

Ryan's face transformed the moment Nikolai cut in. The two might have been close friends for many years when they were younger.

However, Nikolai couldn't forget the day Ryan vanished—the same day, his world became grey, and Mari's betrayal was revealed. It all linked for Nikolai that he would lose his best friend and learning of his girlfriend's actions on the same day led him onto a path of collapse.

'Ryan... I can forgive you because now I'm not that naive kid who doesn't understand the responsibilities of the rich or those like your fathers.' 



The pendant's voice quivered with concern, for the first time unable to decipher Nikolai's thoughts or emotions.

It was unsettling for Elizabeth to be met with silence, as if Nikolai had erected a barrier, shutting her out completely, when she had done nothing to deserve it.

Yet it wasn't aimed at her but at the feelings inside his chest...