
Blood and Passion: my husband is a vampire

[MatureContent]." The prince undressed, mesmerized by the erotic scene unfolding before him. He took the young woman in his arms, swept away by the whirlwind of passion. Before realizing what was happening, he was already immersed in this burning embrace." [MatureContent]. Ella must marry the king’s youngest son. Although hesitant to wed a man she does not know, Ella is willing to do anything to escape her uncle's control and the cruelty of her cousins. However, just as she is about to join the royal family, a mysterious series of disappearances shakes the capital. Ella is drawn into a whirlwind of intrigues and mysteries as she enters the complex world of royalty. Far from her usual surroundings, she must navigate the court's intrigues, uncovering well-guarded secrets and navigating shifting alliances. Will she adapt to this new environment and unveil the truth?

Andastory · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Alleys

After quenching his thirst, a shadow of discomfort and shame settled deeply within Alexander. A familiar sensation, a heaviness that urged him never to prolong his presence during these festivities. He rarely engaged in more intimate acts, opting instead to swiftly fade away, leaving behind the decadent and lascivious atmosphere of the hall.

Damian, true to form, couldn't resist making his usual remarks. "So, my brother, done already?" Alexander pretended not to hear and continued on his way, paying no heed to Damian's provocations.

He left the room, abandoning the turmoil of debauchery. The night was his refuge, and despite appearances, he felt the weight of these decadent evenings. His thoughts were haunted by the duality of his existence, torn between the unquenchable thirst that consumed him and the desire to break free from the chains binding him to these dark celebrations.

In the silent corridors of the castle, he recalled moments spent with Ella at the orphanage. A fleeting spark of tenderness illuminated his usually cold gaze. These moments of calm and innocence were rare escapes from the voracity of his vampiric nature. The deafening noise of the party faded as he distanced himself, giving way to the oppressive calm of the castle.

Alexander decided to escape to the town. There, he could free himself from the burden of his nobility and blend into the anonymity of the crowd. Adopting the pseudonym Simon, he relished the moment when he was no longer the prince but simply a man among many.

The bustling streets of the city provided a refuge, a place where he could hide behind the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The murmurs of the crowd, the hubbub of the merchants, and the constant commotion formed a reassuring backdrop, momentarily eclipsing his royal status.

Under the identity of Simon, Alexander could savor the simplicity of human interactions. The curious glances of passersby did not perceive him as the heir to the throne but simply as a man among others. Most ordinary citizens did not recognize the prince's face, and it had even happened that some nobles had crossed his path unknowingly, fueling less-than-glorious rumors circulating throughout the kingdom.

The city became his playground, where he could lose himself in the anonymous mass. He enjoyed wandering through the winding alleys, discovering quaint shops, and sharing fleeting moments with those who were unaware of his true status.

Over time, under the guise of Simon, Alexander had forged bonds with simple souls in the city. Genuine friendships blossomed, preserved from the social hierarchy that governed his life at the castle. These moments of complicity and escape became a breath of fresh air in his destined, protocol-laden existence.

In the lively streets of the big city, merchants approached him from all sides, trying to make him stop at their stalls to sell various goods. Despite their insistence, the young man politely declined, wishing only to savor the city's excitement without being burdened by unnecessary acquisitions.

A merchant approached with enthusiasm, displaying his products. "Sir, let me introduce you to these magnificent fabrics from distant lands. They are of exceptional quality, perfect for a man of your stature."

Alexander smiled courteously, declining the offer. "I thank you for your proposal, but today, I am simply a citizen in search of adventure. Perhaps another time."

Another merchant, seizing the opportunity, quickly advanced, showcasing sparkling jewels. "Sir, these rare and exquisite jewels will surely enhance your Lady. A purchase worthy of your good taste."

Alexander inclined his head slightly, gracefully declining once again. "I appreciate your offer, but I'm not looking for anything particular today."

He continued in this manner, exchanging pleasantries with the merchants while preserving his initial intention of simply enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of the city discreetly.

A young boy, around ten years old, wandered among the passersby, brandishing the latest copies of the newspaper. His youthful voice rose in the air, capturing the attention of the busy crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here is the very latest issue of the Scandal in the kingdom! Yesterday, no less than twelve new disappearances of young girls were recorded. Rumors abound, suggesting the presence of a killer lurking in the city."

The crowd, eager for excitement, pressed to acquire the newspaper. Martin, spotting Simon, managed to make his way through the moving mass. "Simon, where have you been? It's been a while since I've seen you."

Simon retorted promptly, "I told you to stop selling newspapers at night. It's dangerous, you know. Well, give me a newspaper. Let me have a look."

He handed a few coins to Martin, who examined the money in his hand before saying, "Simon, this is way too much. I don't have the exact change."

Simon reassured him with a smile, "Come on, Martin, don't play the fool. Go home. Your mother must be worried. Thank you, Simon, you're the best." The boy disappeared into the crowd, continuing his quest for newspaper customers.

Alexander delved deeper into the city, following the lively and colorful alleyways until he reached a small inn with discreet charm. The aged wooden façade testified to the establishment's years of existence. Warm glows emanated from the illuminated windows, revealing the intimate atmosphere within.

He greeted some acquaintances outside, regulars who seemed to share a certain mystery with him. When he ascended the stairs to the rooms, the atmosphere changed. The narrow corridors were infused with a gentle scent of wood and candles, giving the inn an old-world fragrance.

Standing in front of his room's door, Alexander pushed it open to reveal a room bathed in dim light. Thick curtains partially obscured the view of the bustling street, creating a welcome sense of privacy.

In the center of the room, a young woman with black hair, dressed suggestively, awaited him.

"Alexander, I was waiting for you."

She enveloped Alexander in a warm embrace, a hug that seemed to carry years of complicity. He, in a mix of weariness and desire, accepted this closeness that offered a moment of escape. A fleeting respite in the darkness of his world.

After a while, he gently freed himself from the embrace, a tired glint in his eyes. He looked at her meaningfully, his eyes conveying complex thoughts, and asked in a soft but direct voice:

"So, do you have what I asked for?"

Jennifer, accustomed to the nuances of his changing mood, responded seriously, "Yes, the sage assured me that these pills are ten times more potent than the previous ones."

An almost inaudible "thank you" escaped Alexander's lips. Then, as if anticipating future questions, he added with a hint of resignation, "I'm getting married. I wouldn't want rumors circulating in the city."

Jennifer's gaze reflected a mix of sadness and incomprehension. "Why don't you let me integrate into the castle, I...?"

Alexander interrupted, cutting short this heartbreaking suggestion. "Out of the question. If I took you out of there, it's not for you to go back."

A sigh of resignation escaped Jennifer, who appeared both upset and determined. Tired, the prince expressed his need for rest. "I'd like to rest a bit. I'll borrow your bed." Jennifer, blending tenderness and frustration, joined Alexander. She embraced him, forming a protective haven for the one sinking into the depths of a profound sleep.