
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Action
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89 Chs

Chapter 70: Each Battlefields

From not far, another battlefield can be found. Edelweiss was dancing in the night freezing her path with her scythe. She hurled and lunged at one of the demons—the minotaur. It had now fully regenerated, worse it had allowed itself to turn into rage mode—its muscles swelled and it now stood doubled its earlier size.

"Tsk! We've got ourselves some troublesome foe!"

She bellowed, clicking her tongue. On her side was Loraine, none too please by the situation as well.

"You couldn't be more correct!" She glanced above as she followed behind, "Looks like the others are busy as well."

The other demon had now retuned to the skies, its wings had been tattered, but now it ranged doubled and the wind it releases was now stronger—it made one of its opponents pinned on the ground with its every flaps.

"How can it still fly even after all the damage it sustained!?"

Luiz blubbered as she tried to peel off herself from the ground where the goat-faced demon had pinned here. Even with her spear she cannot out strength the wind the demon had fanned in her direction. Zenith was on air, yet she cannot do anything but dodge. The enemy's magic had been enhanced together with its appearance. Zeniths' movement was swift, but them magic that hurled at her was by no means slow. She was swinging her arms to counter the demons' attack, but it was too many for her to cover.

Below, Xian Xing who took a detour to hit the demon from behind has now found herself in freckle as well. The tail of the demon—the serpent was now marking her. Not only it had kept the safety of the demons' rear, it made it hard for them to attack—less even to approach. However, this time, it lunged at her, trying to bite her off. It extended and reverted at will making it harder to find a safe place.

"We're looking like children here! We're being toyed at!"

Annoyed, Xian Xing yelled.

"What do you suggest we do, then?" Luiz snapped, still pinned in the ground, "It's dangerous just being at this demon's range."

"I cannot argue!" Zenith agreed, dodging the blade of winds that arced toward her. They have been like this for sometime now. And even when they can hit back, the demon would just regenerate itself, making their efforts look pathetically useless.

"Argh! I've had enough!" Luiz picked her spear and forced her body to stand—a crevice form beneath her feet from the intensity of the winds.

"Eat this!" She manages to throw her spear—though, the force from it was rather clumsy. The demon dodged her attack with minimum efforts, but now, Luiz was freed. It took only one little mistake for it to crumble. The demon was taken aback and was put off balance—this opportunity made Xian Xing able to counter attack—she speeds off for a second then, a moment, the head of the serpent from the demons' tail rolled to the ground.

"Groaaaawhhh!" The demon screeched in agony.

"You let your guard down!" Xian Xing grinned as she skewered the serpents' head with a knife.

"Eyes here!"

Besides Zenith, a spear floated. It was sparking and was made solely of lightning. The beautiful blue color combined with yellow spark glowed mid-air. As the demon's eye shifted from Xian Xing towards Zenith, the bolt of lightning roared at it—dead center, it hit—then discharged. The demon glanced at its chest, no spear it found, but a hole was there. Then a pause, as it returned its gaze to Zenith. A large quantity of lightning energy bursts from within, making the demon implode. "Graaaaaawrhh!" The demon let out a miserable cry, then that was it—it was blasted into hundreds, no maybe thousands of pieces. Its head rolled to the ground, still intact. It started to gather fumes in attempt to once again regenerate,

"It no you won't!"

but its effort was proven futile. Luiz thrusted her spear at the demons' head. It crumbled into dust and scatted to the air like dust. Then it was finally over.


From another battlefield, nets of spiderwebs splattered all around, corroding everything on its wake. This Arachne-type demon was seven meters in length while it stood three meters tall. It was spewing acids and webs to destroy everything that it deemed enemies. It's six eyes stares at Choo-hee and her companions as if eyeing its prey.

"A ridiculous size for an insect!" Alice shouted, a clear disgust in her expression. She was dispatched as well to help subjugate the new demon.

"Avoid contact from the acid! It will sting like hell!" Said Serene, what seemed like a bubble had encased her, keeping her safe.

"Alice, curse." Cho-hee said cooly, as she gave her order on which Alice, nodded with.

"Roger!" She pointed her open palm to the giant spider, and muttered under her breath, "Oh, force of the night, I implore: Take his might! {Sorcery: First order—Energy drain.}"

A magic circle appeared all of the sudden bellow the spider and a red light was emitted from there. At its light, the spider lost all its strength. It started to weaken and eventually it slumped down, its belly touching the ground. Whimpering.

"Blessings." Cho-hee said, staring at the slumped beast.

"Comin' right away!" Alice's ability can both give curse or blessings, "Oh, Holy light, I pray: Give strength her way! {Blessing: Third order—Holy Enhancer!}"

She can both give or drain energy—and many other more: Her ability {Sainted Witcher}—a fearsome ability that can give fortune or make anyone miserable. An ability that walked at the eggshell of balance. Cho-hee began to shine a faint golden hue, an indication that the blessings are properly given.

"Serene, cage." Cho-hee gave her orders with her eyes glaring at the demon in her front, soon as Serene nodded and muttered something, a bubble of water encaged the demon—which whatever it would do, it can never get away from the cage that was holding it. It squirmed—but without its base strength, that was all it can do. Well, even if it does, the cage encasing it would hold it still. To surmise, it had nowhere else to go. Serenes' ability to control water from nowhere and water bodies and the sea is a blessing that most viewed with envy—

Cho-hee stepped closer. Then with one arm—she unleashed the sword that she was holding on her left. Slash, then it was all over. She did not even bother to use her ability.

"Go to other, help them dispose of those creatures as well. Assist them however possible." Cool as she was always, she relayed her order as casually as she was breathing. Both Alice and Serene nodded before replying,


"As you wish."

They vanished heeding their superior's order.

As she turned around expressionless from the dead giant spider, it, the demon, crumbled into dust and the air had took them as a fume fragment. Seeing as no one else was there, Cho-hee murmured,

"T-that was scary…" The reason she was acting cold than she usually was is because she hated bugs—specially spiders. It was the real Cho-hee, a beautiful girl with fear of bugs.

Her face turned blue with disgust, fortunately, no one noticed.