close-range weapons go towards the water batoon, those who are utilizing long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows or need to practice long-range spells stand on these podiums will take you the above-hovering archery floor and those who don't fall into either can practice their spells against the mind-subdued beasts "

" and students who use aura follow me into the section E's dungeon gate "

Kevin was moving towards the beasts' section when he saw Jason heading towards the dungeon gate along with some other students and the professor . 'what tf is he doing'

Kevin reached Jason "Did you not pay attention to what the professor said "

"I did I think"

"Then why are you headed towards dungeon gate, students with aura are supposed to be there and I for sure know that you cant use aura "

"ahh, I cant use it for now......"

"what do you mean "

"Nothing I just want to see how they train aura you know, I have never seen aura being wielded "


"I will be going now bye bye"

"What is wrong with that guy whatever do your own thing "

Kevin went back to the beast section where he found a mini-orientation was going on ."Welcome students myself Professor Snake and I am a dark magician, as you can see I have summoned these creepy tentacle creatures called Actopus. These creatures attach themselves to mana beasts and take over their body. These beasts you see roaming around have all been subdued and you can spar against them, make sure to not kill them if you find them easy then you can contact me I will make higher-tier beasts available.

'Hmm it seems all beasts here are only G and F grade, I did practice against a E-tiered beast one time back at home-guild but I wasn't able to defeat it. I guess I need to practice my basics again ' thought Kevin.


Kevin then went and stood across a rottweiler-type roided creature with the Actopus attached to its face, the actopus had only one eye looking towards him. Kevin rubbed on his ring finger then an ancient-looking book was summoned in his hands, the book then opened by itself and its pages turned by themselves till he reached a certain page . On that page an ancient rune was drawn which then lighted up after Kevin provided it with his mana "Inspection" Kevin said involuntary.

Then a shadow etched with words hovered above the creature in Kevin's vision stating 

'BEAST -- ?????? '



' it seems that information on that beast is not available in my grimoire '


The beast lunged towards Kevin with great speed surpassing Kevin's expectations. He quickly jumped sidewards from his position while the pages in his grimoire turned by themselves again this time landing on another rune 'Vine grip' Kevin muttered inaudibly and as if nature itself bowed to him thick wood vines emerged from the ground trying to lock the beast in its positon. 

The beast sensing the flow of mana in the ground quickly lunged forward from his position but he was a little late as his left hindlimb was grappled by the vine. With the beast locked in its positone temporarily the pages in his grimoire turned by themselves once again and a water ball was erected in Kevin's hand. Then a water blade itself detached from the ball and headed towards the beast which met the attack head-on. He jumped from his position to protect its neck which lay in the blade's path resulting in the beast's chest being gnashed by the blade. 

Their battle continued for another 4 minutes when a chatter started among students 

"oh shit the dungeon gate turned red "

Hearing that statement the muscles in Kevin's arms tensed up ' what in the world'