
She's my what?!

Xian's POV

After escorting us, Samuel bid his goodbye to us and went back to Young Miss' house saying he still have some things to do. The maids showed us to our own rooms. And as expected the rooms are big and connected to each other. The maid told us to wait while they prepare the dinner for us.

I went to my room and sat at the bed. 'Everything seems surreal. Is this a dream?' I thought as I stared at the ceiling. Then the door that was connected to the next room opened, revealing Mom with my grandparents and sister. I smiled at them and straightened my posture. They sat at the couch inside and ushered me to join them.

"Xian, you're really lucky you know." Mom said to me while smiling and staring outside the window.

"Yeah. At first I thought that applying to be her secretary will be hard but it went pretty easy actually."

"She's a good kid. Just like you." My grandma said while carresing my sister's hair.

"Mhm. And generous. Look, she even bought you such a big villa!" My grandfather agreed.

"You know, she eventually bought Samuel and Rachelle their own villa! But I'm wondering, if she bought them their own villa, why do they still have to live with her?" That question has been bothering me for quite some time.

"That probably has to do with her past." Mom said still staring outside. Particularly Young Miss' house. You can see it through the trees.

"You know the beautiful lady Mommy?" Xenia suddenly asked. Looks like she really likes Young Miss.

"Mhm? No, it's my first time meeting and knowing her." Mom said.

"Then why did you said that it has something to do with her past?" I asked. I mean, why does Mom know when she doesn't even know her?

"I studied and teached psychology remember? I'm still not sure about that since it's pretty hard to notice." She said and stood from her seat. "Now, you should go to bed. You have a pretty long day tomorrow." She went out of my room with my sister and grandparents. I waved them goodbye and laid on the bed.

'I have a feeling that my life's gonna change from now on.' I thought as I let myself drift to sleep.


3rd Person's POV

After Xian and his family left, Shia went to her secret office. It's located just inside the office she usually uses to do some office work. She went inside it and makes sure that she closed it. Doesn't hurt to be cautious. Her secretary may know about this. She walked down a rather eerie hallway. At the end of the hallway, there's a huge door. She opened it and went inside.

It was a conference room. Multiple big screens can be seen in front of the long table. Laptops and other devices were stored in a large room. The guns, knives, explosives and other weapons are stored in a different room and is protected by an AI that Shia personally made. Only the executives, Samuel and Rachelle, Shia and his father can enter.

"Aia, please contact Dad." She said as she texted her father that she's going to call them.

"Yes Master." The AI cheerfully said while popping up on her phone. Shia smiled at how much energy she have. Aia connected it to the screens.

She sat in front of the screens and waited for the connection. Once it was connected, she saw her father and brother, along with the executives in the living room. She smiled and waved at them.

"Shi-" Ranx was about to say something when he was suddenly shoved to the floor, face first, by Crase. Everyone who saw that was laughing their heads out, even Edward.

"Shiaaaa!! I miss you! Why didn't you called me for the past few days?!" Crase whined as tears started forming on the corner of her eyes.

Shia giggled at her best friend's antics. "I miss you too. But I've been busy with work so I haven't got the chance to call you."

"Hmp. That's not enough for you to not call me. I hate you." She said pouting.

"C'mon, stop sulking. Let's go to school tomorrow." As soon as she said that, Crase's face suddenly lit up and nodded vigorously.

She abruptly stood up and ran to her room while shouting, "I'm sleeping in your house tonight!"

"Good thing that brat is finally gone. Now I can finally talk with Shia. Shi-" Ranx was cut off for the second time. But now, it's his father who spoke up and not a brat. Kevin snickered at him.

"Shia, I heard that you hired a secretary. How is he?"

"Well, he's interesting. Guess what, he also goes to Siesmich."

"Really? Well what a surprise. He's the son of Caren Russel, right?" He asked while smirking.

"Yeah. She's also a psychiatrist. Moments ago, she's trying to read me. Probably about my past. And I'm thinking of playing with her." Shia said with a mischievous grin, showing some of her sharp teeth, specifically her canines. "Will you allow me to do that, Dad?"

"Why of course, sweetheart. I would also like to meet her, can I?"

"Why of course, Dad. Pleasures all yours."

The two of them grinned mischievously at each other while the others just looked at them while sweat dropping from them.

"I sometimes wonder if I'm his biological son or what." Ranx whispered to the others with a sad expression.

Kevin then leaned his back on the chair and said, "You're not even halfway through their mischievousness, let alone your looks. So you're definitely adopted." He laughed but it soon died down as Ranx kicked him of his chair.

Just then, Crase came running down the stairs with a suitcase, with a wide smile plastered on her face. She then waved her goodbye to them and started to run towards their huge garage. After a few seconds they heard the sound of the garage door opening followed by the sound of the car's engine indicating that she already left. Shia just shook her head with amusement.

"Dad, it's nice talking and seeing you again. Same to you guys, but I'm hanging up now. Knowing Crase, she'll be here in a minute." Shia said waving goodbye to them before hanging up. After hanging up, she told Aia to remind Samuel to prepare Crase's room. Aia also wished her good night before she went out of the office to welcome her bestfriend.

Crase's POV

I drove my car as fast as I can to get to Shia's house. I'm so exciteeed! She never called or texted me this week. But doesn't matter, she said we're going to school tomorrow. I arrived at Shia's house and after parking my car, I went directly to her room knowing that she's waiting for me there. And as expected, she's standing by the window while looking at the villa beside hers.

She looked at me and I ran straight to her and gave a her a bear hug. She giggled and returned the hug to me while patting my back. She then whispered to me that made me excited.

"Let's go to sleep. My surprise will arrive early in the morning tomorrow." I broke the hug and nodded while pulling her to the bed. We spent the rest of the night sleeping and cuddling. Like a girl's night but without the talking and playing. I still can't believe that the cold girl five years ago became my bestfriend.


Xian's POV

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock. '5:30 am. Still early.' I thought and went back to sleep. Then I remembered something. Young Miss told me to go there first thing in the morning! I jolted from my bed and went straight to the bathroom.

'Cr*p, I'm gonna be late.' I finished taking a bath and changed into whatever clothes I found in my closet. I took my school bag and ran down the stairs. I passed through the kitchen where my family was already eating breakfast. I took a sandwich and ran outside again. Before I could get out of the house I heard my mom shout something.

"Aren't you gonna take breakfast?!"

"Sandwich is enough! I'm going out now Mom!"

I ran down the street towards Young Miss' house. Good thing there's no vehicle passing through here. After a few meters and minutes of running, I arrived at her house. The guard looked at me with curiosity but when he recognized me, he let me in. I also noticed that he's trying his best not to laugh. Why though? I just shrugged it off and went inside.

"What do you think you're doing? Eat it." Is that Young Miss? She sounds like she's scolding someone. I think they're in the kitchen. I went there, 'cause why not? Young Miss told me to come here so I think it's not a problem.

I went there and saw that they're already eating. Miss Shia noticed me and stared at me from top to bottom while raising her eyebrow.

"O-oh. Good morning young miss. I'm here just as you ordered." I said bowing and that's when they all noticed me. Then I heard someone laugh. An exaggerated laugh.

"Good morning. But are you so poor that you can't even buy a short?" She asked with a scowl on her face. Huh? Short? What short? I looked down on my self and saw that I'm only wearing my boxer!

'Oh my god! I'm such a disgrace!' I took my bag and hid my 'below' behind it. I want to melt and let the earth swallow me up right where I stand because of embarassment. I looked at Miss Shia with a teary eye. She was massaging her temples and looks like she's about to burst out of anger right now.

"Crase, would you please shut up?!" She screamed and the noise submerged. "Sorry." I heard someone squeaked an apology. She sighed and looked at me again, now with a neutral look on her face.

"There's a pair of clothes in your room, change into it and take your breakfast. We'll wait for you." She said and gestured me to go upstairs. I nodded and quickly ran to my room.

Just as she said, there's really a pair of clothes on my bed. It's neatly folded. There's also a perfume right next to it. I inspected and decided that it's too cool for me to wear. But nonetheless, I still wear it because Miss Shia will be mad again. After it I went down with my bag and saw that they really waited for me. I went there and sat on the left side of Miss Shia beside Samuel.

"Now let's eat." She said and they started eating again. I feel like I don't deserve this but I still ate. After all, I only ate one piece of sandwich.

"Hey, you're Xian right? From class 1-1 on engineering course?" The girl in front of me asked. Now that I took a good look at her, she looks familiar. "You don't remember me? I'm Crase. Crase Bond. The one sitting beside you." Oh. That's why she looks so familiar. She's my classmate.

"Oh yeah I remember you. What are you doing here?"

"I'm having a sleepover. Shia's my bestfriend so, you know. We gotta do some girl's night once in a while. The question here is what are you doing here?" She asked with a dark aura surrounding her. I gulped, I didn't know that she can be this scary. "Haha, I guess you're her secretary? Hey, you look pale. You okay?"

"Huh? Yeah. I just didn't thought that you're friends with her." We continued eating until we finished it. Miss Shia then stood up walking and picked a bag. She went out with Crase following behind her and I just followed. Surely we're going to work now.

We went outside and I saw that their cars are already ready. Their cars looks so beautiful and expensive.

"You ride with me." She said and we looked at her, shocked.

"Shia, whyyy? I thought he's gonna ride with me?" Crase whined.

"Stop whining and go get your brother."

"But he can just ask Marky to bring him to school. Or he can just ride his own car."

"Ride his own car? Did you forget that you crashed his car in the garden because he lost a bet?"

"Hmp. Fine." Crase said and rode her car to their house? I think.

I looked at Miss Shia and she signalled me to get on her car. I sat at the passengers seat. While on the road, we just sat there quietly when Miss Shia spoke.

"When we arrive there, just call me Shia." That's unusual. Since we're going to work, I should call her Young Miss or Miss Shia, but now she would like me to call her Shia? Well, I can't disobey so I'll just do that.

Few minutes past, until we were getting near the company. But instead of stopping there, we passed it and went to the trail leading to the Siesmich. Why are we heading to the University? I thought we were going to work.

"Miss, why are we going to the University?"

"You'll see." That's all that she said paired with a smirk. I have a bad feeling about this.

We parked the car and went out. The moment she stepped out of the car, all the students and teachers stopped and stared at her. Now I'm scared to go out but I know I have to go or else. I summoned all my courage that I have and went out of the car. Then some of them looked at me but most eyes stayed on Miss Shia.

She walked through the path towards the building of engineering and business course. I just followed her. That building has two parts, the left side is the business management course and the right side is the engineering course. There's a large square garden in the middle of the garden. The building is like a box with a hole in the middle.

"What are you doing? Walk beside me." She said and pulled me to her side. I then heard people whispering about us.

"Hey, who's that beautiful chick?"

"You don't know her? She's the most famous girl in the University!"

"Yeah, she's rich, beautiful, and popular. In short she have everything that a men could ask for."

"You know what? She's called the Black Angel."

"She's really pretty no matter what angle you look at her."

"Miss Black Angel, I'm your most number one fan!"

"Hey, this is the first time I saw her."

"Oh it's because she rarely comes to school. I heard that she's the one managing their company."

"She's a Sabre right?"

"Hey does anyone notice? Why is Xian with her?"

"Xian? You mean the famous student from the engineering department?"

"Maybe they're in a relationship? They're holding hands look."

"Nooo, not miss Black Angel!"

"My baby Xian!"

"Dzuuhh, at least Raven is still single."

"You mean the one before Xian?"

They're so stupid. Gossiping the moment they saw us. But wait... holding hands? I looked down and saw that she's still holding my hands. And it seems like it became tighter. Then I saw the look on her eyes, it's not noticeable but it's scary.

"Uhm, Mis- I mean Shia. Can you let go of my hand now?" I asked. God she's so scary. But she still let go of my hand.

We arrived at the building and the whispering just got louder. If they're going to whisper about us, they should do it quietly. Does they even know the meaning of whisper?

"S-shia, you're not going to work? I mean..." She looked at me blankly and then she smirked mischievously.

"Why? Don't you want me to come with you?" She asked with a playful smirk while leaning towards me. I stood there with mouth agaped. We walked to my room and and stopped in front of it. My classmates were looking at us.

"I'll pick you up this lunch if I finish my class early but, we may be classmates in few subjects. If I can't come here, you come to my room at the other side. Class 1-1." She said with a smirk followed by a wink. After that, she walked towards the business management's side.

I stood there dumbfounded. I just snapped out of my trance when I heard the shouting of my classmates. Some are praising and congratulating me, some are jealous, and some are... I don't know how to explain it.

"Xian, you lucky b*stard! I didn't know that your boss was actually our classmate in other subjects!" Alex said slapping my back.

"Huh?" I still can't register everything in my head the things that happened today.

"Don't you get it Bro? Young Miss Sabre, the current CEO of Sabre Corps, your boss, a.k.a Black Angel, is your classmate." He said smiling at me. I stared at him then looked at my classmates to ask if it's real and they answered me with either a yes and a nod.

A few minutes have passed and I'm still registering it in my head. Then it hit me. She studies here in Siesmich and she's my boss. Wait, what?!

I looked at them with a shocked face.

"She's my what?!"


Aia- pronounced as 'Aya'

Siesmich- pronounced as 'Saysmik'


What do you guys think about this story? Do you enjoy it or bored with it? Whichever is it, tell me what you think of this.