
The uncertain future

well let's try this, 200 power stones and I'll give you an extra chapter.


Friedrich Wilhelm POV

I had already finished my duties for the day, but I was still waiting for the admiral to arrive, that Friedrich von Roon had told me about, he had already started with a naval academy where they were training new sailors, the new hole in the accounts of my government because it is not cheap many sailors are needed for each ship without considering that the ship itself is worth a lot without taking into consideration that we are the ones who build them, so they come to us at manufacturing price

luckily my new ventures have been a success, now almost all the new expenses were absorbed by the sale of salt and clocks, soon the cotton crops will also be ready, and we will be able to have another type of income other than the sale of food, the tyrell never tried to encourage a diversity between which plants to plant, as they only concentrated on being the food suppliers of the area surrounding the reach, leaving the markets of more complex elements to be dominated by the crown lands and other paramount lords.

we had already started to build looms for when the materials arrived and for the first time I will not centralize their production in Neu Danzig, as the area I had left as a cotton producer was the former goldengrove area, but over time the Prussian garrison in the area under its military governor had renamed the canton of the area as Hannover, this region being the future cotton producer of the kingdom.

Therefore I decided that all the new textile factories to be built would be in that area, as this would save me the costs of having to transport the materials to the city and also generate that the ghetto that is being produced in Neu Danzig would slowly start to disappear

because this ghetto has not stopped growing when I left it was mainly peasants from the surrounding area, but as time went by, peasants from the southern lords began to arrive looking for a stable job and cheap food, to finally arrive the new wave of immigration this time it was peasants from the western lands the storm lands and the crown lands, who came to my domain looking for a better future for them and their children.

This was much more complicated, although the lords of the seven kingdoms do not practice slavery, but servitude, just because of this legal concept, this immigration that would be expected by the small folks to come to my domains, because of the abundance that my administration is generating, for the lords of the seven kingdoms would be considered a robbery to their property

since the small folks are just that for them property and losing it was not something that would be pleasing to anyone because the population in the seven kingdoms is relatively small for the enormous amount of land possessed.

For the moment everything is quiet there have been no complaints so I can wait a bit until some lord comes along who feels that the loss of peasants is already too much and wants to take it up with the king as long as he is not a paramount lord I think I can pull some strings with Jon Arryn to keep benefiting from all this increase in workers.

we just have to start decentralizing the economic activities, as all the people are coming to live in the Neu Danzig ghetto which already by official sources it is estimated that the ghetto has already living in it, 200000 people who have no access to any way to get rid of their waste through a sewage system and are living knee-deep in shit because it is common in these situations to throw their waste into the street, as there is no other way to get rid of it

my team of doctors are very concerned we may be on the verge of an epidemic of some kind of disease that we can't control, so making it a priority to get the immigrants jobs and homes is a priority.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on my door.

''Come in,'' I said with a serious tone.

''my king I have brought Admiral Johann von Rügen, the man I had recommended to you for this position, he is quite experienced, as he served in the Danish navy during the war and also his 2 sons ''said Friedrich von Roon

''my king, it is an honor to be able to meet you personally'' said Johann.

''So Johann tell me do you think you can fulfill the mission I need you to fulfill'', I asked the admiral.

''yes my king I am ready to fulfill your orders, I am very excited to have my own fleet of galleons to sail the seas and bring wealth to your noble house'' said Johann with a big smile.

''I just want to remind you, although I am very tolerant of mistakes, in this mission there is no margin for error or failure, you will be carrying tons of gold to the summer islands, and we cannot fail, as this is a risky gamble, we are using all the gold we have left at hand and much is an investment of merchants and nobles''I said, looking him straight in the eye.

''yes my king I am aware of the importance of the mission that has been given to me and I will do everything within my ability to make the mission successful, I have been training sailors without rest so that the crew will be able to use the galleons as if they were born to do so'' said Johann very excited.

''Friedrich did you explain the plan to Johann?'', I said asking my right-hand man.

''yes my king, he is aware of all parts of the plan'' Friedrich von Roon answered.

''very well then Johann, explain the plan to me to know if you understand it'', I said with a serene tone.

''yes my king, first we will have to load the galleons with gold jewelry glassware, alcohol, salt and other products to have the holds of the galleons full, finally we will leave with 9000 sailors and 30 galleons, if possible avoiding any kind of conflict even if we have superiority against our opponents we must avoid the fight the cargo is more valuable than the prestige of the battle, besides we must make all possible nautical charts for future expeditions, we must negotiate with the natives of the summer islands and then return when we arrive near Dorne we will divide the fleet one will go to Neu Danzig and the other to the king's landing where the goods will be sold or prepare them to be transported to other places in the seven kingdoms or essos'' said Johann.

''well, in addition to the expedition we will send a translator that we hired to make the conversations easier and biologists to study the flora and fauna, to know if it is possible for us to replicate conditions and have our own spice plantations here through the use of greenhouses.

Yes, my king, I will carry out my orders and make sure your will is done'' said Johann very excited.

''well I like your attitude, you may retire so get ready soon you will sail south, Friedrich, please stay, I need to talk to you'' I said looking at the two officers.

Johann upon hearing my words bowed and withdrew.

''What does my king need?'' asked Friedrich von Roon.

''what a man you found how old is he, he still acts like a teenager searching for glory and prestige'' I said laughing

''Johann is 62 years old, he is just very excited about this mission, he was always one of the officers that requested your father to build a fleet, since he was young, he always wanted to be a sailor, but as he was a noble he was forced to military service, so you have fulfilled his dream, he has become the admiral of one of the biggest fleets of the seven kingdoms and in the future the biggest one'' said Friedrich while smiling.

''I see, I hope his excitement will not jeopardize our expedition, one storm, one pirate ambush and our dreams would go to the ground'' I said seriously.

''I understand my king, is there anything else you wish to discuss?,'' Friedrich asked as he moved his lips from side to side.

''I have consulted with Aleksanteri about our internal politics and I have decided that I should at least have a betrothal by now, he gave me the idea that Mace Tyrell's daughter is a good choice, but this time I would not like to call the Tyrells, if I let them know that I am the one interested in this engagement they might ask for concessions for being superior at the negotiating table I learned so hard with Lord Tarly because inviting him without a reason made him realize why I wanted him in my castle,'' I said scratching my head.

''The Tyrells?, but they have nothing to offer, since I expelled them from their castle they have nothing, no gold, no soldiers or knights, they live next to the Hightowers begging their crumbs for the marriage that unites them, besides you know perfectly well that those women tend to manipulate with their politics and intrigue, you would be exposing yourself to an unnecessary risk'' Friedrich von Roon said annoyed.

''I know I am not the brightest when it comes to politics and intrigue, but to be manipulated and have my actions controlled, that is something very drastic, well, leaving that aside who are you proposing'' I said looking him in the eye.

''no, my king would not say such a thing, but never forget that that rose you bring has thorns and in a mistake you could cut yourself, well let me check'' said Friedrich, while he took out a book and read it.

''well we have the martell option, arianne martell she is her father's heir, if you marry her Dorne would be under our command'' said Friedrich looking me in the eyes with a smile.

''good option, but we depend on totally the first born is male because if we have a female and a male the territories could be separated by the laws of inheritance so the attempt to centralize 2 powerful regions would end in that only the Hohenzollern dynasty would expand and then in the next generation change the ruling house with the same plan that you present, we depend too much on probability I don't like that I want to be able to foresee the future, without considering that they have Rhaegar's children alive if I consolidate this marriage I would be forcing myself to support the Targaryen claim to the throne, and you know how mad the Targaryen get when they have power, much better Robert's rule than another dragon gone mad'' I said in reply to Friedrich.

''well, if it's true,mhh the Tarth with their daughter brienne, she is the heir to evenfall, it would be a great acquisition for your rule, a prussian controlled port where we could trade directly with essos and a perfect area for a port for a military fleet'' said Friedrich showing me the island on the map on the table

''I had not considered her, but what guarantees me her father will not have more children, if we are looking for land it is better to look for a childless widow we can control, but for the moment we will go with the tyrell plan, as that is a beautiful part of this, it is betrothal not marriage I can break it up at any time if I see a better match elsewhere'' I said seriously looking at my map of the seven kingdoms

''I see my king, and what do you plan to do to force the tyrell's to offer their daughter?'', asked von Roon''

''well my name day is coming, and I was thinking of having a party, we could invite the nobility of the area and invite my banner men, that way we have an excuse for them to come, the perfect excuse, what could be more important than the name day of their lord'' I said smiling.

''but your name day is 4 moons away, it's a long time away'' said Friedrich raising his eyebrows

''hahaha, well, it's closer than far, but it's better to have an idea of what we are going to do, we can spend a lot of gold if Johann comes back, since the trip should take at most 3 moons ''I said laughing

''who do you want to invite my king, this should be a big party, we should invite all the lords of the kingdom, for this party we can show the muscle of the Prussian army, let them know first hand the walls of Prussia that we have created with our tercios'' said very excited Friedrich von Roon

''well you are not the only one who is excited it all depends on the expedition, if it goes well we can invite everyone, if it goes badly I think we should only invite my banner men'' I said thoughtfully.

''mhh I wonder if getting Robert to leave my castle will be just as difficult as escaping his parties'' I said a little worried.

''Hahaha, let's hope he wants to leave on his own because otherwise he might spend all the profits from the expedition'' Friedrich said laughing.


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