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Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Chapter 49: Sign!


Explosions can be heard all throughout the academy along with tremors and reverberations. I, Kevin Crux Dio, is currently engaged in a fierce battle.

"Hyaa! Ka!"

I roar kicking one of the enemies that was in front of me. Tsk. Honestly this is rather becoming really dangerous—facing magics without any means to defend ourselves is truly unwise! Still, I agree with miss Tokugawa. If we don't do anything sooner or later about the current situation, we will be all captured without even putting a fight.


The sound of the metals crashing against each other. Some of the enemies are carrying staffs and wands, seemingly as a mean of increasing the output of their magic. And what's more, they use these items as a mean to defend their selves as we get closer to them.

However, it never really helped them at all. I can see lady Elisha dancing in the middle of the crowd while slashing the enemies before her. Using her rapier, she fought as if she was performing a beautiful dance. Her movements were light as feathers, while her slashes were swift like the winds—she was formidable.

In contrast to these light movements was the overwhelming force from one of our classmates, miss Gozen Rika. Different from how elegant lady Elisha moves, using a dulled katana for practice that she carries with her all the time, Rika's movements were like programed. She moves perfectly from angle to angle and strikes at perfect timing; looking at her gives you an impression of a lady swordsman from the Edo period of Japan—a lady samurai.

Then there was miss Tokugawa. Honestly, I just realized this, but from now on—I will never mess with her. She looked entirely different and her fist hits solid and I can imagine it clearly; just one hit from her fist would knock the light out of me. Boxing must be one of her hobbies. Seeing as how good she was with it. But now that I think about it, her movements somehow faintly resembled of Gleren's. Is it a mere coincidence?

Nonetheless, these guys really don't care about their comrades. They use magic even when engage in this close combat, knowing that they could hit their ally as well in the process. Though, in this battle we discovered something, their magic hits and deals damages to a certain extent, but when you hit them with enough force both the caster and the magic disappears in the form of clouds of smokes. Though, knowing this fact does not necessarily give us any advantage, after all even just a lousy hit from the enemy would render use injured. And again, we do not have the means to confidently defend ourselves.

Half of the class decided to fight back and we can also see the other class doing the same. The once empty corridor was now filled with students fighting back as well as the circle outside the buildings. Many already fell victims to the magic of the enemy and was now heavily injured, but luckily, we don't have any casualty. But we still don't know what the harsh future holds.

Among the fighters, she stood out the most. Miss Minerva. With her long legs, she went punting every enemies she finds in her path. Leaving a billow of smoke in her wake. In her eyes were unease even when she fought this well. It was as if there was something in her mind. Then clearing the area with her masterful capoeira, she looked far at the distance.

"Gleren…" I barely heard her, but I can tell, she whispered his name. That idiot… he complains here and there that there was no one who likes him romantically… then can someone please hammer this sight to that idiot's oblivious skull? That's the sight of a maiden's burdened heart.

Well, I better take a step back. I wouldn't know what mess I could brew if I unnecessarily meddle. Not when Lady Elisha's starting to kick her start. Ugh… why does thinking about that stupid's affairs worn me out this much…?

I'll just have to pray that the guy would not be stabbed in the back when the time comes. And I can feel that the ice-cold Gisselle is opening to him as well… Ugh… my head.

On the side note, I can't see Kaye out here. She's with the first aid team probably. If so, then I can rest assured.

We send the injured one's back to the room to take the needed first aid and when they feel like they can still fight they return to the battlefield. We can defeat the enemy just fine, and even though they all seem stronger than before, we can fight them back. We're not a student in this academy just for show. It's just that we don't have the stamina to hold much longer than how fast they spawn from who knows where!

Looking at the current situation, this feels rather hopeless—or it's running to a course of hopelessness. No matter how many of them we take down, this seemed endless. They keep on coming for us as if waves of zombies from an apocalypse movie.

"Gleren, just where on earth are you?! We need you here, you big idiot."

I was thinking this, spacing in the spot like an imbecile, when something from nearby came rushing and hurled at my direction, aiming directly at my face,

"Augh!" I cried out.

A fire type magic!

"Damn it. I let my guard down!"

Luckily, I manage to cover my face using my gauntlet. But, what the hell, that hurts a lot! My arms are numb by the impact and the heat of the spell lingered still.

"Ah, damn it… I can't continue fighting like this…"

I was dreading this bleakness when suddenly a huge quake can be felt and a loud sound reverberated to the entire school. And when I surveyed where it came from—I was sure that it originated from the main gate of the academy. And then, when the trembling stopped, I felt something different in my body…

"Huh? My mana!" It returned to me?

It only means that someone from the outside did something. The reinforcement is coming. My arm started healing, too. The self-defense mechanism of the school uniform started working normally again.

From the window, I can see fumes filling the open grounds. And the numbers of the enemies started dwindling through the ferocious storms of slashes from the people who just arrived.

One of them handled a trident with the tip of its three blades coated in blue—as if the color of the sea. One of them had a golden staff in hand, its head drawn the image of the sun. While one was handling twin blades that took the shape of the crescent moon.

And all of them were women.

However, among these ladies, there was one who possessed the overwhelming strength. Along her wake was a disastrous path, clearing every enemy on her way. Her red hair dazzle as she slashes every adversary hindering her advance. Then when she finally cleared her path, she turned her gaze at the building and suddenly dashed heading directly to our location. Breaking the windows of our class. The other three followed her trail and magnificently displayed their dignity in the middle of the corridor. Leaving all the students fighting there in awe.

Successfully arriving inside the building, the lady in the blue dress, the one who wielded the sun-inspired staff spoke cheerily,

"Uwaah, even here they party! They love to celebrate, don't they?"

Her leisure comment was followed by the other lady who carries twin blade in both of her hands,

"Raziel, this is not a joke, you know. But, well, I do agree with you."

"Raziel, Hennie, let's clean this up quickly. We still have a pile of lots of things to do." Said the one in the grey suit; the tall lady who handled the trident.

And then, when the one with the red hair finishes surveying the surrounding, she tuned to us, the ones wearing the school uniform. Then, with a huge grin, she asked.

"So? Where is my beloved disciple?"

I cocked my head in confusion. And I swear, not just me. Everyone in the vicinity did.

Disciple? What the hell is she talking about?

Nonetheless, seeing as they help us defeat the enemies, they're clearly our allies. They must be the ones which miss Tokugawa speak of. The reinforcements.

Seeing as we were caught befuddled and cannot give her a satisfying answer, no, rather—seeing us who were speechless, the lady with the red hair shifted her gaze towards her companions.

"Uhm…" She grimaced…

"Don't go asking for us to held when you were the one who told us to surprise him." said the one in the grey suit, prompting the other two to nod.

"Eh, whatever! I just have to find him myself then!" She said, giving up on the idea of asking a question. Still, how can we give her a satisfying answer if her question itself was the vague item?

Disciple? Who? Male or female? Age? At least give us a hint!

"Mira, Hennie, Raziel, continue with the plan."

"Chief, we don't have any plan."

Eh? They don't?

"Oh, we do… Frontal assault! Clear all the enemies! The ones who do not disappear in hit, keep them alive and restrain them. The ones who disappears, obliterate them all!"

"There she goes again…"

"Well, that's just how she was."

"What else can we do than to follow her?"

"Just do as I say, jeez!"

"Yes, chief!"

As all of them answered in sync while giggling a little to this "chief's" pouting, they went in different direction. One stayed here in the first floor, while the other went to the upper floors. Maybe to provide back up for the others years as well… Thank God…

"Hmm… that's strange. He should have came flying into my arms at this moment." The chief muttered. Then she surveyed us once again, finding Miss Tokugawa, Lady Elisha, Miss Gisselle, Miss Minerva, and Miss Rika in her sight. "This really is a tough spot you got here." She right. Very much so.

I can tell that the girls that she eyed had things to ask, but they kept their silence anyway.

The chief continuously looked around. Maybe searching for someone? It must be the one that she calls disciple that she was searching for. Who might that be? But even so, this is great… together with these people, we can make it out here alive.

When I was relieved by their sudden help and appearance, it happened… another trembling can be felt and… huh?

What is this? I suddenly felt something inside of me… is this… fear? I can feel the air getting heavier and the atmosphere suddenly became gloomy. There was then a sudden explosion and the shaking of the ground became even more unbearable! What on earth is happening?

I looked towards the window, only to find something like a black smoke oozing out from the direction of the church. Thick and gloom.

"What… the hell is happening?

Seeing this, the lady with the red hair suddenly went to a halt—wide-eyed as she stared at the location from where the explosion came from. Expression deadly serious. Her nonchalant attitude gone. And then, under her breath, she muttered—


—before suddenly rushing away to that direction only leaving the gust of the wind behind in an instant.

Really, what the hell is going on?

Gleren, how does she, that lady know you?

Dude… please, you better be safe…

As I was dancing with these thoughts, the surge of mana within my body disappeared again… the sealing of magic seems to return to its active state and all the abilities was once again made useless… The use of magic also already stopped… but this time the enemies have dwindled significantly in numbers.

"We can do this! We can win!" Cheered all my classmates.

But there was still one thing I find curious… The black thing that oozed out of the church, even when the seal returned, it did not disappear… Just what on earth was that?!

With their eyes glued to the scene, Miss Minerva, Lady Elisha, and Miss Tokugawa and even Gisselle involuntarily muttered.



"You idiot."

"..." Though, Gisselle really didn't say anything…

"You better be safe." They finished in sync, not even knowing that they all wished for the same thing. I observed them in silence, thinking how messy it would be if they noticed each other.

Then shifting my eyes to the ominous black smoke, I muttered to myself. "What the hell is going to happen? I've got a bad feeling about this."