

'I always felt it since before meeting Selene.'

In the depths of a dark memory, the image of a black-haired young man beating someone in the slums on a dark evening.

A cheap knife fell to the ground with blood oozing from a deep gash in the young man's arm, yet despite the thug's loss of resistance. The boy continued to hit the thug's face with a twisted smile on his lips.

'From the beginning, there were feelings that would overwhelm me and take over my body when faced with dangerous situations.'

Images of countless fights flew through the young man's mind, school, high school, college, the military, countless fights and moments where his excessive desire to crush the opponent led to dangerous situations and consequences.

'No matter who scolded me, if someone crossed my path or became aggressive... A dark feeling would well up, my mind would become foggy, and then they would be lying on the floor, usually bleeding or quivering.'