

In a world that is divided by technology and magic where the ‘gifted’ can cast spells and the ‘intellectuals’ has the brightest minds that lets them innovate and invent. Stellan hart a young intellectual that has the brightest mind but has a different mindset than others and Knox Rosenhein a gifted with unique abilities. With contradicting beliefs and morals what will happen if they knew what fate has in store for them. "Half of the results of good intentions are evil; half the results of an evil intention are good."

Min_Suga_7849 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


'NO.... STOP STOP...HELP ME PLEASE please anyone help me I don't wanna die please save me' All I can see right now is that putrid place with scattered bodies and blood everywhere even in my sleep I still can't escape that place how pathetic of me. As I awaken from that horrible nightmare I saw a bright light coming from the window as I glanced at the clock I realized that it's already 10 in the morning.

"STELLAN wake up now it's already 10 are you gonna sleep all day!?" shouted Kylo someone who calls himself my 'best friend'... ugh I hate that voice 'Can you at least give me time to prepare I hate waking up in the morning hearing you shout... it's annoying" I slumped back to bed because who doesn't wanna sleep all day. I felt a breeze caressing my body then suddenly my comforter got snatched non-other by the stupid fucking Kylo Voss.

"Do you really wanna die right now! I bet you're a fucking narcist for asking for a beating!.. I'm gonna turn you into a pulp!" I shouted at him while getting up "Waaaaaaaaaah what the hell are you doing!"kylo shouted while covering his eyes "Put some clothes on your piercing my eyes argh" I looked down and realized that I'm only in my underwear!... "GET OUT NOW!" I shouted at him while throwing my pillows at him.

I walked to my closet to look for some decent clothes and I picked a black turtle neck, a long coat, and black classy pants. I prepared my clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. While going out of the bathroom I checked my phone to know what my schedule is for today and as expected I am fully booked. I mean who doesn't wanna interact with me I'm the brightest mind around here. Even if I hate interacting with those two face snakes. They're so easy to read they only wanna leach off something from me.

While walking down the corridor I can feel eyes staring right through me as expected almost everyone's staring at me. I mean my features are not common to see. I have white glossy hair that reaches to my shoulder and pale skin as white as snow and turquoise eyes like the water in the ocean a strong jawline and broad shoulders I can pass being a man or a woman with my looks besides I can do both anyways. Beauty itself is but the sensible image of the Infinite.

I looked at my watch to look at the time and realized that I'm already late. I rushed to my classroom ignoring the stares that I get from my dear schoolmates. I turned the doorknob and opened the door, as I opened the door I immediately saw Kylo frantically waving at me to get my attention. I walked towards him and he offered me the seat beside him..even if he's annoying I can always count on him and he is not like the others who only wanna hang out with me to gain status. Some people will 'love you' as much as they use you. Their 'loyalty' ends where the benefits stop. 'Hey man it's so not like you to oversleep or stay in bed for too long' asked Kylo as he brought his laptop out of his bag. 'I was just tired, that's all' I answered back as I also brought out my own laptop. The professor entered and started teaching he swiped his hand and a hologram of our city popped up. Our city is known as Castelona a prosperous city with high-end technology where everything can be attained as long as you have the wits and resources with a single swipe of a hand you can attain a hologram of anything you want and everywhere your eyes can reach you can see Artificial Intelligence. I Stellan Hart one of the brightest minds will soon attain this city and make it mine.

"Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, 'What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.' Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes, at last, an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope."

― Vincent van Gogh