
Blood and Passion: my husband is a vampire

[MatureContent]." The prince undressed, mesmerized by the erotic scene unfolding before him. He took the young woman in his arms, swept away by the whirlwind of passion. Before realizing what was happening, he was already immersed in this burning embrace." [MatureContent]. Ella must marry the king’s youngest son. Although hesitant to wed a man she does not know, Ella is willing to do anything to escape her uncle's control and the cruelty of her cousins. However, just as she is about to join the royal family, a mysterious series of disappearances shakes the capital. Ella is drawn into a whirlwind of intrigues and mysteries as she enters the complex world of royalty. Far from her usual surroundings, she must navigate the court's intrigues, uncovering well-guarded secrets and navigating shifting alliances. Will she adapt to this new environment and unveil the truth?

Andastory · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Shadows of Disagreement

The office of Uncle Frederick receding behind her, Ella left the room, bewildered by the news that had just been revealed to her. Each step felt heavier as she slowly made her way towards her room. Passing by the grand salon, the voices of her cousins, Emma and Elisabeth, rose like a whisper in the corridor.

Emma, her voice full of arrogance, addressed Edwin, "Edwin, it's clear that Dad has recognized my superiority. Why should Ella marry Prince Alexander when I am here, much more deserving of that royal title? Talk to Dad and make him change his mind."

Elisabeth, with furrowed brows, cut off Emma, "Emma, you understand nothing, do you? I wouldn't want this marriage in your place. Not with Prince Alexander, at least. The rumors circulating about him make me doubt his worth. I aim higher. I want to be a queen, and if need be, marry the Crown Prince."

Emma, with a disdainful laugh, retorted, "Elisabeth, you're lost in your own illusions. Prince Alexander is a golden opportunity. Regardless of what gossip says, I want to marry him. Edwin, don't let Dad make this mistake. Do something!"

Edwin, attempting to calm the brewing quarrel, replied, "My sisters, your quarrels are futile. Dad has made his decision, and we must respect his choices. Ella is a remarkable young woman, and Prince Alexander deserves to be judged for who he is, not for baseless rumors."

The words echoed in the grand salon, creating a tense atmosphere. Ella, remaining in the shadows, heard every word, feeling the weight of family decisions on her shoulders. The room reverberated with the murmurs of her cousins, shattered aspirations, and the growing sense that her destiny was taking an unexpected turn.

Ella entered her room, she felt a mixture of frustration and confusion, emotions she had carefully hidden in her uncle's office. Alone now, she grappled with them, trying to untangle the knots that bound her. Lost in her thoughts, she felt the weight of the situation pressing on her.

On one side, there was a burning anger fueled by the injustice of the decision imposed upon her. On the other side, there was a glimmer of excitement and anticipation. For the first time in a while, she allowed herself to dream of a different future. It was a whirlwind of contradictory emotions, an internal storm.

As she tried to contain these emotions, her mind turned to the idea of leaving. The prospect terrified her yet piqued her curiosity. While she had visited the capital with her father for business, this would be an entirely different experience of being alone. How would she navigate the complexities of the city? Suddenly, a wave of fear washed over her, but she quickly shook it off. Rationalizing, she reminded herself that she would be a princess - princesses lead beautiful lives. Why should she be afraid? The realization dawned on her that her life was about to undergo a radical transformation. In that moment, Ella faced the paradox of her emotions. The fear of the unknown clashed with the anticipation of a new beginning. Yet, deep down, she acknowledged that the life awaiting her as a princess held promises of beauty and privileges. It was a realization that, despite the uncertainty, kindled a spark of courage and determination in her gaze.

Ella, barely recovered from her emotions, was surprised by her cousin Emma's abrupt entrance into her room. Emma announced with calculated eagerness, "Antoine is downstairs; he's waiting to go to the orphanage."

Antoine, a childhood friend who had shared the paths of growth with Ella, had a shared history. Ella's parents and his were close friends, actively involved in educating the children at the city orphanage.

Without giving Ella time to react, Emma headed towards the entrance hall, and Ella, intrigued, followed suit. With a smirk, Emma added, "So, are you going to tell him?"

Ella, feigning ignorance, responded, "Tell him what?"

Unrelenting, Emma continued, "Well, that you're going to marry Prince Alexander."

Ella, deliberately detached, maintained silence, prompting Emma to press on, "Everyone knows that Antoine has a crush on you. And you like him too, don't you? Maybe you should plead with your father to avoid this marriage. After all, Antoine is quite a catch."

Irritated, Ella retorted sharply, "That's none of your business! And besides, I support my uncle's decision."

Emma, ever haughty, teased Ella with calculated provocation, "You won't last long there. Look at you, all delicate. They'll make mincemeat out of you. Rumor has it that all the women who joined the royal family either went mad or ended up dead. Is that really what you want?"

She grabbed Ella's arm, and Ella responded forcefully, "Let go of me, what's gotten into you?"

Unaware, they reached the top of the stairs, facing Antoine. He, intrigued, asked, "What's going on? Let her go, Emma."

Emma, maintaining her superior demeanor, replied, "Don't worry, Antoine. I was just giving Ella some advice. After all, she's going to be a princess now."

Antoine looked at her perplexed, and Emma added with a hint of excitement, "Oh, she hasn't told you yet? Ella is going to marry Prince Alexander. He may not be the heir, but still."

The atmosphere was charged with tension .